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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Feb 17, 2008 at 5:57 PM
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Ok can someboby PLEASE tell me how to leave the Sand Zone after getting the Booster. Also explain it so I can understand. The other guy was good(Got me to the booster) But I didn't get the part about how to leave.
Feb 17, 2008 at 6:35 PM
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atl5607 said:
Ok can someboby PLEASE tell me how to leave the Sand Zone after getting the Booster. Also explain it so I can understand. The other guy was good(Got me to the booster) But I didn't get the part about how to leave.
You have to do the teleporter trick thrice. Each time, two of them are to be made to set against each other. And yea, different combinations lead to different destinations.
Feb 17, 2008 at 7:33 PM
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Follow these steps to get through sandzone. The part on each step marked with a * indicates what you are doing to make the next step possible.

Step 1:
Set mimiga and gaudi to teleport to each other.
Teleport from red flower to somewhere new.
*Get booster.

Step 2:
Set mimiga and red flower to teleport to each other.
Teleport from gaudi to somewhere new.
*Get the curse lifted from the sunstone.

Step 3:
Set red flower and gaudi to teleport to each other.
Teleport from mimiga to somewhere new.
Feb 17, 2008 at 8:49 PM
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Can someone explain how to deactivate the fans to reach that treasure chest after the pooh black battle? I already got the life container using the invisble plaforms.

:Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out.
Feb 18, 2008 at 12:14 AM
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It's kind of hard to explain.
Before you activate the last collumn of fans in grasstown jump over to where that other terminal is that deactivates the fan on the far right but instead of jumping down to where the terminal is go to your left to where there's a solitary block with a couple of bats flying just to the left of it. Now jump straight up and at the peak of your jump move over a little bit. You should land on the first invisible platform. Repeat until you get to the life container.
Feb 18, 2008 at 1:03 AM
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Ok thanks guys. I'm stuck on getting the critter juice juice now. I read some posts and they say to go to a looping room is it Labryith B. If it is the person also says to go through the door in order. Can someone please post the order.

Feb 18, 2008 at 2:23 AM
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
how clear sand zone? it hard
Feb 18, 2008 at 4:11 AM
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koopagoon said:
how clear sand zone? it hard
SeriousFace said:
Step 1:
Set mimiga and gaudi to teleport to each other.
Teleport from red flower to somewhere new.
*Get booster.

Step 2:
Set mimiga and red flower to teleport to each other.
Teleport from gaudi to somewhere new.
*Get the curse lifted from the sunstone.

Step 3:
Set red flower and gaudi to teleport to each other.
Teleport from mimiga to somewhere new.
Mimiga, Gaudi, and Red Flower represent the messages on the signs by the teleporters, by the way.

Hope this helps, koopagoon.
Feb 18, 2008 at 2:46 PM
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Can someone explain how to get that life container in the Sand Zone? The one underneath where you get the missile launcher. I'm trying to get everything on my way through so that the Gaud-skateers are somewhat more manageable.
Feb 18, 2008 at 11:35 PM
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I highly doubt it's possible...

Wanderer said:
Can someone explain how to get that life container in the Sand Zone? The one underneath where you get the missile launcher. I'm trying to get everything on my way through so that the Gaud-skateers are somewhat more manageable.
I don't know how to get to this one up here (This is the one you're referring to, right?) and I don't think this one can be retrieved until somebody figures out how to get past the forcefields blocking the path to what I believe is Jenka's House... I appologize if this wasn't much help... I've even searched all of the walls/floors/ceilings that are possible to get to... Even in the instant death spikes, too (Invincibility from taking damage helps a lot sometimes)!

As for the Gaudska-teers, have you found the Blade in the alternate exit from Genesis: Sky? This can mow them down quickly required you hit the right one at the right time (Only one actually takes damage at one time, so it can be very frustrating at first...).
Feb 19, 2008 at 4:09 AM
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For the one in the picture...
From above. There's an instant-death spike in the way. You've gotta get hit by an enemy, then rush in there real quickly. Getting out, notice those spikes on the ceiling of that mini-tunnel in the upper-left corner. Hit those, then rush past the death spikes again.
Feb 19, 2008 at 4:36 AM
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Yes, that's the one I was reffering to. Thanks a bunch both of you guys but I actually already beat them. I didn't even need to use my life pot to win. I had the knife but it came REALLY close. When I killed the third one I only had 1HP left. I somehow managed to dodge everything it threw at me and killed the last one just before I was about to get hit by one of those ball things.
Feb 19, 2008 at 5:18 AM
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I must've been searching in the wrong deathtrap spike pit, then. Okay, I found it. I appreciate the help, True Hitoare, and a big appology to Wanderer for the false information I gave out earlier. I'm glad we could help you out, however.

Now all that's left for me is how to get by the keycard locked doorway in one of the Labyrinth areas... I've already found the Critter Juice after several attempts, but I cannot get past where I think the Pulse Core could be... I've already got the Autocharger (Grasstown, Power room) and Focusing Lens (Genesis: Earth, in a building near where Balrog is stuck in the sand), and the final piece is still missing... The Controller from the Chimney only gave me a Super Missile Launcher with unlimited ammo, so that wasn't it... Egg Corridor leads nowhere, and Oblivion: Erosion doesn't have any shortcuts to there, either...
Feb 19, 2008 at 6:51 PM
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I'm pretty sure you're at the end of the current version. I don't think he's programmed where that locked door leads yet or where the pulse core is.

If you go back to first cave where you got the polar star there will be a sign that says: Things got wierd. Went looking for the last part. Be back soon.

I know Schmitz is on vacation right now but does anyone know how close he is to completing this?
Mar 2, 2008 at 8:46 PM
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Well, I was playing this mod and got to say, very impressive, even though I'm only just got past the Monster X..
But anyway.. I noticed something bit anoying, not a big deal though but it would look better if this base monster would be bit more central under the block (its in the area before the water jump) it looks bit akward as its about half out.

Also about the Monster X.. I dont personaly like how his sprite looks to the screen when he is next to his machine so.. I made you this;

You can use it if you want to. <<
Mar 2, 2008 at 9:32 PM
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Shouldn't it be, like, four times the size?
Mar 3, 2008 at 2:44 AM
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So proud of myself XD I just beat the Gauditeers (sp?) after being stuck on them for a few days. It's probably because I never found the blade, but it took a really long time. One thing you should fix. On the treasure chest that you open to get fight them, you can open it twice. The event will trigger itself again, while the gaudis are still moving. It just messing everything up, and it killed me once when I was close to winning.
Mar 4, 2008 at 10:45 AM
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You joined. =D

Ohgawd, you just saw me, you are gonna leave aren't you? D:
Mar 5, 2008 at 3:30 PM
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So... A bit of lazyness on my part I guess but... (instead of searching the topic...) I want to know how far this has progressed since I last played...

Last I played, an "Oblivion" area was accessible but nothing in it worked properly, and it led to a bunch of NOT eddited areas as well as a strange "Sisters" room. It was after beating genesis, going through the graveyard of fungus that are amung us, Found Balrog... Has it been updated since? IF so, is there a way for me to keep the save data I had from before?

Cause I remember this mod being VERY good and feeling quite similar to the original as well.