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  • I'm fishing out my PSP and have remembered just how awesome it was and still is. I might start porting mods again. Anyone interested?
    Hello - I just stumbled upon this forum today because I was looking for a physical release of the Cave Story sound track. I LOVE this game. I was then directed to you bc you put out the vinyl edition, and I am curious if that is still available at all? Was there ever a cassette release? That would be very cool. Thank you! Ely
    It is still available. Hold on, I'll send you a PM.
    I have two leftover copies of the CS soundtrack vinyl because Kaze377 hasn't replied to any of my messages for the last month or so. Anyone want one?
    I'll take it!
    how many copies total did you order?
    @BLink: Eight.

    I ordered 6 for everyone involved (including myself) and 2 as a buffer in case someone wanted one at the last minute. That did actually happen with rixis19 wanting to get one after the order was made, so only 1 was leftover by that point.

    But Kaze377 stopped coming to the forums two weeks before the vinyls arrived. I tried by PM, VM, email, even by messaging him on his soundcloud. For a month I got nothing. Then I noticed activity on his soundcloud account since I sent the message, and still no reply. I don't think I've done anything to offend him so I'm not sure why he would do this. Then again maybe its not deliberate and my messages simply got lost in the mail multiple times? To be honest I don't understand the circumstances behind it and I've stopped trying to. The last message I sent pretty much stated that his vinyl would go to the next guy. I have yet to receive a reply to that one either.

    And then there were 2 again.
    I just wasted a day-and-a-half trying (and succeeding) to make the tribute site work properly with an ancient browser called Amaya just for the stupid reason that happens to share the same name as Pixel. I've been experimenting with making this work for years and finally figured out how to do it. #lifegoals
    good job man
    Nice work!
    Excellent work, my liege! In the halcyon age you have instigated for our fellowship, our lord and savior may look upon our works in a vehicle fitting for his noble ancestry. Hark! The universe smiles upon us once more.
    Anyone know know the exact conditions for Behemoth (elephant in egg corridor) to go into enraged mode? I thought it was just shooting him twice in a row, but that only seems to be working half of the time.
    specifically, Behemoth has 3 states - walk, flinch, and enraged. In state 0, on each frame it checks for the damageNumberTimer, and if it's non-zero it enters state 1. It then waits for 40 frames and checks again if its damageNumberTimer is non-zero, and if so it enters enraged mode.

    When you shoot an NPC this timer is set to 16 and decreases once per frame. When it hits zero, a damage number is created from the sum of all damage dealt in that time period. Shooting the enemy again resets this timer, i'm *pretty* sure.
    So, in order to enrage it, you need to hit it once, then hit it once again within the last 16 frames of its flinch state. Or if you prefer, anywhere from 25 to 40 frames after the first hit.
    Thanks. I appreciate it.
    Hey, so upon looking at the downloads on the site (I'm getting a PocketCHIP soon so I've been looking into the RasPi build of NXEngine) I noticed that under the "Cave Story Deluxe" section that it states that there's no Mac Installer and such. I know it's an old bundle and not that many people are going to even notice it (like how I'm a mac user and CS fan for 4+ years and I never noticed it) but... If it's still in interest I can totally build a .pkg or .dmg installer for OSX. The only issue is that Ikachan and Orgmaker is of course not native to the OS so we'll have to figure out what is going to be included.
    It's mostly because not everything in the deluxe package has a mac equivalent.

    Oh and the lack of a pre-patched mac version is more due to my inability to open .dmg files.
    Oh, also the english translation of "The Making of GUXT" links you to a news site that contains dead links. You can only grab the japanese version currently unless there are backups.

    You replied to this 17 days later so I never mentioned it.
    I have backups. The links are now fixed.
    Can I have my username changed from TLincoln to TLinkan? I understand the changes that will occur in the login.
    BLink and TLink buddy buddy pals.
    Thank you! ^_^
    I found some midi transcriptions of Cave Story's soundtrack on a Japanese fansite that doesn't exist anymore (died 10 years ago) through the internet archive, and for some reason I could still download all of the files from the archive.
    I found a dead link on a Japanese CS fansite to a fansite that no longer existed. I punched the link's url into the internet archive and then found a link from that to other Japanese CS fansites and so on until I came across that site (all of the Japanese fansites tend to link to each other). It's essentially what I do to find live Japanese CS fansites, except I used the internet archive instead.
    Interesting. Anything else worth mentioning you've come across in your travels?
    Shade of a Wave
    Shade of a Wave
    huh these aren't too bad actually
    I was looking at the google webmaster tools for this site and...
    why does this thread keep resurfacing
    I want to forget it exists forever
    how does this thread keep resurfacing
    it must be proof that it is destined to exist forever
    omg what is thiiiiiiiisssss
    Every time an admins changes their userpic it feels like we enter a new era of time in the forums.
    currently we're in the darkest era.
    I was actually talking to Ralren the other day and at least as the modding community is concerned; It's only going higher and higher especially with NICE and PEONS in dev. But yeah the community is kinda shit in general because of (take offense if you want) people like you who don't exactly think things thoroughly 100% before posting and say immature things often enough to be seen as one of "those" members and lurk enough to post without giving more mature members enough time to (in this case hontondo2) write well though out comments and properly respond to cases where a shitstorm can break out. Be a part of the answer, not a part of the problem. I realize none of us are perfect; but...

    "be the change you want to see - mahatma gandhi" - noxid
    Actually scratch that earlier avatar, you couldn't tell what was happening in it without viewing the large 192x192 version. Here's one I coloured a while back from chapter 4 of the Telefang manga.
    but you will always be mawile in my heart
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