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So what did I miss, anyway?

May 19, 2022 at 2:20 PM
Life keeps going, but my temper doesn't.
Join Date: Aug 12, 2013
Posts: 384
Pronouns: he/him
Taking a quick glance, I joined these parts shortly after I started getting into the net and onto forums, leading to a train-wreck of a personal history thanks to the mindset of a child. Seems I was active up until maybe early 2016 where I would *maybe* pop up once a year (usually not). I thought I'd remember quite a bit of things from here, but when I try to not cheat and look back at my posts (I really don't want to) I can't recall much. I do remember right as I joined, or maybe before, I saw Hayden's prank video for his hidden ending and actually played through Cave Story again to waste my time in Sand Zone to no avail (I may have told him this already). I butted heads with Noxid and probably others, got tempbanned once(?) and apparently I had a few people who didn't like me. Fun times. But then there were also some nicer instances later down the line where I'd hang out with some of the crew - for example, the Searching for Spring thread I ran (that shit survived 16 pages???) was pretty fun. There were other pals that I'd talk to via Steam and there was that whole other crew with a separate forum that I don't know if I should be talking about. I don't really want to mention a list of people to directly call out because while I don't expect too many people to remember me I don't wanna accidentally miss out on someone else. It reminds me of the one time someone decided to draw every single active member in a mural and they missed out on me :mrgreen:

As for why I haven't been active, it's probably because I lost the connection. Back when I was still in middle school at the very beginning I was working on a really weird reskin for a Facebook page, which was in retrospect kind of cool but I gave it up since I was more or less always experimenting with things and never had a clear vision. Since time passed, I didn't have much material to talk within the CSTSF with, and the divide with me and the ever-changing site probably added to that. I was constantly switching interests and Cave Story didn't quite itch... Until, what, maybe 2015? I can't recall the exact date. I WAS working on another Cave Story mod, intended as a surprise gift for someone I considered my friend. At first I was thinking of making it a Super Mario World hack but I had no experience in that. It to be short since I finally knew restraint, but even with my ideas (not sure if I have the files to this day) I sort of gave up because I was running out of time and homework was kicking my ass. Instead I tried making a Twitter ebooks bot for them because they were really interested in having one but then they heel-faced and thought it was horrifying. To say the least I barely try and make the overblown effort to make cool birthday gifts anymore :mrgreen:

Regardless, while it wasn't really thanks to CSTSF, I had several character arcs and matured just a little bit, though I pretty much have never talked to anyone from around here in years. I'd stay in the Discord servers including BLink's, sometimes say the occasional drop-in but it was never anything that lead to a discussion or the like. I've reverted to being in the backdrop for a long time so eventually I sort of just forgot about Cave Story in general until it'd get brought up again. At this time, I really have nothing relevant to reflect on. The forums were still cool, lots of awesome mods were available like Noxid's mods, WTF Story, and a lot of other tidbits like Ralren's scrapped collection, on top of a WIP I was randomly chosen to work on (based off Zelda). I can't say I recall anything like a favourite memory. I do remember lots of when I'd be in the basement during a hot summer working with Cave Editor on my mod, where Booster's Lab was still in development. Was it worth it? I dunno. I got my first plunge into ASM and related tidbits, used Paint.NET for pretty much everything while I used Windows, and maybe learned a thing or two in general about making things. But that was a long time ago.

But that's years ago now. Can't believe it started a decade ago - I went through all of school and then some before coming back like this. The world kind of sucks this decade, but whatever, I'm curious on the state of the forums and the like.
In the middle of last year, while I was moving, I had an itch and decided to finally look into the Cave Story Randomizer and it was loads of fun, pretty cool too. I got to meet up with dunc at least, though there was something about the randomizer shifting over to something else and more work on it and blah blah I didn't follow the news because I was finally moving. But I'll get to that in a bit.
This is going to pose as just a casual convo thread from now on since I'm curious about several things, but that said, if some things are best left unsaid, then you may as well leave them unsaid. I'm curious but I'd hate to drudge up bad things in the case that people want some things to be left forgotten, hell if I know.

ayo where the homies at?

Several places and forums I used to also be a part of alongside CSTSF shut down, so I'm hoping that it won't happen on here for a while as well. While it's rich with history and more lucky to have documentation and old downloads for mods and all sorts of thing, that edge over other places I've been in doesn't really make up for the fact that zoomers love their Discord and how Doukutsu Club seems to be a pretty cool site. I see andwhyisit and DoubleThink around on top with some of you like Hayden, Mint, x, and Serri (again if I miss you, stay mad), and a few... "newbies", but otherwise it's obviously not what it used to be, a talking point that's already a dead horse from what I've seen. I won't be asking spooky questions about the future, but what I am wondering is where people have gone and what I've missed.

