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  • Do you think you could send me the fixed PSP version of Rave Story? Being stuck due to an uncontrollable game breaking bug in a great mod is kinda a bummer...
    Uh... How do I PM here? I've done a stupid and I put the wrong birthdate.
    It isn't immediately available for new members. I'll send you one.
    I'm not familiar with how to use the forum here but I don't think I'm able to send you a PM. I did send you an email with my info but I need to add some other info first and a PM would probably work best to discuss stuff. Thank you
    I have reached the point where someone spelling the word "breathe" or "you're" correctly on the internet feels out of place.
    your not breathing correctly
    How is austria - wait, I mean - australia?
    I would agree with you @andwhyisit , I feel the forums has gotten much better, I do feel there are some very political members here and personally I feel uncomfortable around those kinds of people. But I feel it's still a great community to be in.
    haha whats australia
    although it is impressive how long its lasted
    S. P. Gardebiter
    S. P. Gardebiter
    Actually I do not find it suprising at all. It is a pattern you can observe everywhere. Look at StarCraft, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, WarCraft 3, etc., these games all have their die hard fanbases even still today and what they all have in common is not only that they are decent games but they also have an active modding community. Providing the users with tools to create their own content helps with the longevity of a game immensely.
    Just watched Chaos Dragon and I thought it was a fairly good anime. Look on the internet and apparently it is the worst anime ever and was completely incoherent. Did the rest of the internet watch a different anime from me?
    Never forget that opinions can differ: even very bad things can still be liked by a few people.
    But it's not one of those "so bad its good" things. I mean it isn't a be all and end all anime, but it was good enough that I binge watched the whole thing in one sitting, but people were acting like making it even halfway through the thing is an exercise in masochism.

    From what I can tell a portion of it seems to be an assorted mix of either misplaced hype (because of the names involved in making it), poor adaptation from the source material ("they changed it, now it sucks"), or the inability to rub two plot threads together.
    And before you ask if this is some april fools joke, it is the 2nd of April over here.
    For neatness reasons I would say either "no" or "in another link/dropdown/whatever".

    On mobile and I don't think one should have more than the 3 stacked on top of each other, takes a lil to scroll down.

    But hey, thanks for doing this! This type of reference doesn't exist online as far as I'm aware so it's real neat.
    Seconded, this is really neat!
    Pixel hosts the pxtone code online so it might be worth rehosting or linking to on either the Music Tools page or the pxtone Collage page under Pixels' Works. I'm not sure if it's the full pxtone Collage suite or just a basic pxtone library though.
    I think it is the source code for the pxtone dll.
    Thanks for letting me know btw.
    No problem. I should also mention this GItHub repo, which is how I initially found the source. It's a pxtone player for Linux and Mac
    See ya guys later. I'm off to Japan for eight days.
    I'm back guys.

    @ColdCallerLoopy: I actually stayed in Hakuba in the Nagano prefecture. Pixel on the other hand lives in the Kyoto prefecture. I had pretty much zero chance of meeting him. Even when I went to Tokyo two years ago the chances were nearly as remote because he doesn't actually live there or anywhere near there.

    Plus you have no idea how fucking huge Tokyo really is. I couldn't see an end to the city from my plane at altitude.

    @Xemous: I have been to Tokyo once and Hakuba twice and I have never observed this.
    @andwhyisit Ah, makes sense, still gotta be cool to be in Japan even for a little bit, and how was Hakuba.
    nice pm that i'm just not allowed to respond to i guess :V
    The current system doesn't allow for specified message notifications, you either have to PM someone or they get the default/nothing

    I rarely even bother because it would just fill up my message box
    oh that's an automatic thing? that's kind of weird but ok
    andwhyisit that my age is showing even though my settings say it should be otherwiseee
    Can confirm it isn't showing up.
    Or at least not for me.
    Oh lol alright. Tys!
    Sorry guys. I upgraded php on the server, since we were four major versions behind, and everything went to hell. Hopefully everything is fixed by this point. I thought it was fixed earlier, but it was 2am at the time and I needed to sleep.
    Yay admins!
    Oh I thought it was only broken at my end because my internet connection messes up all the time. I guess I didn't notice all the profile posts about it.
    It's good to hear that you aren't pushing yourself.
    And don't worry, it can happen, and it at least means something happens every once in a while.
    Tfw you discover major game breaking bugs early on in a mod you ported and no-one else noticed them because they never played the port. *sigh*
    Would you mind changing my username to "TheCyberSleuth"? I am completely aware my login username will also be changed. I am a bit sick of "TheVirtualBoy" and want it changed. Thanks.
    Thanks for the name change! ^_^
    Done. Although I must question the longevity of your choice in name when it is based on a current fad. Please remember that a username needs to be treated as a long term thing.
    I know. I went into a lot of thought about this. I've been thinking about changing my username since 2015. After some thought, I've decided I'd probably still like this name several years from now. I mean, I stuck with "TheVirtualBoy" for 3 years, so even if I don't like this name, I'll keep it anyways because I know (by "know" I mean think) it's better than that. Thanks again for changing it.
    Can you change my name to "FDeityLink" (so no underscores)?
    I use my email to login anyway so I'm not worried about the username change.
    Thanks :)
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