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What did you dream about last night?

Aug 30, 2012 at 9:12 PM
Tommy Thunder
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So I actually managed to slightly remember a dream I had last night. I never manage to do that, so I'm pretty surprised.

So, the forum only had, like, 3 active members left: me, Dunc2403, and andwhyisit (jesus I gotta stop talking to dunc). So andy announced that in a week he would be closing down the forums. I don't exactly remember what we posted, but I don't think much. What felt like only a few seconds, the forums were closed down and then I woke up! I felt really sad until I realized what happened.
Aug 30, 2012 at 9:31 PM
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:( @Tpcool

I dreamed that I was in an Italian house with a nice girl. Some peaceful music was playing. There were baguettes with sun-dried tomatoes and ricotta cheese - yum. Just as I was getting into the mood... TRUMPETS! Trumpets started playing! WTF trumpets! Bring the midgets in! Bring the midgets in! :muscledoc:
Aug 30, 2012 at 10:02 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Baguettes are French.
Aug 30, 2012 at 10:20 PM
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So they can't be sold in Italy? Back to the trumpets, please.
Aug 30, 2012 at 10:52 PM
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I love italian house.
Sep 3, 2012 at 8:12 PM
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I dreamed that I fell into a pool of lava but didn't die. It was actually lava - the molten rock was thick and I couldn't breathe until I surfaced.
Sep 4, 2012 at 4:23 AM
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I drempt up the mod I'm currently making a few weeks ago. Not even kidding. The only part I didn't dream up were the endings/spoilers...

We, the jury, have found clocks everywhere guilty of dream killing.
Sep 4, 2012 at 9:11 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Sometimes I wonder if I should sit down and try to properly analyze my dreams given how they get. And once more, I know no one reads this thread, but I'm just typing it out because it was a really odd/surreal one.

It starts out in a strange study room, a weird hybrid of my current university's layout and my middle school. It looked like a section or room as part of a much bigger library, and I was there with everyone from here. The implication of the dream was that we were schoolmates. I remember Fab, Cultr1, Desu, most prominently, but I know Bobbyis, Dunc and Hiino were there too. The first three were clustered around a desk together, talking and relaxing. I forget what the latter three were doing. Noxid was there, but was off to the side on his own using a computer and being a loner for some reason. I got up from sitting and chatting with the first group to try and get Noxid to be less of a loner and hugged him around the shoulders. That's a reference to something, actually -- I used to have a friend that looked very much like him but with longer hair, and I would surprise him with hugs from behind like that. But he was being standoffish, I became self conscious so I excused myself to everyone else and said I'd see them again later.

What followed after I left that library building can only be described an experience on shrooms. I ran down the path, letting go of my bag and all my stuff, and tore my clothes off, piece by piece, strewing them carelessly about the walkway. There was no one else around and my skin felt warm. I somehow jumped onto the roof of a nearby house in one clean leap and continued to jump, roof-to-roof, gaining speed until I was flung out into a sky, crashing through a cloud that dissolved into tiny prisms, reflecting multicolored light as a stream of colored balloons suddenly floated up from underneath. I kept on going until I reached a brown cliff with a stone statue. The effigy came to life and proceeded to make love to me on the edge of the cliff as I thought I heard voices surrounding us, although I couldn't see anyone, nor understand what the voices were saying.

And then my boyfriend called me and woke me up.
Sep 4, 2012 at 10:08 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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The weirdest dream I had this month thus far is pretty odd and random doesn't even begin to describe it, I guess.

