New profile posts

Progress… five maps.
The sixth one (about 126x80 tiles) seems to slow BL down, but probably better to take my time rather than a rush job at making the map.
I wish there was a "flip map horizontally/vertically" option, haha.
Huh, almost thought there was something like that? Probably my imagination if you didn't see an option for it.
And nice, don't forget to backup!
Well, I'm stuck with version since my mobile devices won't let me download Java for Windows and I can't open version…

Having to flip the maps by hand isn't easy (as an example, think something like First Cave, except the Hermit Gunsmith is to the lower-left, and that enemy door is to the upper-left).
Origin Cave was inspired by First Cave, but instead of doors, there'll be H/V triggers.
I'm putting more effort into Origin Cave than the mod it would've, er, originated from. (Though the Solar Soul Castle would be visible but inaccessible, probably.)

I'll remember to make back-ups! (Just have to find those CDs I back stuff up on... how I misplaced those I don't know.)
might start using this to post shit about mods im creating, but first i have to actually figure out how to use this website
Last night I dreamt about watching a TMF episode with time travel in it, couldnt find a thread for weird dreams so i'll just post a text file on my profile instead


I actually have no idea where else to ask this hence I could not find a significant thread in Music, so I thought I would ask here.

Is there a way to convert a traditional MP3, WAV, or OGG file to an ORG file for use in the freeware version of Cave Story? I really want to add custom music to a mod I am working on using Resource Hacker, but I can only import .ORG files, otherwise the game would crash.

Does anyone have any idea?
Converting a complex sound file like MP3/WAV/OGG into the specific format or ORG is no simple task. In order to automate this, it requires a complex machine learning algorithm that can recognize sounds in an MP3, and translate them into the equivalent ORG file. There is actually a program that can do this though, but it's very expensive. The name of the program is GIRakaCHEEZER.

Days of working on the mod, fucking Windows does this shit. Unbelievable. I guess all I can do is recover most of the Stage and NPC files, along with the TSC files and copy it all in a new Cave Story directory.
Er… forgive me for asking (I can't view images on my mobile device :-/ ) but what did Windows do?
Apparently, Windows corrupted the main game file ('Doukutsu.exe') and upon opening it says, "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." Since nothing loads up in the game (because I cannot get that far with that error popping up) it does not output an 'error.txt' file to view what the problem is.

Quite unfortunate, I have been working on that mod for days, but it is all okay now - I restored it by copying all the TSC files and all the Stage files from the 'data' folder into a fresh Cave Story directory, then applied the appropriate tileset for some modified maps, and it was good to go. One of the TSC scripts got corrupted (and it was an extremely important script) on one of the maps, so I had to try my best to rewrite it all.

So, yeah, that all happened.
One of the reasons it's so important to constantly backup your mod, you never know when the whole thing might get corrupted.
Cave Story's 17th birthday is at hand.
well they really should update cs+ although it would also be nice to see something special besides bug fixes but then i'm asking too much lol.
I definitely see your point, though, a ten-year special would definitely be a great surprise after all these years. For instance, maybe a new character? Or more seasonal art for the special? I am sure they can whip something up.
Yep, I think they really should because of the importance of Cave Story to the indie game industry.
back again to mod me some cave story because I havent learned from last time
Never too late to mod some good ol' Cave Story, eh?
Banner looks pleasingly beautiful, I must say.

Edit: Kinda.
Not bad.
If you wanna put space backgrounds, I'd consider putting skyboxes from games or Unity asset store, they're pretty good and except if there is a limit for the pic, they flow pretty well because of how vaste the thing was thought for.
Don't know how good this long self-indulgent perspective will do but, you remind me of myself. The overbearing feeling that this mod you are working on determines your entire future. I was thinking the same thing at an older age and it took me awhile to realize these feelings just aren't true to reality.

I joined this place when I was 15 with no experience in the things you listed (programming, art, CS Modding), and I didn't complete any* of my mods for four entire years. Everything I made was eventually abandoned due to indefinite procrastination and panicking about "how old I'm becoming without anything to show". During these early years I also faced my own controversies and "agony":
[1.] At 15 I staged a boycott over my own mods over some dumb petition to (in summarization) get the forums to "stop swearing", which resulted in me becoming the laughing-stock of the moment and getting humiliated over my young stupidity.
[2.] At 16 I released "Cave (No Story)" (*the only technically complete thing I released during this time). It was something I made over a weekend without much thought; something I would have rather went under the radar with more attention put to the bigger things I was working on (which as stated before, ended up getting abandoned anyway, but at the time it felt like my future depended on them). Inconceivably, somehow this got sent to Vinny of Vinesauce streaming fame, someone I look up to, and resulted in one of his most painfully boring and cringey streams of 2014. It was a complete embarrassment, and if you find the recording of this stream on YouTube you'll see it's filled with hundreds of comments all pointing and laughing at my expense. I was essentially a joke, and I still feel somewhat responsible for possibly ruining the image of an entire community in the eyes of another.
[3.] When I was 17 I canceled everything I was working on, vented here on the forums, and then left for almost two years.