For example, Noxid, anyone ever keep in touch with him? This blogpost of his gives me good insight on why he left, and I commend him if he's just taking a break from most things. I plan to try and do that for myself but it's definitely a hard process. I know dunc is still around given the Randomizer Discord, so what's up with the old crew? I can see that some people still log on recently like Enlightened, Polaris, TPCool, Aar, Hate9, Cibryll (again if I miss you, plus there seems to be people I don't really recall but are still oldies) etc... With CHEEZER having popped in not too long ago. So who's keeping this place alive, and who are those who've went MIA? That's probably something I should go look at myself, but I know there's plenty of folks like King (2.0) that I used to talk to. There's something about some "Vresun Conspiracy" which I can't tell if I was vaguely a part of because I know I hung out in another circle King and Cibryll were in a long time ago.
I could probably keep going about the general happenings of people but I'll leave it to whoever wants to say hi back; I've particulably been always curious about Ralren, who now goes by jables. I remember years ago snagging his mods and genuinely falling in love because of how some of them were incredibly polished and cool. I could tell that he was a longtime member but was wondering why he dropped modding even though he listed his reasons. For some reason, all this time over the years I thought it had to do with some weird drama but I could have been hallucinating and he plainly got bored. That said these were really cool and any lurkers stopping by here should check them out (unless they're already infamous).

mod galore

I've been partially curious about how far along Cave Story modding has gotten - when I took my absence I know that NXEngine was either in the works or was nearly done but I never looked into it. I know that Booster's Lab reigned supreme given that the alternatives were old and abandoned for a longer time, but I was indeed surprised to see some really cool things like the Randomizer and Randamu (which I really wanna play soon). But it seems like I narrowly missed out on CSE2 (which apparently had DMCA issues on top of drama that doesn't seem worth exploring), and now doukutsu-rs seems to be the only modern reimplementation. Which is really interesting to me, because I've only been watching things about Rust from the sidelines and didn't look into it any further, so this is my first instance of really seeing any Rust-related projects.
I've also seen that people are assembling a better collection to archive old mods, which is cool, so I'm curious if any weird Japanese mods I used to play are floating around there. Doukutsuclub also heavily reminds me of the older layout of BulletForge so this is a site I didn't know I needed.
But seeing as there's still a ton more resources available for the old-school method of modding CS (there's a modloader and dlls?! [no linux sadge]), it looks like there's way more variety to do more things in more ways. From the way I see it:
Booster's Lab / Old Modding​
ASM injects, use a single program, the whole shebang​
4-8 years old, C++/SDL, clone​
Also old, C++, decomp​

Active, Rust, clone​

(Wow tables are wide unless I'm doing it wrong)
Unless CSE2 is still being actively used, it looks like I could either be checking out all that Booster's Lab has coupled up with, or dip my toes into Rust. I was going to ask if using anything build-reliant would even qualify as a "mod", but the community seems to think so. What do you guys all do? Do you still directly edit the original or are some of you branching off into an implementation? Also, give me some suggestions for some sick mods even if they're yours, I don't think I've played a single mod since like 2014 and am curious enough to see your favourites since then.


I was writing this thread for quite a while but I've always forgotten how it feels like you'd write a lot but it doesn't end up looking like much. I just kind of wanted an excuse to make a catch-up thread since there's no way in hell I'll be able to backlog years' worth of posts with a single attention span. I don't think I have much to say about myself - currently playing CS3D, I actually think the reimagining of areas is really cool but the game kind of plays janky. And the animations suck. Otherwise, the year's hitting me as hard as anyone else, but if you're stopping by and you have your own burning question about me or something else then feel free to ask me it no matter how stupid it is. I'm running out of my thoughts and need a break but I'll be sure to bring up something from the past or ask a question if it comes across my mind. I'm sure I forgot a thing or two.
May 20, 2022 at 12:32 AM
Indie game enthusiast
"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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Hey Fatih, good to see you on here. That was an interesting retrospection, you were pretty wild back in the day if memory serves :D Gets me thinking about all the people not around... Even though I've always mostly lurked (besides when I used to post Cave Story theories lol), do miss the constant activity around here.
Huh, hadn't seen that blog post by Noxid. Always wondered why he stopped coming around. Hmm...

Makes me wish there was an annual Cave Story newsletter. Summarizes all the major events, releases and maybe a few dramas or interviews with members lol. Perfect for the inactive members who still love the game and community. (Or just want to look back...)

