Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

Oct 11, 2009 at 8:26 PM
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To be honest, I'm not so sure about CS Wii anymore. The downloadable content is look pretty dreary, and the game's graphics have gotten really kiddy. Now people are probably going to skip over just based on "oh, that looks stupid." And they'd be right. Not to mention the fact that the accidentally the script's localization, and I'm not sure if they realize it.

It doesn't look great, it doesn't sound great. In retrospect, why did they try to improve on perfection in the first place? It's like a giant fanservice gone horribly awry.
Oct 11, 2009 at 11:17 PM
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I am disappoint.

I'll probably still try it anyway though.

But if they screw with Misery's dialogue anymore, I swear...
Oct 11, 2009 at 11:37 PM
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Oh my!@#$ing god.

Oh my god seriously

The music. SO BAD holy !@#$ing %^&* this is terrible. Like seriously I don't know who decided that it was a good idea to make it like that but holy %^&* it's so bad.....Whoever it was has no musical sense whatsoever. Wow...I'm seriously speachless. It's...SO BAD.

They seriously should have just ported it directly to wiiware. I bet it would've had the same reception if not even better.
Oct 12, 2009 at 9:57 AM
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I don't see what your crying about. If you don't like the new music turn on the old music.
Oct 12, 2009 at 10:05 AM
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I guess "his" crying about how increasing the sound quality should make the music better. Which, of course, didn't happen here. And that's terrible.
Oct 12, 2009 at 10:34 AM
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I would be pissed if someone took something I worked hard on and made it something worse and less appealing. I also didn't think it was possible to make it this bad. I knew it was going to be different and probably not what I wanted (MIDI, whatever) but this is just horrid IMO.

But that's just me, I'm sure Pixel is too modest and nice to say anything negative about the project and is just happy to recieve the attention for his game.

Most people who have never played Cave Story before are going to be playing the new and supposidly improved version if it, and if they at first don't enjoy that, what makes you think they're going to try what is called the downgraded version of it? That's my biggest concern with the wiiware release.

EDIT- Also did no one notice they changed some of the song for Eyes of Flame in the video that dqle posted? The rhythm is off on parts of it.

In other news, 1UP had a preview of Cave Story for WiiWare today/yesterday. Kinda surprised nobody found this one yet.

Ugh man the more I listen to the music that's gonna be on the wiiware version the more I cringe at the thought....

Seriously if you haven't, buy some good headphones(not talking 10 dollar walmart headphones) and listen to the entire original soundtrack and listen to all the details of the music. Then try to listen to what they call music in the wiiware version and I challenge you tell me it's not horrible.

edit2- In further watching of that video, I just noticed that the fireball doesn't make a sound that even resembles a flame sound. It sounds more like a bubble. Cave Story what are they doing to you, my love?
Oct 12, 2009 at 11:05 PM
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Fire1052 said:
To be honest, I'm not so sure about CS Wii anymore. The downloadable content is look pretty dreary, and the game's graphics have gotten really kiddy.

Kiddy is never a good reason to discard something and people who scoffed at, say, Super Mario Galaxy for this reason are missing out for a dumb attempt at appearing mature. C.S. Lewis said something fantastic on this subject, but I don't want to go on a rant.

It doesn't look great, it doesn't sound great. In retrospect, why did they try to improve on perfection in the first place? It's like a giant fanservice gone horribly awry.

Now this I agree with. I shudder to think how they ruined Oppression; at best they could only have hoped to match it, and I know the best case isn't happening. Momorin will probably lose her MILF qualities (although I seem to be the only one who thought she had them to begin with), and that's actually worse because they said Pixel's doing all the character redesigns. Pixel how could you :'(
Oct 12, 2009 at 11:47 PM
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Midi's are just horrible in their entirity. USE PEOPLE, DAMMIT.
Oct 12, 2009 at 11:55 PM
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Momorin will probably lose her MILF qualities ... Pixel how could you.
I bet he found these forums. :)
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:16 AM
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Do not do as chaddykins suggest, for I have a decent pair of stereo headphones and got a massive headache as a result of listening to the "new" egg corridor music.

Really, why did they change what was already awesome?

They broke the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule.

Mostly I'd play it just to see the difference in the framerate.
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:25 AM
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Cyowolf1122 said:
Mostly I'd play it just to see the difference in the framerate.

I'm playing for the updated gfx, the Downloadable content (chicken suit FTW O: ) and the new music (excluding the eggcorridor, not all of it sounds that bad (eyes of flame did seem a bit skippy though, hopefully that was just an issue with the older build) ).

I also want to see what the "official translation" looks like (but if it's as bad as the misery scene with omega, then idk :S ).

Oh and I want to support pixel too, if any part of this will go back to pixel (if he recieves royalties).
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:29 AM
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Wait a second, there really is a chicken suit? That wasn't a random statement from some dood two pages ago?

Quote Hatcher and the Giant Egg for the win!

All right, maybe it's worth a chance. I'm gonna be pissed if they ruin Oppression, though.
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:46 AM
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Live with it

Yeah, we don't like the music, but that doesn't ruin the entire game.
We can simply switch to the old stuff and enjoy everything else.
It's worth a chance, trust me. :)
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:48 AM
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I just don't understand how they can pass this off as upgraded music and not realize how terrible it is. It baffles me.
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:51 AM
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I realized that when they f***** up some of my favorite games...

Take Sonic for example, the old ones kicked ass, but the new ones suck.

And for the Cave Sory wiiware, I'll be playing retro, I'm not touching the new crap they tried to replace it with.
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:52 AM
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Notice how I tried to be politically correct by saying "We don't like the music."
Sure, I bet some people will like this new stuff. Probably Nicalis himself, it's mostly a matter of opinion.
But we gotta give them props for allowing us to stick to our old favorites. They didn't just shove this new stuff on us and tell us to like it or gtfo. :)
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:53 AM
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Chaddykins said:
I just don't understand how they can pass this off as upgraded music and not realize how terrible it is. It baffles me.

The new music isn't THAT BAD (except for egg corridor, which is worse). Eyes of flame sounded like it skipped a bit, but other than that it sounded okay. Same for sandzone/main artery. I liked those other pieces.
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:55 AM
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True, true, and I am grateful that they gave us that option.

They have their moments.

I'm curious to see how well it will do and exactly how many members will join after playing it.
Oct 13, 2009 at 12:56 AM
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Well, I must admit, I did like Living Waterway. Maybe they won't screw up Oppression.

Has Oppression been released to the public ears yet?
Oct 13, 2009 at 1:00 AM
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Far as we know they haven't yet. Am I going to be able to play it in 50fps still as well? So far they haven't shown us that this is true at all, so I won't believe it just yet.

All of my friends, even those who haven't played Cave Story much, are very quick to notice that the music is taking a horrible turn for the worse.

But yeah whatever it's not going to change anything, and I don't really think Nicalis himself cares, he's going to make money. That's what this is all about in the first place is them making money, why would they care if they butcher the entire soundtrack for the game as long as people buy it? They don't really care about the fans. Pixel may, but I doubt anyone who's actually working for the wiiware release does.

@Cyo-'re defintally right about listening to Egg Corridor with good headphones...I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It's pure torture.

@GIR- It is that bad to me. Listen to the original closely and notice all the details of the music, everything about it.