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Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

Nov 6, 2008 at 7:29 AM
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Nov 12, 2008 at 4:38 PM
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Here's an enemy I made, Jetpack Soldiers. When you kill them they burst into flames. It's an edit of Flying Gaudi I already tested them in game they look pretty good.
Nov 13, 2008 at 4:42 AM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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The flames look weird though.

You may want to study the fire sprites in NpcSym and NpcGuest (Which are unused, unforturnately)
Nov 13, 2008 at 2:19 PM
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Kaeso said:
It's an edit of Flying Gaudi
It looks more like an edit of the robot soldiers to me... :/
Nov 14, 2008 at 11:06 AM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
It looks more like an edit of the robot soldiers to me... :/

*rises after 4 days of not coming on*

What Kaeso meant was that the sprites are made to fit the actions of the Flying Gaudis, and that the sprites themselves are based off the robots found in the laby -_-

And the soldiers look nice and the only thing that looks wrong with it is the flame, because the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the 'flames' was that it was an arm o.o;;
Nov 16, 2008 at 2:32 PM
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Here's an improved version.
Nov 17, 2008 at 7:41 AM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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It does look improved, indeed.
Nov 26, 2008 at 2:42 AM
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Nice Mod looking forward to the next demo.
Dec 1, 2008 at 5:57 PM
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Leix said:
I mean, when Doc got there the ex-crown bearer was already completely rotted!

Maybe the skull was fake? A pedestal thingy?
Dec 3, 2008 at 3:54 AM
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Interesting mod. Not too exciting yet, but it could become so. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to provide some legitimate criticism, though.

Sand zone feels way too empty of life. Obviously the enemies from there in the original game are more than you were planning on for this early, but I think it'd look a lot nicer if you scattered some of the small medusa-enemies throughout it and threw in a couple of those "back and forth between walls" guys who were originally present in egg corridor and the beginning climb of sand zone. Not enough to be a threat, but enough that the level's not empty. Of course, the polar star's only level one at that point, so killing even the baby medusae would take an annoying number of shots unless you gave the player a small box of energy crystals before leaving the house.

The cave's way too big. I wouldn't mind (much) if it were just two or three screens across, but as is it's long and tedious to traverse, with nothing particularly interesting to see either except at the ends. It also isn't all that fun--levels designed like that are fun if you have the fireball, but if you're stuck with the polar star hitting enemies on the ground is annoying. Meanwhile, none of the enemies even make the pretense of trying to hit you or even get in your way except the critters and the gravekeepers, which is kinda ironic since the first boss is fought with considerably less health (and one less weapon) than in the original. I not only could have beaten it without shooting, I WOULD have if I hadn't needed to level up the polar star, not from a challenge standpoint but a "no point" standpoint. Take another look at the original first cave--there's sharp elevation turns coinciding with the bats, such that a straight-line path takes you straight through the MIDDLE of their flight area, rather than the very bottom tip (or under them entirely such that you have to time your jump properly to get close enough to shoot them from below). Didn't make them a threat, but made them feel legitimate by establishing that if you didn't attack and weren't careful, they "could" hit you. Basically, that area could use a remodel to be shorter and better utilize its enemies.

Anyways, if you're gonna make the crowbar into a second knife, I'd suggest reductions in not only range and damage but also rate of fire. Otherwise it'll either still make the early game too easy for those who like the knife or be useless for those who aren't experts with the knife.

edit: PS: I love the flying robot, but doesn't he need a "knocked on his back" sprite for the second inbetween landing and exploding? A fall sprite isn't enough.
Dec 3, 2008 at 2:53 PM
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This demo finishes after one year or there is any update and I played old demo?
Dec 3, 2008 at 4:44 PM
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Brickman said:
Interesting mod. Not too exciting yet, but it could become so. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to provide some legitimate criticism, though.

