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What did you dream about last night?

Oct 25, 2011 at 10:49 AM
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I dreamed like 4-5 diferent "short-dreams", e.g.:

I was going to the vet (or doc?) but I took the wrong door which led to his house instead of his ordination. I was told to take the other door. The end.

^ this kind x5
Oct 30, 2011 at 5:01 PM
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I had a dream where I was playing CS3D. But instead of there being normal backrounds, it looked like some neon lightshow. And there were about 12 life capsules in Grasstown Bushlands.
Oct 30, 2011 at 5:14 PM
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I was in that damn train station again.
Nov 6, 2011 at 11:25 AM
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I last night, I had a dream that some of the forum members and I came to Pixel's house for dinner. Pixel did not look what he looks like in real life at all in my dream, and was about one and a half feet shorter than me. I shook hands with Pixel (that's when I realized that I was dreaming) and talked about how things are going and (probably) how his game(s) are developing. Unfortunately, I was not able to stay asleep for the dinner part.
Nov 6, 2011 at 3:42 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
I was in that damn train station again.
Which damn train station.
Nov 6, 2011 at 6:38 PM
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Yeah, probably should have specified, North Station. Acton wasn't so bad, and I got to meet Noxid there, too.
Nov 15, 2011 at 3:03 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I fed a poptart to the kangaroo in my house. I was extra cautious because I didn't want her kicking me in the face with her energy legs.
Nov 15, 2011 at 3:36 PM
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So te kangaroo was a metaphor for mother nature?
What a bitch.

I don't remnler what my dreams were the past couple of days, all I remember is that they weren't very fun or happy.
Nov 15, 2011 at 6:37 PM
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I had a dream once that I was fighting zombies with Perry the Platypus. Later I found myself wandering through a vampire infested mansion, realized I was dreaming, and slaughtered them all with sith lightning.

Nov 15, 2011 at 7:37 PM
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I was up until 4am the other night, having a few drinks while playing the original cave story, and I realized just how much I hate having to use the keyboard as the primary input for controls (it totally kills my fingers.) So anyway, I called it a night...

Next thing I know, i'm dreaming that I have these massive, fleshy tumors growing from the inner joints of my little fingers (from playing too much CS with a keyboard.) Now instead of consulting with the nearest GP asap like any rational person would do in that sort of situation, I decided to log in to these forums and create a thread asking if anyone else had experienced similar symptoms - and surprise, surprise - it turned out that upwards of 80% of this community had the exact same fleshy aberrations, growing from one or more of their fingers.

"Don't worry, we all have that."
"It's totally normal."
"That's what happens when you play too much cave story!"

You guys even gave it a very specific name - "cave tumors," or some such shit - almost as if you were all proud to have mangled fingers. (Only the most dedicated fantards develop those!)

So yeah... Now I play with a USB Gamecube controller..... >_>;
Nov 20, 2011 at 4:50 AM
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I had a dream about a news report about Russians taking over the united states, and it said they would come at Midnight. Thus, Instead of hiding like a normal person, me and my friends hung out at the mall until midnight. Then we hid under beds. Oh, and we survived. Then we started dancing like a Final Fantasy character as the victory theme started playing.
Then we went to the arcade.
I just realized how screwed up that dream was.
Dec 5, 2011 at 2:43 PM
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This morning I had a very strange dream that started with my grandmother having killed my grandfather. It was never revealed why, but I must have been somehow involved since I had his forearms in a plastic bag. When I asked her where she hid the body, she told me she buried it in the mud outside a local construction site, and I immediately knew that was no good and we would get found out, so I opted that we leave town as soon as possible.

Cue scene transition, and we're lined up in the airport getting ready to board a plane when OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED I STILL HAVE HIS ARMS IN MY SATCHEL. I have no idea why nobody noticed because the blood had started to leak out and the bottom of my satchel was completely red but oh well. We went away to look for a discreet place to dispose of the evidence and I suggested this huge open-pit dumpster that just happened to be in the middle of a fairly unoccupied section of the terminal.

I heaved them in and my throw was a bit off, so the bag landed near the side and what do you know, some stupid ass little kids run over and one of them picks the bag up out of the garbage and tries to tear it open. I shout at them something like "Hey, don't touch that, you'll DIE" but of course children don't listen so he tears open the bag and two rotten arms fall out and the kid freaks out. I pull up my hood and slink away as best I can.

When I get back to the terminal I find out I have to get some kind of validation to leave the country and it cost like twenty seven bucks so I'm like "I just went on a trip a little while ago, is this still valid" but the lady at the counter said no so I go in to fill out some paperwork and that's where it ends.

