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Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

Mar 28, 2008 at 12:00 PM
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I finished the mod up to the completed plot, and thought it was real hard in average, but probably lacking the "Hell factor". Still, this mod could be said to be a masterpiece as the plots and maps and such are greatly organised, that gave me an idea- that Shmitz is Pixel.

Btw, I think I found a lipstick in the mod the first time I play, then when I restarted the game(as I passed through Gen:sky w/o the Blade and thinking I'm stuck in laby) I couldn't get to find it. I thought the lipstick was Hasumi's(the nurse in Grassland) but I still couldn't obtain it(by trying to sleep with her a few times just like with Chaco in the original game)
Apr 9, 2008 at 1:09 AM
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i cant get by genisis:light i got to the last save point where the jumping skeleton is but i cant go anywhere
Apr 9, 2008 at 5:39 AM
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The last save point has like.... a door right next to it.....enter that.

I'm not even gonna bother puttin that in a spoiler box
Apr 11, 2008 at 2:55 AM
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Hi guys, newcomer in the area. Like many of you, I've been lured to this board because of my fandom towards Pixel's masterpiece of a game. But that chat's for another time.

Only recently (...actually, yesterday. XD) I've heard, and downloaded Jenka's Nightmare. Hafta tell you guys, when I hear "mod" I usually expect some stuff different from the original content, but that's the first time I saw a mod changing the whole game!

Then again, I've heard it's unfinished, for past 2 years... Will the programmer continue this work? Or that's all what we'll have?
Apr 11, 2008 at 6:53 AM
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It is most likely going to be finished eventually, it is really more a question of when than anything, but I'd say it should be finished sometime in 2009 AT THE LATEST.

Not to put any pressure on anyone or anything >_>;
Apr 11, 2008 at 3:50 PM
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Right now I'm having trouble to get this heart container...

Wanderer said:
Before you activate the last column of fans in grasstown jump over to where that other terminal is that deactivates the fan on the far right but instead of jumping down to where the terminal is go to your left to where there's a solitary block with a couple of bats flying just to the left of it. Now jump straight up and at the peak of your jump move over a little bit. You should land on the first invisible platform. Repeat until you get to the life container.

That would be the spot, right?


It's just, I'm not finding any way to reach that block. Anyone would explain it a lil' better?
Apr 11, 2008 at 10:27 PM
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I got a fair way into the game before realizing I didn't have the blade. I started another file so I could get it this time around, and I made it to the end of Genesis: Sky before realizing I had no idea where it was.

I looked through the rest of this topic trying to see if anyone had mentioned the location, but I didn't see anything obvious enough to let me know where it was. Could someone please help me out?
Apr 12, 2008 at 2:32 AM
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Nemo said:
I got a fair way into the game before realizing I didn't have the blade. I started another file so I could get it this time around, and I made it to the end of Genesis: Sky before realizing I had no idea where it was.

I looked through the rest of this topic trying to see if anyone had mentioned the location, but I didn't see anything obvious enough to let me know where it was. Could someone please help me out?

Well nobody said it explicitly so far... Wasted me a good time to discover too... :D

Let us say you don't have to guess where to jump, but where to "see".

See that mimiga statue isolated in a tiny floating block with a clock mark and a blue cube? Hmm?

From there it's up to you.
Apr 12, 2008 at 3:06 AM
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Billy MT said:
Well nobody said it explicitly so far... Wasted me a good time to discover too... :D

Let us say you don't have to guess where to jump, but where to "see".

See that mimiga statue isolated in a tiny floating block with a clock mark and a blue cube? Hmm?

From there it's up to you.
Well, I kind of get that, but there's nowhere to go past the moving platforms. At least not without dying
Apr 12, 2008 at 3:21 AM
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Check the statue (press down), and a walkway will appear. Follow it, then jump in the moving block. Jumnp back into the statue, and wait for the block to hit a wall and come back. Ride it now, and dodge a plataform that'll appear when you get close to the new doorway
Apr 12, 2008 at 5:42 AM
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I'll admit it took me a while to learn how to get past that part to the sword too.
not that long but it did make me think.
Apr 12, 2008 at 8:59 AM
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Apr 12, 2008 at 4:06 PM
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Well I guess most of the bugs are shot down in the game, but it could have one thing or two to add a bit more of flavor. Here's what I thought that could improve:

- rewrite the critter file, so you pass straight through it instead of using it as a plataform. Only to erase the possibility to fight the Gaudska-Teers earlier.