I dreamt that I was in Kingdom Hearts in a world that doesn't exist. It was called "Castle Oathkeeper" and was full of Heartless. I had the Oathkeeper keyblade, and I went to fight the Heartless, but they turned into Pokémon whenever I hit them with the Keyblade. Eventually I got tired of finding Pokémon in Heartless form so I left, only to find myself on the floating island of Cave Story. The way back to the castle was blocked by giant man-eating squirrels and the Keyblade turned into plastic, so I was unarmed. Then I found a trapdoor which lead to a ghostly Ballos, who led me to a small room in which Noxid, DoubleThink, Kanpachi (the forum member), Randolf, MagicDoors, Carrotlord and Dunc2403 were waiting for someone to find the exit of the Infinite Hallway, which is, as the name implies, infinite in length. (all the forum members looked like their avatars)

Noxid had a banhammer and a katana, DoubleThink had two banhammers, Kanpachi had a fishing rod and the same Fireball that was in Cave Story, Randolf had grenades and a pistol, MagicDoors had a spellbook and a wooden staff, Carrotlord had a rocket launcher-like weapon that fired exploding carrots, and Dunc2403 had a bloody knife. Noxid gave me the katana, and I went into the Infinite Hallway, which was kind of puzzling due to all the puzzles it had. A door opening when I hurt myself by accident, or a ladder appearing whenever I attack a monster, for example, which got annoying fast so I hurried to find the exit. I couldn't. I went crazy and attacked a wall and it opened the exit, which I went into.

I found myself on the Great Wall of China, fighting an army of bandits, hunters, sorcerers, monks and knights. I had to beat them up unarmed, but I was capable of doing so for some time without getting hurt.
Then I woke up and hit my head against a wooden beam by accident. -_-
Sep 4, 2012 at 1:35 PM
In my body, in my head
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I have a dream that I remember fairly well for the first time in a while so I guess I'll write it down. It's sort-of a two parter

So the first part is this recognition ceremony or dinner or something, it's related to high school but I wasn't *in* high school per se. Anyway, it was a fancy dress sort of deal (or as fancy as I usually muster, that being business casual) and I'm first hanging out with some of my old high-school friends then I get in line. The people in line were giving me kind of funny looks but I just sort of ignored it.
As you go to get in they hand you a printed sheet of labels to use as nametags and because I had nobody to go with me mine was just one tiny sticker with my name on it in the middle of a great big page. So, I mill around akwardly for a bit trying to find a seat for myself (the place is pretty packed) and I end up sitting next to my family. I have no idea how they got in. Anyway, we eat these tiny raspberry jelly ice-cream things and they're really good, but my brother starts to cause a scene and we have to leave before the main course arrives. Then when we get home I realize that I was wearing one of those stupid naruto headbands the entire time and am both mortified and relieved that we left before more people had a chance to see me. I figure one of my high-school friends I was with earlier put it on me
(author's note: I've never warn one of these in my life, but I did know a girl who did).
Anyway, back at the house, the whole CaveCon gang is here now. We're getting ready to leave and I decide to head out to pick up some last-minute Moxie because I've got to go to university and they don't sell it up here. So, we all head out in the van and somewhere along the way there is some sort of issue. I don't remember what it was or even if it was anything specific to begin with (dreams are like that sometimes) but the net result was that the car was pulled over and most everyone got out and was milling around the side of the road in the dead of night. Yakkers in particular was pretty upset so I went down and kind of akwardly tried to comfort him for a little bit, then I just said "Screw it" and hugged him for like 5 minutes. He was very soft.
Sep 4, 2012 at 1:54 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Noxid, judging by the content of our dreams, I'd say we spend too much time on IRC immediately before sleep.
Sep 4, 2012 at 1:59 PM
In my body, in my head
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Noxid, judging by the content of our dreams, I'd say we spend too much time on IRC immediately before sleep.
no regrets!
Sep 12, 2012 at 1:59 AM
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I dreampt that I was running around tow screaming FUCK YOU!!!!! then I went into a restaurant and ordered a ton of stuff and left. Then I started running back and forth across the crosswalk while it was ok to walk. And an old lady was trying to turn and she ran me over.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:16 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that an admin of the Emuparadise Forums, some of their members, some members and two staff members of these forums, a moderator and two members of the Mossmouth Forums, and one member of the Little Fighter Empire Forums joined my forums all on one day, thereby forcing me to pick two moderators of said forums.

