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What did you dream about last night?

Oct 3, 2012 at 10:50 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Yes please. That was great. How old is he?
Oct 3, 2012 at 10:56 PM
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Does he know that you are scanning it?
Oct 4, 2012 at 7:55 PM
Tommy Thunder
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How old is he?
He's 13.
Does he know that you are scanning it?
I didn't tell him when I scanned & uploaded the first entry, but I told him everything later. He was fine with it, even slightly amused (he's never too private about anything, so I figured it wouldn't be so bad even if I didn't tell him).

In this entry: Less CoD, more penis

Oct 4, 2012 at 10:07 PM
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Tell him that it should be: "Then, oddly enough, I started masturbating", not "Than, oddly ..."
Grammar is important >:[

Also weird penis dream. I wonder what freud would've thought.
Oct 4, 2012 at 10:18 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Meh he's 13, what do you expect? He'll learn soon enough, it's not like he's writing an essay or anything here.

I like the FIN.
Oct 8, 2012 at 1:52 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Well, in tow with every other post in this thread, I will only post forum member dreams. I just had one, and I want to write it while it's fresh in my mind, because this one was enjoyable.

The scene is as follows: it is an extraordinarily beautiful, breathtaking night on a tropical island. Although the sun has long since set, almost oppressive heat lingers in the humidity of the air. Pure white sands stretch out in either direction, in a "horseshoe" formation, enclosing a sparkling lagoon, the water so pristine and clear you could make out shoals of fish darting to and fro in the shallows. The sky is a magnificent deep purple, dotted with scintillating stars. Patchy coastal grasses, deep green ferns and tropical palms meet the beach some way back from the shore. Nearby, a grandiose waterfall feeds into the lagoon. If you looked, Wild Desu could be seen enjoying herself under the waterfall, although she was the only other member who appeared in this dream, and only in that context.

All in all, the scene was incredibly romantic. It was quite funny, then, that I was seated on the beach with DoubleThink, arguing over proper swimwear, of all things.

Specifically, aqua shoes and gloves. I say I see no need for them and urge him to tell me whenever a swimmer was encouraged to wear aqua gloves, because to me, that was a fiction. He reminds me that (for whatever reason in this dream -- maybe I was a marine biologist?) I was intending to collect samples, and I'd be an idiot if I didn't protect my hands for digging around in the sand, because there could be things like glass or needles. Because, you know. Beaches.

We continue to argue it for a little longer, neither of us getting anywhere, the back-and-forth essentially resembling him going "hey, it's totally irresponsible, but I guess you're only hurting yourself, so do what you want" and me going "NUH-UH".

Finally, he starts to talk about... my dream? I never figured out what my dream-self I had told him about my dreams/ambitions, that was the only thing I caught, because midway through his speech, I cut him off;

"I think I'm in love with you."

His voice catches in his throat. He is understandably caught off guard by what I said, and further, he seems to be carefully evaluating the sincerity of my statement. After a few moments, he realizes I am serious.

He offers a small, albeit honest smile and just says, "Well, that's nice."

I woke up shortly after that.
Oct 8, 2012 at 2:42 PM
Bonds that separate us
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"hey, it's totally irresponsible, but I guess you're only hurting yourself, so do what you want"
This sounds a bit like me

His voice catches in his throat. He is understandably caught off guard by what I said, and further, he seems to be carefully evaluating the sincerity of my statement. After a few moments, he realizes I am serious.

He offers a small, albeit honest smile and just says, "Well, that's nice."
This sounds like imaginary fangirl heartthrob me
I get a lot of that

I like picturing my actual voice killing the mood instantly :awesomeface:
Oct 8, 2012 at 2:46 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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This sounds a bit like me

This sounds like imaginary fangirl heartthrob me
I get a lot of that

I like picturing my actual voice killing the mood instantly :awesomeface:

I don't know if that last line was in character, but it wasn't particularly heartthrob because it was you essentially telling me you didn't feel the same way back, but expressing some degree of flattery that I felt that way toward you.

So it's in character provided your standard response to being told you're loved (and not loving back) isn't "NAH BITCH, NAH"

"I like picturing my actual voice killing the mood instantly :awesomeface:"

Oct 8, 2012 at 3:14 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Insert boring dream title here... while I'm being ninja'd here as well.
I'm just never safe from ninjas! [acronym="I blame my permanent bad luck on that."]There's nowhere a safe place from ninjas![/acronym]
But enough going off-topic, this is a dream thread, not a "get-angry-because-of-being-ninja'd" thread.

I dreamt that I was practicing my skill at fighting with a [acronym="Japanese long sword"]katana[/acronym] against a ragdoll when I heard the sound of gunshots. I ran to the gate, and entered, but found myself in a different area - an area from Castlevania - Dawn of Sorrows. Time had stopped, but I was unaffected. There were [acronym="Why do my dreams have a lot of these?"]giant squirrel monsters[/acronym] and they were stopped in time, so I cut them open. They all turned into school uniforms from Gansbaai Academia (Gansbaai's high school) for some reason, but I ignored it. Then I went through a door...

