Update: I've played Ordeal Pillar again and I stand by what I said about it in that mod music post (even if the rest wasn't quite accurate). I even got this sword that let me almost completely shred the boss rush at the end which was probably intentional since you have to go out of your way to find it. I found everything a lot easier to play through than when I first did because it would take me multiple tries to do something then, and I feel like it was way easier this time around, with the exception of a couple ordeals and the wind task at the beginning. I thought the story was fine enough but it was definitely not a joke and I can respect that. Especially that bit at the end when [REDACTED] and the [REDACTED] have a nice little meet up at the end before you go [bruh] off a cliff but then daisuke amaya comes and brings you out of the [bruh] and notes all of the little trinkets and things you've done. That Sam kid really did paint the Father to be a mean guy...
Real ass post about ordeal pillar in the profile because I didnt want to make a useless thread let's goooooo