Anyway, I'll just add a few things that might be of interest:
Cave Story 3D USA

Title ID 000400000004A100

[60 FPS during gameplay]
20183838 00000001
001839F0 32558541
a classical ddraw.dll if Cave Story has trouble/running slow (drop in the Cave Story directory)

the dll mod loader, for advanced features

Cave Story: Tweaked - with QoL features like a map system, mirrored levels, cheats, support for 2x textures, various music replacers and more (replacers separate)

Can't comment on rust, haven't read much about it; but looks promising
Mostly story focused mods besides Critter TD that I can think of off hand; these left a good impression.

Ordeal Pillar
Critter TD 2 (turn transparency off in options if it runs slow)
Festive Quest
Here's an unfinished music replacer thing I was playing with:

Also was attempting to do another graphics replacer, and some mods; of course never got around to finishing them. Since I mostly just lurk, and never use the discord channels; I end up busy elsewhere all too quickly.
May 20, 2022 at 5:06 AM
Sincerity will always triumph over irony.
Modding Community Discord Admin
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
Join Date: Apr 23, 2013
Location: In a cave above the surface.
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Without spending hours and hours on writing a whole history essay (which I can very easily accidently get sidetracked into, but alas I'm in the middle of watching a school lecture and shouldn't do that right now), the activity in the community has partially migrated/fragmented into a network of Discord servers. There's the (now relatively quiet) CSTSF Discord Group run by Tpcool, Dunc and Polaris and the Cave Story Modding Community (CSMC) run by myself, Brayconn, Coldcallerloopy and Txin. Doukutsu Club is sorta an extension of the modding server since posting zip files on a web 2.0 social media site is really stupid.

(There's also the general CS server which is linked on the tribute site. That's by far the largest server, but it's disconnected from the "forum community" outside some overlapping members.)

Lot of discussion about mods and ways to hack the game happens in the modding discord server now. One of my more recent goals is to bring some of that stuff back onto here.

In regards to the modding observations and table you made:
  • Editors like Booster's Lab and Cave Editor are still needed for mapping and scripting in CSE2 and D-rs, it just replaces the freeware executable and assembly hacking. Think of it as an alternative to the executable, but you still need a program to edit the data folder contents.
  • Brayconn has been recently working on a program called The King's Table which is meant to eventually replace Booster's Lab, but it's still in early framework. Outside very very very specific power user applications (such as it being the only program that can open Dunc's 4mb credit.tsc file for a concept mod he made) it's not ready for use yet.
  • CSE2, being a total decompilation, is essentially 99% the original freeware source code (hence why it was fairly DMCA'd). Obviously it's not in active development, but it was also technically finished. Mods like Tweaks and Randamu still use it, but they only share the compiled executables. Sharing the source code itself however is prohibited in basically all the Discord servers and here. You could make an allegory to ROM hacking with its status in the community. It's also permanently useful in regards to speedrunning and historical research since you're basically just referring to the source code. It's not gonna completely disappear into obscurity on that fact alone.
  • Doukutsu-rs is working towards being the best of CSE2 (accurate) and NXEngine (original rewrite). That's in active development with people already making mods with it, but it hasn't completely replaced CSE2 just yet. Eventually though I imagine it will replace a lot of the CSE2 share in modding with the simple fact you can share the source code.
  • If I had to summarize what people have used to make mods in the past year, I'd say roughly 50% freeware, 35% CSE2, 15% D-rs, and 0% NXengine. That's just from my observations in the modding server however and I did zero actual measurements in making those percentages up.
  • EDIT: You also mentioned Japanese mods. Most of those can be found in the Japanese backup/archive of Doukutsu Uploader, split into two sites found here (2000's) and here (2010's).
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May 22, 2022 at 2:04 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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We've already interacted within the last month or so, so I guess I'll skip the customary "Hey old member, nice to see you again!" and get right to addressing the content of your post:

I do remember right as I joined, or maybe before, I saw Hayden's prank video for his hidden ending and actually played through Cave Story again to waste my time in Sand Zone to no avail (I may have told him this already).
I remember you telling me that you liked my 4th ending, although I don't specifically recall you telling me that you outright fell for it at one point.

Several places and forums I used to also be a part of alongside CSTSF shut down, so I'm hoping that it won't happen on here for a while as well.
My hope as well.

For example, Noxid, anyone ever keep in touch with him? This blogpost of his gives me good insight on why he left, and I commend him if he's just taking a break from most things. I plan to try and do that for myself but it's definitely a hard process.
Haven't talked with Noxid in years, but I have occasionally gone snooping around and found other things he's been up to, including but not limited to that blog post. What I find a bit ironic about that blog post is that he went on about how he dislikes the modern format of social media, and yet he still hasn't come back here, but has been actively posting on Twitter about his game Vernal Edge. I guess the fact that there's a larger pool of people was incentive enough for him to be active there.

