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What did you dream about last night?

Sep 19, 2012 at 8:10 PM
Little Bitch in Sheep Clothing
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Somebody on here (probably Cultr or Fab, I dunno) sent me a PM saying that my signature is against the rule because it had Futurama on it.
Sep 20, 2012 at 1:02 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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I was singing Disney songs, then I was flying through a park singing "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. It was really great, honestly.

Later when I went home there was cookies everywhere and my dad was bitching about something.
Sep 20, 2012 at 11:50 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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Later when I went home there was cookies everywhere
Weird, my dream had a lot of cookies as well. An entire town made of it. And a kingdom.

My dream:

I dreamt that I was in a Labyrinth twice as big as the one in which a Minotaur would be, and that I had to find the exit. Instead I just found a door, took a nearby sword, and cut it open to enter a town made of cookies. And the inhabitants were made of cookies as well. Then a giant toaster appeared, and ate everything until I hit it with my sword, instantly sending it flying into a white stone wall. Then I ran it through with my sword, before it turned into emerald coins. Then I asked myself "what in shipwrecksauce is going on" and then I was teleported to some sort of military base or something.

Most of the symbols there are the same as the one on the big shutter from the Core of Cave Story. The soldiers there was extremely scary so I just ran away as fast as I could (which was pretty fast, since I didn't even notice I ran three kilometers without getting tired, but then again, it could be due to the fear I felt). I was in a desert. And giant computers were throwing disks and CDs and DVDs at me. I kept evading until I found a door. I entered it and found myself in a kingdom made of cookies. I then got angry and somehow created a ball of ice in my left hand and then I froze the entire kingdom. I entered a random door and found myself face to face against another swordsman. From a video game named Grandia II.

Ryudo (the swordsman) attacked first but I blocked it with my sword and then fired an iceball at him, freezing him. Then I decapitated him. And then everything tried to kill me (quiet literally) so I ran out and somehow began to fly. But then even the clouds tried to kill me by firing missiles at me. I managed to evade it, but then a giant Pikachu appeared and used Ice Beam on me, freezing me. But I could still move in the ice. So I just broke the ice and freeze the Pikachu. It turned green and became emerald coins. Then I ran into a brick wall and woke up.

And then noticed that my hand was bleeding for some reason. I guess I punched a wooden beam in my sleep or something.
I still don't understand how I can remember my dreams in such detail :eek:
Sep 21, 2012 at 4:57 AM
Little Bitch in Sheep Clothing
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I can remember the exact ingredient for foods I eat in my lucid dreams.
Sep 29, 2012 at 12:37 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that my parents called me "idiot" (they really do call me that nowadays -_-) and that I got so depressed that I went to the beach and drowned myself only to wake up to be called "idiot" again. Which got me depressed, so I stabbed myself to death. And then I woke up again, being called "idiot." I then stood in the road and got hit by a truck. And then I woke up yet again being called "idiot." I set myself on fire, I electrocuted myself, I strangled myself, I threw myself off a cliff, and whatever other ways there are to suicide, and I still woke up to be called an idiot.

I probably dreamt this because I am so depressed because my parents started to call me names like "idiot" and "stupid thing." -_-
I'm so depressed...
I wish I was dead... -_-
Sep 29, 2012 at 5:07 PM
In my body, in my head
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Aw shane, I don't think you're an idiot
Sep 29, 2012 at 6:49 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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I dreamt that I was in a trash cell on a space ship, and I couldn't eat, or drink, and the only way to get out was to touch this one girls underwear (who I was trapped with). I really didn't want to but I did, and we got out and were eating tacos with all these weird people.
Sep 29, 2012 at 8:51 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Desu why are your dreams so awesome
Sep 30, 2012 at 2:15 AM
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My Dream Is That I Was Quote And I Was In Wind Fortress.

**** my nose is bleeding
Sep 30, 2012 at 5:52 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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I dreamt of a color. Black.
Oct 1, 2012 at 12:02 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that everyone (both real people and members of forums) called me a liar after I said that I had nothing to eat for four days (which is true at the moment, I have nothing to eat and I went without food for four days now) and that I got banned everywhere.

Here I got banned by S. P. Gardebiter (even though he's an ex-admin, but he still appears in the list of staff members), at the Mossmouth forums I got banned by Derek Yu (the guy who made Spelunky), at the Little Fighter Empire forums I got banned by an unknown moderator, at the Emuparadise forums I got banned by a super moderator, and somehow, I got banned from my own forums.

I then went and committed suicide by jumping off a cliff, but, like my previous dream, I just woke up again with the same suffering and torment.
Eventually I decided to stay awake and do nothing, and then someone kills me (and the rest of Gansbaai) with a nuclear bomb. -_-
And still I woke up, unscathed somehow, except that the entire Gansbaai was in ruins. I went out to figure out what was going on, when I learnt that it was 11 December 2012 - ten minutes before 00:00. I found some alien weapon, and shot myself with it, only to wake up again, on 12 December 2012, at 12:11. There was a weird watch on the ground which I picked up. The moment it said "12/12/2012, 12:12:12:12"* a massive earthquake struck (and South Africa doesn't even get earthquakes) and thus ended the world... in most places. I woke up in New Mexico of all places and found an Aztec temple there that wasn't there in the past (probably because of the earthquake that it appeared) and then I picked up some sort of weird music device that played the Break Down song from Cave Story endlessly. I entered the temple, only to find that there was monsters. I found a nearby sword and decided to use it to defend myself, since killing myself would have no effect for some odd reason. And then I starved to death because of having no food, but I woke up outside the temple again, this time with a second one rising.