The moral of the story is always properly dispose of the body and make sure you have all your paperwork in order *before* you reach the airport.
Dec 5, 2011 at 3:19 PM
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I had a dream that A meteor crashed into the earth. No one died, but about 70% had super powers.
Those with super powers were going to enslave those without and I was fighting for those without superpowers, because I had none.
My fighting style was pretty amazing, forcing a hamburger down the throat of a supposedly invincible vegetarian who then blew up.
Dec 5, 2011 at 3:25 PM
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Melons. Alot of Melons.
Dec 6, 2011 at 7:27 PM
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I haven't remembered most of my dreams lately, but I remember how I woke up today! (last minute or so of the dreams)

Feel free to skip! Seriously... ....

I ate a card which was basically like suicide... Basically, you can reset/restart/come back to life after you die so, it works out. But, walking through the crowds while nobody realizes what's wrong... Starting to get short of breath (It was some kind of large paper card) forcing myself to swallow it further and further until you can't breathe anymore...

I think I walked up to someone or something and was all clingy, they weren't sure what was wrong with me lol After a short time I think I must have been near death. They say when you are about to die, your life flashes before your eyes... Well, although that wasn't happening, everything got realllly slow. Things were starting to dim, and it was really pretty scary.

In the end I couldn't go through with it, and in that super slow motion while people are looking at you trying to figure out what's wrong... I think I did the hemilich maneuvour on myself lol That loosened the paper card blocking my airways enough to let in just a little air... I chickened out lol Even if it would reset the dream and allow me to live from the beginning again, the feeling of being so close to death was realllllllly kinda scary.

I woke up shortly after and felt crappy all morning lol Damn dreams! ><

The rest of the dream was much more interesting and less depressing sounding, but unfortunately I can't really remember it clearly. There was a lot going on, action, danger, the usual... I messed something up though, which lead to the above.
Dec 15, 2011 at 7:21 PM
daughter of chivalry
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This is kind of inappropriate but whatever. I thought it was weird so, yeah.

There was some big election going on, so my parents and I took a train to Boston to listen to speeches and vote. On the train, I ran into my ex best friend and some whore I hate. Said whore joined the army, told me she was almost done with training, and gave me a badge she got. I was acting all nice and accepted it.

Anyway, we got to the hall to listen to speeches. There were 2 offices too; one for Democrats, and one for Republicans. I'm a Democrat, so before I even listened to the speeches, I went into the Democrat office and voted for them.

So then we listened to the speeches and yeah whatever. After, I went into the Republican office because they had lemonade and fuck yeah lemonade. The Republican guy came in and started talking to me. He had a cowboy hat and a thick Texas accent, y'know, like all Republicans.

Then he began hitting on me, and then asked if I would like to lose my virginity to a horse. I politely declined by saying "Well, horses are beautiful animals, but I would rather not. Sorry." Then he asked if I would rather have his penis instead, and I was like "Woah man, back off."

Thankfully, cultr1 texted me at that point and woke me up. Thanks, cultr! :D
Dec 15, 2011 at 9:21 PM
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them gosh darned republicans
Dec 21, 2011 at 12:56 AM
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This was from an afternoon nap an hour ago, but close enough.

So, for some undefined reason I was living in/staying at this hotel, near the top floor (I think like floor 9 or something). For most of the dream, I kept hearing loud thumps up on the roof, and I vaguely remember going up there a few times to try and find out what it was (I didn't at first). Eventually, the upper floors are being destroyed, so I panic and flee down to the first floor, leaving everything I own behind.

Once I'm down, I calm down a bit, figure that whatever was destroying the upper floors wouldn't destroy its way all the way down to ground level, and tell everyone in the lobby that the upper floors are being destroyed. They told me to go find out what it was, but I decided against it. Turns out it was a T-REX, which proceeds to burst in through the first floor via center courtyard garden. I try to run and hide somewhere in the building, but it hunts me down and eats me without much effort.

Promptly after I'm dead, this cheery musical number sung by some unseen chorus starts singing about how various animals have different ways to survive in the world, with each trait (changing color patterns, able to fit through tiny cracks, etc) having its own little 3-4 line verse and style of music. The song eventually transitioned into the ingredient contents of hot dogs and pancakes for some reason, I guess to emphasize the fact that I got eaten and suck at hiding.

Then I woke up with a headache.
Dec 21, 2011 at 1:24 AM
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I had a dream with Wayne Gretsky in it, except he was black. I don't even know why he was in the dream, he wasn't the focus.

The rest is too weird to share.
Dec 21, 2011 at 1:40 AM
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I had an odd moment where I was taking a nap in the car, dreaming about being in my bed, and when I woke up in the car it was so confusing. "JESUS WHEN DID MY ROOM GET SO BRIGHT AND CAR-SHAPED oh wait."