And then after I chose the moderators, I began playing the remake of La-Mulana, but for some reason, instead of the Guardians it should have (Amphisbaena, Sakit, Ellmac, Bahamut, Viy, Palenque, Baphomet and Tiamat) there was unknown Guardians that didn't make sense. The Gate of Guidance's Guardian was a three-headed snake called Serpentio. The second Guardian was a giant squirrel. The third Guardian was a Balore (a boss from Castlevania). The fourth Guardian was Triton, and instead of the boss song that usually plays during the fourth Guardian's boss fight, an unused song (Aqua Wish) played. The fifth Guardian was Ballos. The sixth Guardian was odd, since it was two bosses at once, those guys who guard the room going to the Surface from the Chamber of Extinction. After both were defeated, however, they fused to become a giant monster. The seventh Guardian was a Lickilicky, which had four forms. The eighth Guardian was DoubleThink, and every attack he dealt was a one-hit killing attack. And then, after defeating him (with only 1 HP left due to his flying Mimiga minions) I discovered that there were 20 Guardians in total.

The ninth Guardian was Professor Booster (the one of Noxid's current avatar). The tenth one was the Undead Core. The eleventh one was a toaster with a long nose and eyes on his back. The twelveth (?) Guardian was Tiamat. The thirteenth one was a tombstone that said "Friday the 13th" for some reason. The fourteenth one was that guy who was banned for multiple accounts. The fifteenth one was the Four Philosophers (or Four Sages). The sixteenth one was Xion from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and had four forms. The seventeenth Guardian was Mario. The eighteenth Guardian was some wizard with a wand. The nineteenth Guardian was Artemis Fowl. The last Guardian was all the staff members (past, present and future) of these forums (and all their attacks were instant-kill).

And I'm dead certain nobody reads this but if I don't say anything then it will haunt me forever.
Sep 13, 2012 at 2:00 PM
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I had a dream that all the cavestory sounds were encorperated into life. I failed a math test and *deathsound*
Sep 14, 2012 at 1:11 AM
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I dreamt that an admin of the Emuparadise Forums, some of their members, some members and two staff members of these forums, a moderator and two members of the Mossmouth Forums, and one member of the Little Fighter Empire Forums joined my forums all on one day, thereby forcing me to pick two moderators of said forums.

And then after I chose the moderators, I began playing the remake of La-Mulana, but for some reason, instead of the Guardians it should have (Amphisbaena, Sakit, Ellmac, Bahamut, Viy, Palenque, Baphomet and Tiamat) there was unknown Guardians that didn't make sense. The Gate of Guidance's Guardian was a three-headed snake called Serpentio. The second Guardian was a giant squirrel. The third Guardian was a Balore (a boss from Castlevania). The fourth Guardian was Triton, and instead of the boss song that usually plays during the fourth Guardian's boss fight, an unused song (Aqua Wish) played. The fifth Guardian was Ballos. The sixth Guardian was odd, since it was two bosses at once, those guys who guard the room going to the Surface from the Chamber of Extinction. After both were defeated, however, they fused to become a giant monster. The seventh Guardian was a Lickilicky, which had four forms. The eighth Guardian was DoubleThink, and every attack he dealt was a one-hit killing attack. And then, after defeating him (with only 1 HP left due to his flying Mimiga minions) I discovered that there were 20 Guardians in total.

The ninth Guardian was Professor Booster (the one of Noxid's current avatar). The tenth one was the Undead Core. The eleventh one was a toaster with a long nose and eyes on his back. The twelveth (?) Guardian was Tiamat. The thirteenth one was a tombstone that said "Friday the 13th" for some reason. The fourteenth one was that guy who was banned for multiple accounts. The fifteenth one was the Four Philosophers (or Four Sages). The sixteenth one was Xion from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and had four forms. The seventeenth Guardian was Mario. The eighteenth Guardian was some wizard with a wand. The nineteenth Guardian was Artemis Fowl. The last Guardian was all the staff members (past, present and future) of these forums (and all their attacks were instant-kill).

And I'm dead certain nobody reads this but if I don't say anything then it will haunt me forever.