Sand zone feels way too empty of life. Obviously the enemies from there in the original game are more than you were planning on for this early, but I think it'd look a lot nicer if you scattered some of the small medusa-enemies throughout it and threw in a couple of those "back and forth between walls" guys who were originally present in egg corridor and the beginning climb of sand zone. Not enough to be a threat, but enough that the level's not empty. Of course, the polar star's only level one at that point, so killing even the baby medusae would take an annoying number of shots unless you gave the player a small box of energy crystals before leaving the house.

The cave's way too big. I wouldn't mind (much) if it were just two or three screens across, but as is it's long and tedious to traverse, with nothing particularly interesting to see either except at the ends. It also isn't all that fun--levels designed like that are fun if you have the fireball, but if you're stuck with the polar star hitting enemies on the ground is annoying. Meanwhile, none of the enemies even make the pretense of trying to hit you or even get in your way except the critters and the gravekeepers, which is kinda ironic since the first boss is fought with considerably less health (and one less weapon) than in the original. I not only could have beaten it without shooting, I WOULD have if I hadn't needed to level up the polar star, not from a challenge standpoint but a "no point" standpoint. Take another look at the original first cave--there's sharp elevation turns coinciding with the bats, such that a straight-line path takes you straight through the MIDDLE of their flight area, rather than the very bottom tip (or under them entirely such that you have to time your jump properly to get close enough to shoot them from below). Didn't make them a threat, but made them feel legitimate by establishing that if you didn't attack and weren't careful, they "could" hit you. Basically, that area could use a remodel to be shorter and better utilize its enemies.

Anyways, if you're gonna make the crowbar into a second knife, I'd suggest reductions in not only range and damage but also rate of fire. Otherwise it'll either still make the early game too easy for those who like the knife or be useless for those who aren't experts with the knife.

edit: PS: I love the flying robot, but doesn't he need a "knocked on his back" sprite for the second inbetween landing and exploding? A fall sprite isn't enough.

(In paragraph order)
Sand Zone becomes more populated as the story progresses.

It's meant to be easy but by the 2nd chapter I've added something in to make it a bit harder, and maybe less tedious.

I'm not making a crowbar weapon sorry if that disappoints anyone.

The way I have it now the robot looks like he is frantically running in circles upon landing on the ground until it explodes.

I'd like peoples opinions on two backgrounds I made. They are supposed to be the background of a "high-tech" tower.

Which one is better? Or are they both eye-cancer inducing crap?
Dec 3, 2008 at 5:06 PM
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First one looks better, the second one is lowclear. And could you answer my question? :eek:
Dec 3, 2008 at 6:45 PM
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There's only been one demo so far, and it take a while for the next one I haven't been working on it much lately.
Dec 4, 2008 at 1:18 AM
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I still think it's a bad idea to have Sand Zone be completely devoid of life, even at the beginning; I'm talking more about movement than enemies. Also, I still think that the cave ought to be shorter, and that a few more sharp turns in elevation and a few less slopes would better utilize the bats and make the critters less annoying.

As for the backgrounds, I like the wallpaper of the second one (though it seems to be graphics from the core area looped with themselves, they do look good together and obviously fit with the game's art style). The first looks like it was done in ms paint, especially the lightning bolts and the rows of lights, though I like the "lots of doors" idea. The walls themselves, though, don't look good next to either background. Try using other walls.
Dec 4, 2008 at 4:56 AM
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Wahh. I wish I could try it, but since I'm using a public computer and I forgot my flashdrive so I can't. D':
Dec 4, 2008 at 6:40 AM
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I thought that the cave was a little tedious, but other than the old lady shooting lightning bolts, it looked good.
Dec 4, 2008 at 9:55 AM
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What's wrong with Jenka shooting lightning bolts? She's probably capable of a lot more she did defeat and imprison Ballos?
Dec 9, 2008 at 8:16 PM
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A new enemy I made; the Plasma Pod. It's an edit of Buyo Buyo base and the projectiles are of course Buyo Buyos. The second screen is a dead one.
Dec 9, 2008 at 8:53 PM
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The colors on both are pretty ugly. Try experimenting with them until they look more natural.