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What did you dream about last night?

Oct 31, 2012 at 3:44 PM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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I was talking to my superiors, some natural conversation, over and over again.
Oct 31, 2012 at 4:06 PM
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part of my dream involved me having a cigarette, and blowing some smoke into the air. someone happened to be running just where a blew the smoke, and freaked out at me for blowing the smoke in his face. he was yelling at me and i was suddenly feeling very guilty for smoking.

the rest of that dream was pretty odd, too. part of it involved police coming to my house, and me freaking out about it, and, before that, being at some kind of highschool reuinion.
Oct 31, 2012 at 4:13 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that I had a fatal heart disease. I posted my "will" or "testament" or whatever it's called (my forums, my mods, etc.).
My forums (SCS Forums and SCS Planning Forums) would go to Noxid, who was an administrator along with Kanpachi, and members who are on my friends list of these forums and the SCS Forums were the only ones who were allowed to revive my mods or whatever.
I then went to a hospital, because of an apparent heart transplant, and I got flown over to Chicago.

Unfortunately, however, I never had a heart disease. I was poisoned by some maniac who wanted me in Chicago, who used robotics to create a mechanical bee that stung me. The maniac gave me an antidote after I told him what 75^6 is (yes, I really memorized 177 978 515 625) and let me go.
I was trapped in Chicago, though, so I wandered around until I fainted from hunger...

I then woke up (in the dream) in a house, and I was given a few hotdogs (no, not canines; some people really like twisting other's words) by someone called Kim Tyranto (coincidence, probably). She allowed me to use her computer so that I could find out what's going on on the world of forums.

Shane's Cave Story was taken over by BhadRebelle, Kanpachi, Randolf, Dunc2403 and MagicDoors, and they managed to make the mod great, up to the point of there being five "episodes."
Cave Story - Time Warp was remade by HaydenStudios and Duke Serkol, and judging by the amount of posts in the thread, it was way better than it is now.
Shadow of the Stars was finished by Randolf, Duke Serkol, Kanpachi, and GIRakaCHEEZER. The mod was just as good as the other mods were.
Cave Story Re:coded was finished by MagicDoors, DoubleThink, Randolf and Kanpachi, and it was even better than I had hoped it would be.
The Curse of Il'andri'iel was finished by Carrotlord, HyMyNameIsMatt, Noxid, andwhyisit, and Tpcool.
The SCS Forums had 1 000 000 members in total, which was surprising, considering that it only had 20 members before I left.

So I returned to my forums, but unfortunately, everyone thought I was someone who hacked my own account, so the admins banned me. :/
Everywhere I returned, I got banned "for being undead."
So I made my third forum, the "Shane is Alive" Forums, and posted an entire 10-page long explanation about why I was returned. Only then was I able to return to the forums.


And then I found out that Gansbaai was blown to smithereens with a nuclear bomb. Which sent me into a massive rage, which led to me doing the impossible and actually recreating my hometown. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring back the dead, so I waited to find out who did it, and it was sexplosive who destroyed it. So then I cast a spell and made a meteor fall on sexplosive's head. (sorry, I have no control over what goes on in my nightmares :( )

... And then everyone who was a member of the SCS Forums moved to the ex-ghost town of Gansbaai.


I wish I had more control over what happens in my nightmares though :/
Oct 31, 2012 at 10:02 PM
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i dreamt CS had a fifth ending.

but it was so messed up and convoluted that i can't even begin to describe it.
Nov 1, 2012 at 1:02 AM
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My dream was having Slenderman as an integrated member of society. He shook my hand but did not talk. It was not really creepy until I realized I was dreaming. Upon that point, I struck a man with lightning and everything got loud and fuzzy. Somehow my dream ends when my alarm goes off.
Nov 7, 2012 at 11:19 PM
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I dreamt me and two other people stole a stash of priceless platinum tokens or some shit. Then the fencer betrayed us to the IMF, who sent a hitman after us. I battled him valiantly, using cover. Until I suddenly discovered he was a tin of tuna.

