May 6, 2012 at 7:51 AM
Join Date: May 2, 2012
Location: Ben Whishaw's Tear Ducts
Posts: 42
Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him
Well, here comes the most embarrassing reason ever:
In December 2011, I saw a picture, of two strange people holding weapons back to back, and I asked myself; "Who are these wondrous beings?"
I went down to the artist's comments and it said
...still doesn't make up for it though, does it?
In December 2011, I saw a picture, of two strange people holding weapons back to back, and I asked myself; "Who are these wondrous beings?"
I went down to the artist's comments and it said
So I downloaded it, panicked when I screwed up and killed Curly, restarted after finding out I wasn't supposed to do that, killed Curly Again( I have a shallow learning curve) and gave up and just gave myself the tow rope through cheating(And took away the booster 0.8 of course, I want the experience)after getting to the plantation, I wandered aimlessly for about an hour, and gave up and read a complete walk-through other than the GO TO HELL checklist, and got stuck on the boss battles (Goddamn Doctor) and cheated my way through that too.And then I finished and fell in love with the game the whole time.Quote and Curly from a game called Cave Story, they're so awesome they'd go to hell and back together, LITERALLY, DOWNLOAD THIS FREE GAME YOU MORON.
...still doesn't make up for it though, does it?