- either the above, or setting a flag to make the chest in Revolutionarium appear when you talk to Chaba about the Fuel Cell. Or maybe add a block or two in the exit's way, since... you would have the Booster 0.6, and you would trespass those blocks easily when you are intended to search for the Fuel Cell.

- putting some sayings in the mimiga statues located at the start of Genesis Sky, just as a hint that you can do it further on (heard there were a poem hinting that the door on Genesis' end wasn't the only one, but I never found that... It got dummied or something?)

- putting some more mimigas in Mimiga Town and Grasstown... Picking the sum of mimigas that weren't turned into Frenzies in the original... it feels the island is mighty empty. Or maybe inserting a reason why of the sudden population drop, maybe?

- rewritting some dialog lines. While they make perfect sense to the player, some characters that never crossed ways in the game suddenly know each other. It just stricken me as odd. Of course there could have off-game encounters and the such, but leaving in-game hints that stuff like that happened could add a little more flavor to the plot.

- talking about dialogs, maybe inserting a reason why half of the Gaudis are pacific, and the other half shoots on sight. Chaba mentioned something about politics that could hint the player about that, but it have a feeling that the matter is left in the void...

- also, adding something else hinting that Misery and Balrog aren't known as the wicked fiends they was when under the crown's control, by the mimigas and the gaudis. Some of the pacific gaudis mention that Misery allied with Prof. Booster and are making negotiations between the islands' inhabitants, but right at the beginning, a mimiga girl gets creeped out hearing about Balrog... Meaning, one thing contradicts the other, right?

True Hitoare said:
See that fan blowing sideways that you used to get to where you are now?
Don't turn that on.
XP Dang, took me a while to learn the last column fan can shoot you upwards..
Apr 15, 2008 at 3:57 PM
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Sorry for the double post, but I believe I've reached the end of the game by now. Because... I'm completely clueless about where I should go. Waterway goes back to Genesis Water (which I've accessed through Genesis Spirit... What's the point of having two different ways going to the same point, since both got nothing at all?), Egg Corridor is blocked, and I haven't found neither the ID Card to unlock that door at the Labyrinth, or that infinite rocket launcher upgrade.
Apr 15, 2008 at 4:33 PM
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Infinite Rocket Launcher? There's your answer:
Go to Chimney. Go up (some posts before is writed how to this). Then fall on second "hole". On end there will be Life Capsule and... Yeah, Controller. I don't know, how to back from this point, so I've used there trainer... Then go to Gunsmith.
I think you're understand me... If you see, I'm don't good in english... Hmm... Maybe I put this on my signature? :p
Apr 15, 2008 at 11:21 PM
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To go up the chimney you need to use the lv 3 machine gun and shoot down and you will begin to shoot upwards. You need to be able to time it to where if you need a rest stop you change weapons and get hit by the spike that hits you and not kills you and then change back to machine gun and float in place right above the spike a bit so it can reload. Another method is only using the machine gun and when you begin to get into the 20's tap the booster to where you hover slightly up while not using the gun so it can reload then when you can't fly anymore start shooting again. Also It's a better method to click with the machine gun constantly instead of holding it to move up slower but save ammo so you can go higher, slower, and you need to remember patience is the key to getting past this. Also when you get the missile upgrade, the controller, stay down there and jump up a bit and maybe some of the evil angel asses will follow you down so you can kill them. You take the controller you get and talk to the gun smith. I don't know if he only does it with super missiles though since I had super missiles when I did it.

Infinite missile upgrade spoiler, how I did it.
Apr 19, 2008 at 5:55 PM
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i am totally lost in the sand zone.

the game is sweet though. i like the way you used the existing tile sets differently to add lots of texture to the look. the level design is very impressive.
Apr 19, 2008 at 8:28 PM
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Just think.
First: switch Gaudi and Mimiga to each other with puppies. Then go to Red Flowers and get Booster 0.8.
Second: switch Red Flowers and Mimiga to each other. Go to Gaudi and go to Misery's Abode.
After that switch Red Flowers and Gaudi to each other and go to Mimiga.
Apr 27, 2008 at 5:54 AM
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Where are the mods!!??!!! DESTROY!!!!!
Apr 27, 2008 at 10:05 AM
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