This is a really nice mod so far, GIRaka. I look forward to seeing it finished, as it looks like a very promising game.
One bug I noticed was that some of the doors don't say a thing if you try to use them. There aren't any door sprites there, and I was hoping to see "I'm not going that way" or "There's something blocking the door now." Here's a list of the doors I found:
--The first doorway in the room with B@lrog you enter the area through.
--The door you enter the Pipelands through.
--The doorway in the last area in STARS before the System Matrix.
I also noticed one anomaly - that was the cutscene at the beginning of Snowball Valley. Despite B@lrog and Blocky sitting around the fire beneath, you can simply pass Curly without talking to her and jump down to pass the two, and they won't really care, even if you try to talk to them (which doesn't really do anything).
(In case anyone's curious, on a side note:
"6. You are allowed to bump old threads ... providing it is with a post that contributes to that thread's original topic rather than that thread's current topic of conversation.")