This is kind of inappropriate but whatever. I thought it was weird so, yeah.
There was some big election going on, so my parents and I took a train to Boston to listen to speeches and vote. On the train, I ran into my ex best friend and some whore I hate. Said whore joined the army, told me she was almost done with training, and gave me a badge she got. I was acting all nice and accepted it.
Anyway, we got to the hall to listen to speeches. There were 2 offices too; one for Democrats, and one for Republicans. I'm a Democrat, so before I even listened to the speeches, I went into the Democrat office and voted for them.
So then we listened to the speeches and yeah whatever. After, I went into the Republican office because they had lemonade and fuck yeah lemonade. The Republican guy came in and started talking to me. He had a cowboy hat and a thick Texas accent, y'know, like all Republicans.
Then he began hitting on me, and then asked if I would like to lose my virginity to a horse. I politely declined by saying "Well, horses are beautiful animals, but I would rather not. Sorry." Then he asked if I would rather have his penis instead, and I was like "Woah man, back off."
Thankfully, cultr1 texted me at that point and woke me up. Thanks, cultr!