Then monsters similar to my current avatar ("Forum Ghost") attacked me, but I attacked them with my sword until they turned into binary. I then wondered if I wasn't in a virtual world or something, and then a group of human survivors came. One of them, a girl, killed another, and he didn't come back to life, so I realized that I'm the only one who was cursed to suffer. Then one of the other survivors killed the girl, then they saw me. Two of them ran to me, ready to kill me, when the girl appeared near the temple doors - another cursed person. I took my sword and threw it at one of the attackers, which caused an area-of-effect attack, which killed both the attackers. And then a meteor strike occured, ending the world entirely. And then I found myself on Titan (Saturn's moon) and died there. And then I found myself on a floating island, and then I got turned into a mushroom by Ballos before Heavy Press fell on me.

Guess my dreams of recentness are filled with a lot of death. -_-
I have no hopes in the dream world, I guess.
Guess the dream world's there to torment me and make me feel worse than now...

*12 hours, 12 minutes, 12 seconds, 12 milliseconds. Thus, seven 12s.
Oct 1, 2012 at 12:40 PM
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I think you need a shrink.
This much death can't be healthy.
(also, eat food?)
(I hear garlic is quite tasty)
Oct 1, 2012 at 6:09 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Oct 3, 2012 at 5:44 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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More forum dreams coming every pony's way:

I was back in school, only I was in my 2nd grade classroom. My classmates were kids from my school, but we were all our actual ages instead of 8 years old. And who was the teacher? IT WAS NOXID. There was this one girl in my class named Lauren, and she had always been very..off. Lacked social cues, was very inappropriate, and would flip out very easily. She happened to be in my dream, and she got into a screaming fight with Noxid. Then she threw a crumpled ball of heavy paper at his face and it hit him right in the eye. I just laughed though. I'm a horrible friend.
Oct 3, 2012 at 8:18 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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More forum dreams coming every pony's way:

I was back in school, only I was in my 2nd grade classroom. My classmates were kids from my school, but we were all our actual ages instead of 8 years old. And who was the teacher? IT WAS NOXID. There was this one girl in my class named Lauren, and she had always been very..off. Lacked social cues, was very inappropriate, and would flip out very easily. She happened to be in my dream, and she got into a screaming fight with Noxid. Then she threw a crumpled ball of heavy paper at his face and it hit him right in the eye. I just laughed though. I'm a horrible friend.

Because I love you and I wish to spite GIR at the same time and it's the off topic part of the forum so yes:

Oct 3, 2012 at 8:39 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Another dream from... well, a forum ghost, I guess. Since my avatar is one.

I was on a plane to somewhere in America when Quote and Curly (somehow) appeared and then they killed everyone. And then they shoot at me, but it didn't hit me. Then they tried running to me, and they ran into some invisible wall. I then leapt backwards, only to notice that I had 3D glasses on (and I hate glasses) and that it was a television. Then Booster (sorry, I mean Noxid) knocked on the door and when I opened it, he gave me a sword and told me to jump into the road. Which I did, and I found myself in a place that looks like the forums. Pretty much weird, like most of my dreams. And there were glitches and ghosts on the forum, which I fixed and deleted with my sword.

Off-topic stuff:
I think you need a shrink.
This much death can't be healthy.
(also, eat food?)
(I hear garlic is quite tasty)
If South Africa's best psychiatrists call me a hopeless case, then it's really bad.
And until today, there was no food.

*attempts to not get angry*
*vents anger on Beelzebub of La-Mulana's remake*

Lacked social cues, was very inappropriate, and would flip out very easily.
That's kinda like me, except I'm appropriate most of the time.
If "lacked social cues" is the same as "being shy" then I'm that as well.
Oct 3, 2012 at 9:00 PM
Tommy Thunder
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So I decided to scan an entry from my brother's Dream Diary. I think it's pretty hilarious.

Warning: Excessive strong language

As you can see, the entry is months old. If some people like these, I'll upload some more :o
Oct 3, 2012 at 9:29 PM
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the combination of hello kitty paper, and FUCKING FAGGOT IN ALL CAPS just really tickles my funny bone.
i would love to see more hahaha
Oct 3, 2012 at 10:19 PM
In my body, in my head
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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So I decided to scan an entry from my brother's Dream Diary. I think it's pretty hilarious.

Warning: Excessive strong language

As you can see, the entry is months old. If some people like these, I'll upload some more :o
You have a great brother for making this (esp. the hello kitty notebook, choice)
and you are a great brother for posting it on the internet :chin: