Oct 16, 2010 at 8:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2010
Location: undead parish
Posts: 625
carrotlord said:Usually, it's much easier to debug stuff if you just put in the code chunk by chunk instead of testing the whole thing all at once. If that doesn't work, try posting your mod so that people can see what's wrong.
jed37 said:Yeah, I understand that, but I know exactly what's not working: The horizontal triggers. All right, I'll post my mod when I get a chance.
EDIT: Here you go. The map I'm having trouble with is map 0089. The triggers I'm talking about are along the top edge of the screen.
And, enjoy the demo, I guess!![]()
carrotlord said:Um, where is your data folder?
Noxid said:Either <CNP a null (0) entity, or use <SNP (Or <INP?) to set an NPC.
Wedge of Cheese said:Hmm... I suspect it might be due to the fact that, when you tell it to call event on enemy death, the enemy doesn't actually die unless you explicitly <DNP it in the death script.
How hard would it be to have multiple player characters in a modded game? As in two or more different player sprites and inventories that you'd switch between at certain points in the plot of the game.
Noxid said:Really, really hard.
Even for me.
but nothing's impossible.
Schilcote said:Well, obviously.
Hmm... Perhaps if each character had only one weapon set. I could just JMP to a completely different bunch of weapon data depending on the current character.