Reading Cloud Atlas last evening while feeling glum about Mitt Romney losing was the inspiration, I'm guessing.
Nov 8, 2012 at 4:07 AM
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Is cloud atlas good? I own it but haven't started reading yet
Nov 8, 2012 at 7:15 AM
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I dreamt that a_77.jpg (i.e. some 3D Cave Story mock-up) was real, and I was playing it, but I can't recall much about it. I just remembered being really excited. Then I remember my brother throwing some purple.. putty? at my face.. then I was playing Super Smash Bro's Melee and it was some kind of cloud stage. That's all I can remember. I'm surprised I remembered that much though because I usually don't have/remember dreams or I just forget them before I can tell anyone. :pignon2:
Nov 8, 2012 at 4:02 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Desu, that is honestly one strange dream. Though I do love how most of it is directly and obviously linked to your current anxieties, and the remainder is absolutely random bullcrap. Unless you miss Neopets/are crying over how it's impossible to get enough neopoints to paint your pet anything decent.

Anyway, on to the details about my most recent forum dream a few nights ago.

It was something about GIR.

That is literally all I remember. And no, it wasn't a sex dream, of that much I am sure.
Nov 8, 2012 at 4:17 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Dream number one:

I dreamt that I was at home, when I was attacked by a purple toucan-bird-thing. Then I grabbed Simba (my cat) to prevent her from attacking the bird, but then I spotted a weird lizard with six legs, also purple. Then I ran outside, and encountered a giant purple spider. I was trapped, so I just shouted "Simba" and a lion came and roared, and all the things I encountered exploded into gold coins. Then I woke up at 04:00 AM. :/

... No, it wasn't my cat who roared, it was a real "dream-live" lion.

Dream number two:

I dreamt that Cell from the Dragon Ball Z anime attacked Gansbaai because he wanted to kill me. He grabbed me and threw me all the way to some country with a red and white flag that had a red leaf of some sort on it. Then someone who looked like Booster came out and hit me over the head with a hammer the whole time until I managed to run into a building. Then someone unknown came in and she said, "you're going to get annihilated." I then ran up the stairs until I reached the third floor, and found a window. I ran to it and leapt out, as Curly Brace (who looked like the one in Carrotlord's current avatar) tried to shoot me with a machine gun (although all of the shots missed). I managed to land on the ground, and the impact of me landing caused icicles to pierce upwards from under the ground. (Best way I can describe it, I guess.)

Then I fired numerous ice bolts at Curly, who had a force field around her (technically "it" but that'll start an argument that would cause a lot of trouble), and I ran out of town. Then Cell found me again, then I punched the ground, causing icicles to hit Cell from below (and freeze him). I managed to return to town before he defrosted, but I had to face an unknown girl, Curly Brace, and Booster all at once. I was about to attack when I sneezed, and the moment the unknown girl said "gesundheit" I created a small whirlwind of ice that froze everything in its path. Then I ran away, and tripped over a toolbox. I opened it, and a succubus attacked me, but I managed to roll backwards to avoid the attack.

Then I woke up, hurting myself by accident (stupid roof!) and waking the entire house up. I'd probably have been grounded for a week, if I didn't say that it was a nightmare in which my cat was murdered. :/
Nov 9, 2012 at 12:18 AM
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my recent dream involved a spur, a barrel of pickles, a lump of rock, a booster 2.0, a pack or cards and a novelty plastic axe.

much fun was had, especially when the potatoes and obsidian were introduced.
Nov 10, 2012 at 2:53 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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I was me, but I was a man. I was standing with strangers, but I somehow knew they were my friends. We were hanging out on the balcony of my house. For context, my house is situated on top of a hill that has a spectacular view, overlooking rolling green fields (they're farming pastures and forests below). It was very overcast, and all of a sudden it started raining. We stayed throughout the downpour, unaffected.

Then, almost as suddenly as the deluge game, the clouds let up. Rays of sunlight permeated the nebulous sky and licked the earth. The valley below sparkled like a jewel, the light scintillating and scattering over the beads of dew that settled from the rain. I felt that both of my hands were being held.

