While on the way to Mimiga Village, the Basil segment beyond the Ancient Cave wasn't too bad on difficulty, but it could be rough at times when you have to jump right between two of them with only one square's worth of a safe line & the keyboard being used has an occasional issue with beeping because 3 or more buttons are pressed simultaneously, causing the jump to extend upwards as it doesn't detect letting off the keys in time.
The REAL irritation to deal with was the guards' range of sight in the prison escape sequence. They can see Curly before they she even sees them, even if she creeps up to them as slow as possible. Add to the fact that they're in a DARK CAVE, that's not very fair, even if the Mimiga's senses are that strong (As opposed to Metal Gear Story's theory on their sight radius, but that's not the point of focus here...). Other than that, the whole instant death upon being detected was rather harsh (Especially for a fan of Curly to make such a scene on a mod focused on her, heh heh), but since there's a save point in the cell, I guess that's not too much of a problem overall... If any changes must be made, however, perhaps they could return her to the cell the 1st time she's detected, then on the 2nd detection they kill her.
Then there was Grass Hills (Is GH an optional area? Arthur hinted at it being optional, but it's probably not.), which, when I attempted the fortress part, had me saying, "Oh come on! This place isn't THAT hard!", then when I encountered the Mimigas who put up the forcefield, I uttered a set of lines from Merry Gear Solid- "Are you kidding me? Now I have to do it BACKWARDS?!", which turned out to be a bit humerous to lighten the otherwise slightly tense mood I was in. The path of fans were not too rough (Only because of me playing the BoostMania mods before), but the instant deathspikes below the 4th fan boost jump (Which were also passed over as play went back & forth) can be a rather nasty surprise, especially when you don't even notice them in the gaps below, as well as the ones to the right of Power Terminal 2 (As if the skulls above those spikes are enough of a warning when the skulls are used on the Fortress entrances, too). Finally, after a relatively easy boss (And noticing the new Angry Curly facepic before that), the forcefield was down & the area was cleared not too long after that.
Next came Chapter 3, which was a much needed breather, compared to the last chapter. The dialogue lines of the Korons/Colons that were playing poker are greatly enjoyable. On the way to Omega, the use of standing on the Sandcroc to make it past those spikes on the way there was pretty clever, and even more so with the unexpected opening of the new area where Omega is normally fought. Only the falling block parts gave me a bit of trouble overall (Blocks ALWAYS seem to get me the most in Cave Story, regardless of whether I'm playing a mod or not)... Surprisingly enough, Omega was a bit easy to bring down, especially since it takes it 3 jump attempts instead of 2 to get loose from the sand & start leaping around. The escape part was quite fun, & the Sandcrocs along the way were a BIG surprise. I think I've reached the end of the mod for now, since I can only get Curly about halfway though the 'quicksand' before running out of air (Even when using jump+damage recoil to reach the ledge to the left of the skull/bird groups, not to mention the storehouse door is missing & the blocks above it can't be reached from ground level.