What did you dream about last night?

Dec 25, 2011 at 2:41 PM
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So I was in this huge hospital and everyone was being chased by this one guy. Not sure who it was. At one point, he turned into a mountain lion and was chasing me. There was this one closet-looking room that I ran into and trapped myself inside. Lace was in there too. There was also a weird toilet thing filled with blood, probably for disabled patients to let their woman wine to flow into (I am so sorry).

Anyway, it turns out that Noxid was going mad with power or something and we were all trying to hide from him. I was worried I would be caught though because my paw was sticking right out of the door. Yes, I was a cat for some reason.

Then, time reversed itself again and I had to find the room again. Though this time Lace and T-Jack were in there. Then there was some gross stuff and..yeah.
Dec 25, 2011 at 2:46 PM
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I dream of dankness, Then I wake to the ral world, which is a dream as well, in a way.
Dec 25, 2011 at 2:53 PM
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Gee, I guess I used Weed Dreams on the wrong guy
Dec 25, 2011 at 2:56 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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You really like to make fun of me when I go deep. You want me to be the polar opposite, a 1mm deep Ultra asshole?
Dec 25, 2011 at 2:57 PM
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I have worked through Christmas-eve in a 24 hour shift. There were some drunks, one psychotic, some yelling, and one bloody... and some other "fine" cases.

After that night when I went to sleep I dreamed about patients lol
Dec 25, 2011 at 3:12 PM
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Last night I had an odd dream. It started with Sugarplums doing an evil dance around my burning body, which I guess makes sense because that poem scared me when I was six. Then they all exploded, and this huge buff Santa Claus comes in with an RPG, with a frickin' NOOB TUBE on it, and a barrel of grenades on his back. This Santa loved grenades. Anyway he picks me up with his mind and carries md through battles against evil elves riding evil reindeer, and finally brought me home. But my home was a present, so I got picked by Santa and put in his barrel. Apparently the grenades doula led as presents. I was then. Carried into battle again, and I was the first grenade he threw. I then woke up.
Dec 29, 2011 at 4:39 AM
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this guy says remember me then we get into a fight and i end up smashing his head with an orange skateboard. the guy was probabably from the dream that he killed my brother and took my friend as hostage. then i koncked him out with a bat.
Dec 29, 2011 at 5:12 AM
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I was driving in a car with some family and then a volcano exploded and we all died. We tried to drive away but the lava was super fast.

Dreams like that are weird since I always wake up when I die.
Dec 30, 2011 at 6:47 AM
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You guys have weird dreams. Last night I went swimming with the Yu-Gi-Oh protaginists. But I was in a suitcase with goggles and arm holes so it wasn't a wet dream.(actually, that's a pretty weird dream) Then I woke up. Then I went to sleep again and had a dream I don't want to share for an undisclosed reason.
Dec 30, 2011 at 8:40 AM
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I dreamed last night that I would come back to the Cave Story forums after a year and a bit. And you won't believe what just happened tonight...
Dec 30, 2011 at 6:20 PM
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I remember the last part of my dream; we were in some urban area, kind of a mix of NY + Tokyo?
The place was a bit wild, something had happened, and people had evacuated the buildings we were approaching. There were still plenty of people down below though.
Anyway, our team headed towards the building. I cannot remember if we were armed or not.

The next thing I remember was we were entering an elevator? It had one of those construction criss crossed materials that you can see through. We got on and were riding the elevator until something happened? The elevator broke or stopped or something. I think we went crashing down a small way, but were unharmed... Except, the TOP part of the elevator was independent of the bottom, and was threatening to come smashing down on us.

The girl on our team, had either managed to avoid falling with the rest of the team, or she hadn't gotten in the elevator with us. But, she was now on the top section... when SNAP

It came falling down madly towards us. Sparks every where, this is it...
The girl whips out a gun, and shoots an impossible shot right into the center of the wheel/pulley/gear thing that had been sabatoged of the falling top section. Whatever she shot, went perfectly in and the elevator ground to a halt right before our eyes...

Wow, that girl is good.

Anyway, we continue through the building until we reach the upper section, that has platforms connecting the buildings, kind of like what you'd see in a building that has an open middle area, except these are seperate buildings.

