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WTF story demo v 0.504

Sep 7, 2009 at 7:55 PM
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I liked schism, but I didn't like how it used the same format of CS. As in, you could soooo tell that second area was the eggcorridor edited. Was kinda offputting, really. Original sin had weapon hacks, but yea not much else. The thing is, these games all had 1 good element like that. I'm trying to bring it all together, but v 0.3 still isn't a good representation of that.
Sep 7, 2009 at 7:56 PM
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yes, I know, i agree with that, the point I'm trying to make is that pixel doesn't care. he just doesn't support mods in general.
Sep 7, 2009 at 8:01 PM
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How would I be referring to these mods if I haven't played them?

My point was, all the previous mods are boring. Yes, Jenka has puzzles, but they're practically no different from the original (maybe with some added difficulty).

Original Sin's weapon hacks sucked. The one that was remotely interesting was the jump shoes, but compared to a booster it is still inferior.

Schism looks pretty, but that's about it. I didn't like anything else about the hack. The storyline was lame, in my opinion.

But I guess that's what all this really comes down to, huh? Opinion. I'm just saying, from a creative standpoint, that this mod stands out.

I'd rather not hijack this thread arguing about this. I don't think Gir would appreciate it much. :)
Sep 7, 2009 at 8:11 PM
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Original Sin's weapon hacks sucked.
do you really mean that? if original sin didn't exist, there WOULD BE NO WEAPON HACKS PERIOD. those hacks brought the main weapon hackers to the forums, including (I think) dooey, sshigsi, cookie et cetera. if gir got help from dooey and people, then that means that without runelancer, there would be no hacks in this mod. gottit? (hope you follow my illogic)

jenka has puzzles, but they're practically no different from the original
exactly how far in jenkas did you get?

But I guess that's what all this really comes down to, huh? Opinion. I'm just saying, from a creative standpoint, that this mod stands out.

yeah, in my opinion, that's the only thing you've said that makes sense.

I don't think Gir would appreciate it much.
oh, I dunno, let's ask him.
Sep 7, 2009 at 8:21 PM
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He's right, the WTF-story thread is for the discussion OF wtf story, but I don't think it needs to be a place where you argue about your opinion of it compared to other mods.

You could probably continue your discussion HERE however.

And yes, Runelancer truly is to be hailed for his discoveries of offsets and such. I will give him special thanks, of course. Still, just because he made the most revolutionary discoveries in the field does not mean his mod is great. It's good, but nothing too special I found.
Sep 7, 2009 at 8:33 PM
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okay, will do, to keep me on topic better tho, I need more stuffs.
and as a last offtopic note, the plot of os got better after the end. it really did.
Sep 8, 2009 at 8:16 AM
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Lace, I don't know where you get your info about Pixel from, but AFAIK he has generally not-minded people working on mods as long as they don't try to tie into the original too much (e.g. he didn't like the idea of the whole big Cave Story 2 project here).

Otherwise, ignoring the last 2 pages of blarg:
That is brilliant. :) I mean I can sort of guess how it works (using the weapon either places a <TRA event or a call to a <TRA function... ...maybe), but this is just unprecedented. I won't gush over it too much but man you have some brilliant gameplay ideas D: Portal puzzles make everything better.
I feel like I should brush up on hacking stuff too, what with all these wonderful creations, but I'm more of a TSC-effects whiz like Shmitz >_>
Sep 8, 2009 at 2:47 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Lace, I don't know where you get your info about Pixel from, but AFAIK he has generally not-minded people working on mods as long as they don't try to tie into the original too much (e.g. he didn't like the idea of the whole big Cave Story 2 project here).

Otherwise, ignoring the last 2 pages of blarg:
That is brilliant. :) I mean I can sort of guess how it works (using the weapon either places a <TRA event or a call to a <TRA function... ...maybe), but this is just unprecedented. I won't gush over it too much but man you have some brilliant gameplay ideas D: Portal puzzles make everything better.
I feel like I should brush up on hacking stuff too, what with all these wonderful creations, but I'm more of a TSC-effects whiz like Shmitz >_>

Actually it doesn't call any tsc events, since I'm pretty sure that <MOV and <TRA functions set your velocity to 0. Plus, the velocities have to be multiplied by negative one or inverted depend on which portal you go through.

Once I clean up the code a bit, I'll release documentation on how the hack works.
Sep 17, 2009 at 4:33 AM
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Still some issues with the portal gun, like some known glitches (they haven't been fixed yet because I haven't bothered fixing them yet).

However, a small progress update with a screeny: I looked through the assembly code for the HUD, and figured out how it worked (pretty much, some of it was beyond me though since I didn't fully reverse engineer all the code). So now I have a working new HUD, with bigger weapon icons and a cool HP bar.