There was a vampire who had a Poké Ball in her hand.
"You shall become my servant, Shane..."
I held my katana tightly as she threw the Poké Ball at me. I hit it with the katana, sending it to her, and it hits her. Basically, she captured herself - that was the most stupidest thing I have ever seen. Then a trapdoor opened and I fell in...

I was on top of a UFO. Luckily, it had crashed in Gansbaai's mountain prior to my arrival there, so I was sort-of safe... until aliens appeared, with laser guns. They saw the katana and cowered in fear, allowing me to violently decapitate or annihilate them. I tried saying something, but my voice was missing for some reason, and I had a weird watch on my arm that is similar to the Xtranscievers from Pokémon Black and White. I tried calling someone, but all I received was static. Then white Shadows appear (probably the opposite version of Heartless). And I turned it into gold pieces after cutting it in half. Then a ladder appeared which appeared to lead to a cloud, so I climbed it...

When I reached the top, it wasn't just a cloud. It was a cloud city. I leapt to the cloud, without falling through, as an unknown person approached me. Unfortunately, said person wore a [acronym="Also known as a HAZMAT suit"]biohazard suit[/acronym] and those things freak me out [acronym="Let's just say that it would end up in a lot of chaos"](a lot)[/acronym] so I leapt off the cloud, using my katana as a way to keep myself in the sky without falling to death. I actually managed to hover high enough to reach a different cloud, which I landed on, but monsters appeared there, and then one of them were hit with a laser beam, but it only made the monster stronger. I then actually managed to teleport behind the monster and cut it in half, before I leapt to the other monster with the katana, cutting it in eight. Then a door opened. I entered...

... and found myself in front of a castle called Horror Castle. I looked behind the signpost, and it said that Horror Castle is filled with all the fears of a person entering it. I didn't enter the castle, since 28 or 29 fears would probably result in me going insane. I went the opposite direction, only to find that the castle was everywhere. My response:
"What the actual [acronym="The f-word"]****[/acronym]? What in bloody blooming burning blue blazes is this? I don't even care, to be honest..."
Then I entered the castle and was confronted by all 28 fears at once. I then created a field of aura around myself and caused it to explode in random directions due to being frightened, causing the "aura burst" to chase the fears away. It was actually easy to walk to the exit as all my fears fled from me. When I left the castle, I found myself in a field full of Pokémon, Digimon, Heartless, Cave Story monsters and La-Mulana monsters. I killed those who attacked me (except for a Glaceon and a Pikachu that could use Ice-type moves, both of who (whom?) joined me.

Then I went from the field to a Sky-High Castle, and then I simply leapt off of the edge, firing Aura Spheres around me as though everything tried to kill me. I was about fifteen feet from the ground when I fired an ice beam at the ground that managed to break my fall, and then it began raining blood. I then took a stone and threw it to the sky, and then I actually broke the sky - there was a lot of static. Someone entered, saying "I literally broke the fourth wall." I responded with an Aura Sphere at a house, blowing the house into smithereens. "I hate breaking just one wall," I replied, as I fired a lot of Aura Spheres and ice beams around me. Then the ground turned into blood and I was hanging in the air, and then a massive explosion caused by a single [acronym="I always end up getting killed by one..."]squirrel.[/acronym]

Then I woke up.
Oct 8, 2012 at 6:43 PM
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Shane, you are very weird
Oct 8, 2012 at 7:39 PM
daughter of chivalry
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The scene is as follows: it is an extraordinarily beautiful, breathtaking night on a tropical island. Although the sun has long since set, almost oppressive heat lingers in the humidity of the air. Pure white sands stretch out in either direction, in a "horseshoe" formation, enclosing a sparkling lagoon, the water so pristine and clear you could make out shoals of fish darting to and fro in the shallows. The sky is a magnificent deep purple, dotted with scintillating stars. Patchy coastal grasses, deep green ferns and tropical palms meet the beach some way back from the shore. Nearby, a grandiose waterfall feeds into the lagoon. If you looked, Wild Desu could be seen enjoying herself under the waterfall, although she was the only other member who appeared in this dream, and only in that context.
Damn you and your lovely writing. This made me feel super fuzzy inside.

All in all, the scene was incredibly romantic. It was quite funny, then, that I was seated on the beach with DoubleThink, arguing over proper swimwear, of all things.
I read this when I first woke up, and thought you had said that you found DT on the beach crying over proper swimwear. It made me chuckle heartily
This sounds like imaginary fangirl heartthrob me
I get a lot of that
Watch out, we got a ladies man over here

As for me, I didn't remember my dream for last night. But I keep having recurring dreams in which that crazy girl from my school makes a guest star appearance. And all of the times she is there, she is throwing a tantrum (as she usually would). I haven't seen the girl in years and she never went to my high school. Maybe it is a deep-set sign that I want to flip a shit on everyone lately.
Oct 21, 2012 at 5:51 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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This morning (sometime before I woke up) I had a rather odd dream. If it really happens then something must be seriously wrong with me. :/

I dreamt that I played Pokémon Black 3 and White 3 (no, that's not a typo) and that I defeated Ghetsis again, which led to him committing suicide. Then I defeated the new Champion, Alder's grandson (Benga), and then the credits played. At the end of the credits, there was a message:

"Thank you for playing Pokémon Black and White 3.
The next game in the main series will be Pokémon Dusk and Dawn.
It will feature all new Pokémon, moves, abilities, and a new region!"

And then I played this next game and the starter Pokémon were Grass-type and Fire-type versions of Pikachu, and the Marill evolutionary line. Emolga had a pre-evolved form, Plusle and Minun got new Pokémon family called Multiplo and Divida, and the villainous team of this region wanted to take over the world using cute Pokémon. The champion was Misty from Kanto, the Elite Four were Candice (from SInnoh), Jasmine (from Johto), Roxanne (from Hoenn) and Roxie (from Unova). The first Gym Leader were Lyra (from HeartGold/SoulSilver), who specialized in Normal-type Pokémon and gave the Common Badge to trainers. The second one was Rosa (female player character from Black 2/White 2) who specialized in Dark Pokémon and she gave Trainers who beat her the Blackout Badge. The third one was Noxid, who specialized in Poison-type Pokémon and gave out the Venom Badge. The fourth Gym had Sam and Dean Winchester, who gave Trainers the Twin Badge and they specialized in Double Battles. Gym number five had Cilan, Cress and Chili (from Black and White) who specialized in Grass, Water and Fire-type Pokémon respectively, and in Triple Battles, and beating them gave the Triple Badge. The sixth Gym Leader, Serenity, was an ex-member of the villainous team, with the Trainer type of Rebel instead of Gym Leader, and she used rodent Pokémon like Pikachu, Emolga, Zubat, and so on. She gave out the Pikachu Badge. The seventh Gym Leader was Cynthia (the Champion of Sinnoh from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) and she specialized in Dragon-type Pokémon, and when beaten she gave the Dragon Fang Badge. The last Gym Leader was different depending on the version, though. Thor the Electric-Type Gym Leader gave out the Spark Badge in Pokémon Dawn, while Shauntal (Elite Four member of Unova) was the Ghost-type Gym Leader who gave out the Horror Badge in Pokémon Dusk.


Okay, it seems even more weird now. :/
Oct 23, 2012 at 6:58 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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I didn't dream about anything because I stayed up until 4:30 AM manually cleaning up all of the glitches caused by new mod content in Sims 3 only for it to crash horribly just before I was about to save

Three ~ four hours of my life I'm never getting back

Worst part is I'll probably spend another three ~ four hours redoing it all

I hate my life and am literally cry goodbye
Oct 23, 2012 at 10:29 PM
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Oct 23, 2012 at 10:34 PM
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i dreamt my room was the seal chamber.

that wan't a good dream :C
Oct 24, 2012 at 9:49 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that someone hugged me so tight that I suffocated in two minutes. :/
Shortest dream I ever had.
Oct 26, 2012 at 8:01 PM
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What did I dream about? Hmmm the last dream I had, I remember just the ending. I remember waiting on campus, it was pretty late. The exit had automatic sliding doors... Can't remember all the events that happened leading up to this point.

This tough looking black guy (can't remember how or if I even knew him) took my gun, I think as I headed into the parking lot. We got into my car, can't remember if he was driving or I was driving. (I think he was, since he kept backing up into other cars, but gently lol So I could see some kind of evidence that maybe the culprits car had scratched during their getaway); I think I thought he was involved at first, but apparently he wasn't.
Kids were being kidnapped around town, and we were trying to track them down.

I remember driving through town, and actually seeing one of the kidnappings happen, but it was more like aliens snatching someone, because it happened so incredibly fast, like they were being yanked into the darkness, like some kind of scifi movie D:

We were hot on their trail when....


I didn't dream about anything because I stayed up until 4:30 AM manually cleaning up all of the glitches caused by new mod content in Sims 3 only for it to crash horribly just before I was about to save

Three ~ four hours of my life I'm never getting back

Worst part is I'll probably spend another three ~ four hours redoing it all

I hate my life and am literally cry goodbye
Not sure if that means you're combining mods, and was about to save their combined output to make a mega mod? Or were you making something in Sims 3 using new mod content, and it crashed before you were able to save?

If it's the latter, you should take some screenshots so you can always remember it or share it! xD
Oct 26, 2012 at 9:45 PM
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So in my dream, some weird shit happened. So crazy I can't even describe it without getting banned or getting yelled at by Noxid.

Yeah I don't dream much, but when I do it's either a nightmare or something crazy.
Oct 27, 2012 at 2:18 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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my dreams are ALWAYS absolutely insane.

i once dreamt the way to defeat a zombie invasion was with cookies :hoppy:
Oct 27, 2012 at 6:29 AM
Little Bitch in Sheep Clothing
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my dreams are ALWAYS absolutely insane.

i once dreamt the way to defeat a zombie invasion was with cookies :hoppy:

The cookies are made of flours treated with cure.

The zombies will eat them because nothing can resist cookies.