Apr 1, 2013 at 10:33 PM
Join Date: May 14, 2012
Location: yeah
Posts: 400
Age: 24
Oh look, just another new guy, but for some reason he seems familiar.........period...period....
Captain Fabulous said:he is lunbox
I think he meant lunch box. STILL LOL.Crystalwarrior said:what the hell is a lunbox
I like your description of him although it is a little too descriptive and not descriptive enough at the same time. (Is that possible? )MagicDoors said:Balrog is the embodiment of our future and a testiment to the past.His bulky shape resembles a foreign object both old and perfected, creating a perfect paradox between two different worlds. His hostility followed by his kindness suggests this change between past and future, as if to suggest that we may only move along a fixed forward direction, and should make the best of it while we are here. His willingness to let you go in his first boss battle is a choice of your freedom, whether to confine yourself to the invisible walls lining your path or break free and create a new path for yourself. His use of both the phrases "Huzzah" and "Oh yeeeaaaaah" not only show his omnipotence to all living things and knowledge, but his power over choice and his generosity towards those who not yet know of the choice as well. In this regard, Balrog is like a watchful angel over the heads of the innocent, protecting the newborn lambs from the world of suffering, until they are ready to choose their path and move on in the world. His next encounter is significant, as his appearance in a laboratory which holds robots with the ability to create explosives suggests Balrog's wish for you, his most successful lamb, to obliterate the bonds of fate and become his understudy in the world of the suffering, learning all that can and will be, and learning how to protect the ones they care about. Balrog is your salvation, your past and your future. He will guide you through these harsh times, and will be there to heave a great "huzzah" when all the pain is gone and all that is left is your happiness and memory.
See the first line of the post just above you.ColdCallerloppy said:Well why do you think of him as a lunch box?