hooheehooha.And damn, if I have to get unclassy there will be hell to pay.
Vercci said:It will have that new kickass main theme now right?
Cyowolf1122 said:There are hidden health upgrades in there, just look in suspicious areas.
Uncy Dave said:I found them...
I only found the 3rd one the first time I played. Admittadely, I did have much more trouble finding the 1st and 2nd. If you do change them It'd be a bit annoying to have to find them again but that's okay I guess.
Cyowolf1122 said:Two words: invisible spikes
(they appear when you get close. Kind of like the blocks that appear once you hit their hit-box.)
That'd be pure evil.
DoubleThink said:Anti-Quote and Curly Brace? ...Could that be like opening and closing quotes "" and curly braces {}? I can see many delicious lame puns coming from that.
DoubleThink said:Also yay devblog! The progress you are making with the Portal gun sounds megawesome, absolutely nothing like that has ever really been done before. Chapter 4 is gonna RAWK.
DoubleThink said:I dunno if this has been asked or not but how many chapters are you intending there to be in total?
The first area is very forgiving death-wise and isn't very hard at all once you figure out what to do. Took me aboutXaser said:Hmm... a bit late, but I finally gave this a try. It looks pretty darn cool, I must say, but there is no way in hell I'm ever going to be able to get past the first area. It is incredibly tedious and far too unforgiving for any amount of fun to be had. Bit of a shame, I'd say.
I guess I just don't understand everyone's fascination with making mods with god-awfully hard jumping segments that require pixel perfect precision and inhumanly timed releases.
Though I guess considering the name, maybe that's the whole point.![]()