Woke up at that point.
Nov 10, 2012 at 3:00 AM
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Do you know if anyone sang Kumbaya?
Nov 10, 2012 at 1:29 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Nov 10, 2012 at 5:55 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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I had a dream I went to some establishment that had a whole collection of massive playplace-esque tube slides, and they'd give you a little board on wheels to sit on and skate down them. It was pretty baller.
Also, the building was inside a force field
Nov 10, 2012 at 6:11 PM
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I had a dream where I was making a LP of the HACKslashMINE mod pack for Minecraft (which is weird because I don't have recording software), and I SPAWNED IN A DUNGON FULL OF SPIDERS.

I fucking hate spiders.
Nov 10, 2012 at 6:18 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Tale_Zero said:
I fucking hate spiders.
We both do.
I hate them so much that the moment I see them I run in terror, which usually ends up with me colliding into a door or something. :/


I actually dreamt that some Spiderman guy came and when I saw him I ran as though I was chased by zombies. Then I discovered that the entire planet's human population is now spiders. :(
I leapt off a cliff, and died.
Then I woke up (in the dream) and then the same stuff happened, so I stabbed myself in the heart with a knife. Then (somehow) I woke up again in the dream, and again the same things happened, so I electrocuted myself. By the time I woke up in the real world, I was killed 55 times in the dream world >_<
Nov 10, 2012 at 7:24 PM
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Well, I didn't have any of these.. expressive dreams.
I don't really dream much, or rather, I never record my dreams.
The last time I remember having a dream was November 2nd.

This dream had a lot going on. But I don't really want to share it yet. I'll just give a brief summary.

So I met this girl who had an interest in me but in my dream I was straight. However since we decided on becoming best friends she eventually brushed her brush to the side, or so I thought. And so the next day (in my dream) she had invited me over to her house to do homework together. I did. Her parents were home so the awkward feeling subsided. So we went to her room and I heard her parents saying we'd be a good couple. So we talked and eventually I agreed to date her.

Afterwards, many people at started making fun of us. So she broke ultimately with me because she couldn't take it. Then she moved away and started that cycle with other girls over again. I woke up, angry. :p
Nov 13, 2012 at 1:13 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I... had a horribly horrible nightmare...

I dreamt that my father was going on the Internet during a thunderstorm and then a bolt of lightning struck the satellite dish thing and caused a massive explosion that wiped out the entire country - with me being the only survivor for some reason. I was literally blasting off and I landed in Canada. On top of a helicopter which was mid-air. I didn't get killed, but the helicopter crashed into a tree. Then another explosion, which sent me flying through some giant skyscraper and landing in a park in Chicago. And then I heard some weird sounds, so I looked up. The entire city was under quarantine, and then I started running as though I was being chased by a giant boulder. I actually went to the top of the highest building in Chicago, picked up a random watch, and leapt off the top floor window, with my eyes closed. When I opened them again, I was still up there, but just five years back. I had no idea what was going on, though, so I just walked to ground floor, and then someone punched me so hard that I ended up in the year 2025. There was a fourth World War going on, and a lot of chemical and biological weapons were used. I then decided to go to Japan, using a hoverboard (yay, it existed), and I obtained a katana there. Then I went to Germany, where the idiot who started the war was, and I decapitated him. The war ended, and a donkey made of concrete fell on top of me. Then I woke up in Egypt in the year 3943343 B.C. I took the katana and stabbed myself with it.

Then I woke up. For real.
Nov 13, 2012 at 2:36 PM
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I was at some amusement park/zoo thing. There was an owl exhibit that I went to, and a barn owl hopped right onto my wrist. It was pretty cool. Then it puked sludge and dead bugs on me.

Then when I used the bathroom later, the stall, which was orb shaped, flew into the air and back down again. One of the rides was actually the bathroom :| then I realized my chest was naked and everyone was watching me. That's never fun. Then more shit happened that I don't fully remember