It wasn't until I was almost 19 and already graduated from High School that I came back here, and months later finished a mod for once. That's how long it took for me to see something to completion. It wasn't a magical switch in my abilities or personality either. During that time away I spiraled into a depression deep enough to require therapy and medication. When I had finished that first mod (Enthology) in 2017 I also promised that I would go back and finish another called Carnage Clash. Guess what, I never did and canceled it a 2nd time. Late that year (4 years ago) I started a mod called "The Booster 8.0". This 30-minute mod is 95% complete and just needs bug fixes for the most part. Guess what, I haven't touched it 3.5 years. You may know me as the guy who runs Doukutsu Club, that website where most CS mods nowadays are uploaded. I started that back in 2018 as an unfinished prototype, and I want you to take a wild guess how much actual development and updates it has seen in the past 3 years.

What I'm trying to point out with all of this is that the comparisons, the embarrassment, the "lack of progress" that your brain is inventing don't actually matter. There's a saying that "the harshest critic is yourself", as only you know your entire life story and are able to spend the time to pick apart its flaws. It's a biological evolutionary habit that our brains do in an attempt to better ourselves over the competition for food and shelter and finding mates etc. Now that our global population is all connected online we are all comparing ourselves to billions of others, which isn't healthy because even if you could quantify happiness/success/fame (you can't), basic math says that there will be billions to millions of people who are better than you. It's literally improbable to be perfect in all regards. You said you were ashamed about being banned and doing something years ago but I'm gonna be entirely honest: as an admin in one of those places I don't even really remember what you did, nor do I think any of it matters. Teenage years are called "the awkward years" for a reason, everyone does several humiliating things and then grows out of it, that's why those bans are temporary. I can't lie and say "nobody dislikes you" because I can't read minds, but personally I haven't seen anybody say anything negative about you for years and I view you as just a normal dude in the active community. Did you know all of those embarrassing things about me or how many years I've procrastinated on working on all that stuff? No, nobody remembers or keeps track of that except for myself. Time erases all of that and normal (non-egocentric) people are concerned about their own flaws 100 times more than those of others.

You stated that you feel like you should be "at least decent at programming, scripting, illustrating, pixel art...fluent in speaking Japanese or...Cave Story Modding". There's a chance that you, like many others do, see me as some adult figurehead in this community that is "just better" at all of this and free from any embarrassment/controversy, but the truth is that I'm at least 8 years older, had my own embarrassing moments, and I can script cave story mods with adequate-at-best programming and that's it. I can't do any of the other things you mentioned. You aren't expected to just be a toolbox of skills (nobody in this community is). If you want to mod CS right now, take your time there isn't a rush. If you want to step away and follow another passion, go for it there isn't a rush. If you currently have no ambitions to do anything right now due to depression ((hey, did you know seasonal depression is really common during the winter? Guess what season it is.)) than take a break, I promise that your ambition towards something will come back later I guarantee it.
Very well said Enlight. Ah yes, I remember that boycott. What I always found so ironic about that whole thing was that BLink was the one who really spearheaded it, and yet you seemed to be blaming yourself as the primary instigator, which I never quite understood.
Well yeah it might not have been my idea initially, but I doubled down and made the loudest impact with my signature banner and posts and everything. It proves the point that it was something dumb that I actively took part in, something I got flack and was laughed at for, and ultimately doesn't matter (most everybody forgot or isn't here anymore) and I can laugh at it myself now years later.
If you're told to find your own truth by herding information from multiple sources, how can you trust fortune cookies?
I surely don't trust them. Every fortune cookie I've ever had contained confetti or some crap inside and it tastes gross. How the hell do you bake something completely wrong like that wtf.
Wake up mommy, I just missed the bus.
You can't keep doing this son, I am so disappointed in you.
My birthday's tomorrow, on 21 November…

(Or today, or yesterday, depending on time zones. They can be tricky at times.)
Well, it is actually November 21st right now at 2:40 AM as I am writing this reply. Happy belated birthday!
Thanks~ :D
Hello everyone that is lurking on this site. Just a question: What are the recommended resolutions for a profile banner on this forum?
Heh, good question, I don't think most people here even use it. We didn't have that feature before we switched to Xenforo in ~2017, and I'm not sure if we even had that feature until a while after that switch, and nobody seemed to really care for it.
How interesting. I was customizing my profile and ran into that setting, but sadly no recommended resolution was noted. Probably not going to use it.
Dark mode fan be like:
Ooh, fancy. You use Dark Reader?
I do and noticed this when I disconnected once.
Haha, how interesting. Dark Reader must love you.