HyMyNameIsMatt said:
Dark Place. Most simple and atmospheric little map. Super awesome visual design.
There's a lot of tile work that doesn't add to the mechanic side of the game (right-side ledge and bottom 2x2 tile blocks), yet I feel it is beneficial to setting up the mood of the core room, along with its short intro to the shifting water levels featured in there.
Though my favorite would be OuterWall, it's a very common choice so instead I'll mention a different map:
The final Labrynth map (I think I recall it as Labrynth W but that might be wrong).
- Where Curly suddenly joins you in fight, which was never expected since literally all NPC's would just somehow beat you to your destination offscreen. She does do this in Core but this case is way more significant.
- The map contains its own song, which is an oddly happy tune that sets the mood to graciously slaughtering tons of monsters with a pal.
- Contains a bunch of enemy types that are only found in that map alone, with very unique design. It almost doesn't seem like the Labrynth when everything is so new.
- The first map (and really the only if you negate The Core) that uses excessive amounts of water to make you appreciate Curly's AirTank being a thing later on.
- A lot of little things like completing the first two-way teleporter (the other is Plantation/Grasstown) and having a tile lock that doesn't really do anything (since the unlocking terminal is only a few tiles to the left) yet still makes you seem to be going deeper into security.
- Three floors to go down, with each its own mini-theme. Only a few maps have these.