Dear god you have like the best memory evar

Usually I can't even remember what I had in my sandwich during my dream
Sep 16, 2012 at 6:57 PM
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I had a dream that my family always had a kitty and I just never really noticed or something, so we became best friends but then I woke up

I also remember something about running from gunfire and ultimately crouching down in a moving getaway car as to not get shot, and if I recall Fab was there. Not sure what that was about.
Sep 16, 2012 at 7:21 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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This morning, I dreamt that I was inside a castle full of giant squirrels. I ran from them because they started flashing red. When I reached the castle gate, I found that it was in the sky, and then I leapt out. I was between the castle and the ground when the castle was blown to smithereens as though it was hit with several nuclear bombs. When I hit the ground, I found even more giant squirrels, all of them flashing red as well. Then I ran as fast as I could until I reached a teleporter, which I used. I teleported to the Sand Zone of all places, and then, through a window or something, I saw how most of the lands on Earth was destroyed as if it was attacked with nuclear bombs. Then I found another giant squirrel, which I threw with sand, and then it exploded. -_-

Dear god you have like the best memory evar
Not really. I remember a lot of random things such as things that I should forget (like the exact date of death of my first cat, on 23 September 2003). Most of the time, things I should remember (like my mother having three cats) are things I forget -_-
Sep 17, 2012 at 8:33 PM
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This morning, I dreamt that I was inside a castle full of giant squirrels. I ran from them because they started flashing red. When I reached the castle gate, I found that it was in the sky, and then I leapt out. I was between the castle and the ground when the castle was blown to smithereens as though it was hit with several nuclear bombs. When I hit the ground, I found even more giant squirrels, all of them flashing red as well. Then I ran as fast as I could until I reached a teleporter, which I used. I teleported to the Sand Zone of all places, and then, through a window or something, I saw how most of the lands on Earth was destroyed as if it was attacked with nuclear bombs. Then I found another giant squirrel, which I threw with sand, and then it exploded. -_-

Not really. I remember a lot of random things such as things that I should forget (like the exact date of death of my first cat, on 23 September 2003). Most of the time, things I should remember (like my mother having three cats) are things I forget -_-
Shane said:
The weirdest dream I had this month thus far is pretty odd and random doesn't even begin to describe it, I guess.

I dreamt that I was in Kingdom Hearts in a world that doesn't exist. It was called "Castle Oathkeeper" and was full of Heartless. I had the Oathkeeper keyblade, and I went to fight the Heartless, but they turned into Pokémon whenever I hit them with the Keyblade. Eventually I got tired of finding Pokémon in Heartless form so I left, only to find myself on the floating island of Cave Story. The way back to the castle was blocked by giant man-eating squirrels and the Keyblade turned into plastic, so I was unarmed. Then I found a trapdoor which lead to a ghostly Ballos, who led me to a small room in which Noxid, DoubleThink, Kanpachi (the forum member), Randolf, MagicDoors, Carrotlord and Dunc2403 were waiting for someone to find the exit of the Infinite Hallway, which is, as the name implies, infinite in length. (all the forum members looked like their avatars)

Noxid had a banhammer and a katana, DoubleThink had two banhammers, Kanpachi had a fishing rod and the same Fireball that was in Cave Story, Randolf had grenades and a pistol, MagicDoors had a spellbook and a wooden staff, Carrotlord had a rocket launcher-like weapon that fired exploding carrots, and Dunc2403 had a bloody knife. Noxid gave me the katana, and I went into the Infinite Hallway, which was kind of puzzling due to all the puzzles it had. A door opening when I hurt myself by accident, or a ladder appearing whenever I attack a monster, for example, which got annoying fast so I hurried to find the exit. I couldn't. I went crazy and attacked a wall and it opened the exit, which I went into.

I found myself on the Great Wall of China, fighting an army of bandits, hunters, sorcerers, monks and knights. I had to beat them up unarmed, but I was capable of doing so for some time without getting hurt.
Then I woke up and hit my head against a wooden beam by accident. -_-
Why do all your dreams involve giant squirrels???