I think at this point we were tracking some kind of terrorists or some group of people. We'd caught glimpses of them several times. At least three or more in the lead, and other people firing scattered around.

In that open space we spotted a silver person??? They were far across at the other building, and they were firing. But, out teammate said that was just a decoy, and it wasn't firing directly at us.

I don't rememeber exactly what put us in another dangerous situation next, but that girl from our team must have taken some bullets or something... EXCEPT she appeared to be a ROBOT! She looked normal, except around the upper right of her face was a bit metallic... and she now had some kind of massive looking future weapon... a Rail GUN. This thing fires like the Quake II/III railgun with the spinning trail. And it utterly decimates whatever it hits...

She used that thing to save us from something, and then we spotted who we were after, and she fires that mad weapon, nearly missing them, breaking apart the concerete where it misses. The people we were after were getting away, they were now on the ground floor while we were still on the building looking down.

The railgun fired again, and again as one escaped past our field of view, and another... But, then she finally found her mark on the last person. The first blast, sent them flying into a vehicle to where they were running. And then she fired the railgun a second and third time obiliterating the enemy. The others that had escaped came back with a vengence at that point; mad at the loss of their friend.

I woke up at that point :/ I probably forgot a lot of the details, but it's been hours since I woke up lol That was just the last minute or so of the dream.
Dec 30, 2011 at 7:10 PM
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I dreamed I got my SAT scores back (haven't taken the SAT yet irl) and I got an 1803, but that was okay because the highest possible score was for some reason 1800 and not 2400 (and also the points came in increments smaller than ten).

I also dreamed that I was having tea with galbatorix/voldemort/george bush, and that we walked through a wall together and danced happily on the other side.

I ALSO dreamed that I got the leading female role in hairspray.

And something else as well which I thought was funnier than the rest and really wanted to tell you but which I also completely and utterly forgot.

X's dream was better.
Dec 30, 2011 at 8:57 PM
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From what I vaguely remember, I was in my school's bandroom. I pulled out my flute out of locker 67 (that isn't my real band locker) and I pulled out a strange piece of music written on yellow paper. :| So I guess it was the day of some talent show or something, and I was performing that song on the piece of yellow paper. well I sat down while my teacher was telling us where to sit during the show. Everyone started filing out when I noticed the middle part of my flute was missing. I told my teacher, and she told me I was disqualified from the talent show, and flipped the chalkboard around to show my name with a name of a song under me. She x'd out my name and the song, and went to her office. I went back to locker 67, and I pulled out the middle of my flute. I took it back to my teacher, but she said I still was disqualified. I then went to the auditorium, and sat down. My dream changed after this.

So I was in a parking lot of a car-dealing business with Dash360. My dad told us we could choose out any car, and we'd be able to buy it. (We're not old enough to drive yet :p) He handed me a huge stack of money. Each bill showing $20,000 on it. We walked around to look for lime green cars. We found a good one, and climbed in it. Dash turned the ignition, and the car started and began rolling down the hill. I don't know how, but we reappeared in the lot, and climbed into another car. I woke up after that.
Dec 30, 2011 at 9:14 PM
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I lol'd at the getting the car with Dash360 dream.
Anyway. I had a dream I was Quote. Y'know. From Cave Story.
Dec 30, 2011 at 9:53 PM
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I had a dream that I had forgotten to study for a History test in University, and I thought I was going to fail the course since I hadn't attended the lectures or handed in any assignments. I also had missed some of the other final exams for some reason. It's odd since I didn't even take History.
Dec 30, 2011 at 10:01 PM
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Sounds like you stole my subconscious.
Dec 31, 2011 at 3:59 AM
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Sounds like you stole almost every bad dream I've had for the last eight years
Dec 31, 2011 at 4:30 PM
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This morning I had a dream that DrunkenApplesauce found out that I replaced his sig with

and so to spite me he replaced that with a version of his own that featured a scribble of me wearing a crown sitting in a chair with eyebrows that went up and down, with a caption that said "Nurr hurr I'm noxid changing people's sigs" and the image was several times the size of my screen.

I was so distraught