I know dunc is still around given the Randomizer Discord, so what's up with the old crew? I can see that some people still log on recently like Enlightened, Polaris, TPCool, Aar, Hate9, Cibryll (again if I miss you, plus there seems to be people I don't really recall but are still oldies) etc... With CHEEZER having popped in not too long ago.
Most of those users you've mentioned are active in Discord and barely check in here. Don't know if Hate9 is active in Discord, but he's only occasionally popped up over the last few months. Of those people you mentioned, I'd say EnlightenedOne is the main one who comes to mind who mostly is active on Discord, but still keeps his finger on the pulse of the CSTSF and will sometimes post here if something especially interesting happens.

So who's keeping this place alive, and who are those who've went MIA?
Well, first and foremost, andwhyisit is still keeping this place alive by still hosting the tribute site and these forums. Sometimes he'll go inactive for weeks at a time, but he's still accessible and will take care of major things that need to be taken care of, and the fact that he's still doing that in his mid 30's after all these years commands some serious respect.
DT is also keeping this place alive by swatting spambots and dealing with the increasingly rare incidents of forum rules being broken. He usually logs in at least once every 24-48 hours. The longest I've noticed him being inactive within the last year or 2 was slightly less than a week.
Aside from that, uh... I guess I'm one of the main people keeping this place alive. What I find it interesting to reflect on is that I dedicate pretty much the same amount of time to these forums as I always have. 10 years ago, I was about average, maybe slightly below average when it came to my activity level compared to other users. But now that this place is less active, that makes me one of the most active users. If we're only counting pre-2015 users, the main people who come to mind who are still active here are andwhy, DT, me, X-Calibar, sometimes Serri, and maybe ColdCollerLoopy a little bit.

As for users who've gone completely inactive... Well, I guess the best answer is everybody else. It's not uncommon for old users to briefly pop back in again and maybe make a few posts, or just kinda float around without doing anything. Some users who've done that who come to mind, whom I'm not aware of having much activity in the Discord servers: GIRakaCHEEZER, S. P. Gardebiter (he's kinda been doing that ever since I joined), Ryuuoutan, WoodenRat, Hate9, CookedChef, PolarStar. Every once in a while I've seen Wild Desu pop up and do something very Wild Desu, and then disappear for another year. For some reason, she recently had her username changed to Sue Donim, and I have no idea why she did that.

There's more, but I can't name them all. Pretty much everyone else is MIA. I guess I can list some users who have gone pretty much totally MIA who in the past were extremely active and it seemed for the longest time that they'd never leave, namely MagicDoors (now known as Slither) and Captain Fabulous. Oh, also, not sure if you remember him, but a few years ago, JakeXanth decided he wanted to completely erase himself from the CSTSF, and had andwhy delete his account and nearly every post he ever made.

I've particulably been always curious about Ralren, who now goes by jables. I remember years ago snagging his mods and genuinely falling in love because of how some of them were incredibly polished and cool. I could tell that he was a longtime member but was wondering why he dropped modding even though he listed his reasons. For some reason, all this time over the years I thought it had to do with some weird drama but I could have been hallucinating and he plainly got bored. That said these were really cool and any lurkers stopping by here should check them out (unless they're already infamous).
Whoa whoa whoa, this is the first I'm hearing about jables being a new account that was made by Ralren. I guess it makes sense that he'd have a prior history, though, since he did sort of just pop out of nowhere with a really polished mod in 2017. Not sure why he decided to wait until then to get a fresh start, though, given that his most notorious "rage quit" was in the 2009-2010 time range, but he seemed to have sort of moved on past all of that drama by about 2012-2013, and was still posting through that account until mid 2016. By 2017, most active people who remembered the old drama either weren't around anymore, or weren't gonna hold it against him anymore. Apparently a bunch of people were involved, but one thing I heard later was that Ralren resented GIR for making a really popular mod, and I guess was at one point really rubbed the wrong way by GIR's occasionally callous personality.

EO did a pretty good job of summarizing the modding situation, so I guess I'll skip ahead to this part:
Also, give me some suggestions for some sick mods even if they're yours, I don't think I've played a single mod since like 2014 and am curious enough to see your favourites since then.
Here are some mods that have come out since 2014 that have really stood out to me:
At some point I need to play HEAD MAN, Another Cave Story Sequel, and Video Game+, but I can't comment on those since I still haven't played them.
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