To show the change, here is a pic of the old HUD:


And here are some pics of the new HUD:


Tell me what you think, since I still can make changes to it. Also, I still have to edit the way the inventory and script events display weapon icons, since they are currently incompatible with the new larger icons.
Sep 17, 2009 at 6:45 AM
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Hmm, nice hud. My only beef is the health. I take it everything does one damage, otherwise your going to be killed quite often. The new icons are very nic, though.

Why did you choose to have 1 segment=1 health? Seems to me that your not going to have a lot of health throughout this mod...

Oh, and would you mind PMing me the location of the first Health upgrade? I played a few times, but never found it. Wound up playing the entire thing with one health.
Sep 17, 2009 at 12:04 PM
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Wow, that's really interesting, I don't think I've ever seen anybody change
the HUD before... Well, with assembly.
Sep 17, 2009 at 11:42 PM
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hmmm, really pretty gir.
the only thing that bothers me is the old ammo thingy and exp bar, it doesn't really fit in that well. good job.

(and once again, can I ask for an offset?)

multiplied by negative one
how did you get the mul function to work? I always screw that up.
Sep 17, 2009 at 11:50 PM
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Well, it isn't that hard really. If i had to do a multply and a negation, then i would just do it like this.

NEG eax
IMUL eax, eax, 18

Which makes eax negative, then multiplies it by 24 (18 hexadecimal). I'd assume though that the IMUL works with integers (that's why it's called IMUL) so you could just do

IMUL eax, eax, -18

And here's how IMUL works (I think).

IMUL c, a, b

[c=a*b] (c would normally be a register).

And I can give you an offset, but which one do you want?
Sep 17, 2009 at 11:55 PM
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Sword Rocket

Out of curiosity, does the Rocket Launcher icon remind anyone else of a sword, or maybe even a spear/sword? ;);
{That was my first thought, before I realized there was no sword in WTF-Story...}
Though really, nice work.
Sep 17, 2009 at 11:58 PM
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I agree, I always thought the RPG looked like a spear.

The screens look great, Gir, keep it up.
Sep 18, 2009 at 12:59 AM
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AAAAAAA I can't WAIT for this, this is gonna be SSSSOOOOOOOO EPIC!!

And Lowell, this is completely offtopic but your reason for editing made me crack up (mainly because I'm amazed you took the time to edit it and even document your reason, not that I'm complaining, rofl :()
Sep 18, 2009 at 1:22 AM
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...the awesome side of Mister Voidy.
now, feedbackify (now) Giraka NOW!
Sep 18, 2009 at 2:24 AM
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Lace said:
just the display thingy, I wanna work in a flag so i can turn it on and off at will.
(thanks for the info on imul, weird it accepts three args)

00410836  |. 6A 01          |PUSH 1
00410838  |. E8 93990000    |CALL doukutsu.0041A1D0
0041083D  |. 83C4 04        |ADD ESP,4
00410840  |. 6A 01          |PUSH 1                                  ; /Arg1 = 00000001
00410842  |. E8 C9940000    |CALL doukutsu.00419D10                  ; \doukutsu.00419D10
00410847  |. 83C4 04        |ADD ESP,4
0041084A  |. 6A 68          |PUSH 68                                 ; /Arg2 = 00000068
0041084C  |. 6A 78          |PUSH 78                                 ; |Arg1 = 00000078
0041084E  |. E8 FD9A0000    |CALL doukutsu.0041A350                  ; \doukutsu.0041A350
00410853  |. 83C4 08        |ADD ESP,8
00410856  |. E8 55980000    |CALL doukutsu.0041A0B0

This bit of code (starting at 410838) makes 4 calls, that do 4 different things.

419D10 = this handles the exp bar and the numbers, and also helps move the weap icons around (idk how....)

41A1D0 = this handles the hp bar. nothing too complex.

41a0b0 = this handles the weap icons. They will not rez at all if this is not there.

41A350 = I have no idea what this does, it does not seem to affect the hud in anyway.

Sorry for the late reply, just forum drama ya know?
Sep 18, 2009 at 2:28 AM
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yeah, I dig.
thanks gir, though pushing 1 always makes me suspicious.
don't let ryu wound you too deeply. :rolleyes:
Sep 18, 2009 at 2:30 AM
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Lace said:
yeah, I dig.
thanks gir, though pushing 1 always makes me suspicious.
don't let ryu wound you too deeply. :rolleyes:

Wound me? Are you for seriouses?

I would reply, but it's like arguing with a 3 yr old. Plus no-one likes you if you beat up little/stupid kids. Doing the same to ryuu would not be classy. And damn, if I have to get unclassy there will be hell to pay.