Eh, not to be rude, but I figured out all of that stuff myself...SabeTheFabled said:Im completely new at Modding and i think here would be a good place to start learning. I want to make a fan made sequel of Cave Story and i plan to use SW to do it, but thats were the problem arises.
I need to know:
>How to place items, monsters and people( NPCs) at specific places.
>How to use tiles from one place and use it in another.
>I tried placing a bed in front of wall tile, only for the bed to replace the tile entirely with the bed and a place background. How do i place the bed in front of the tile?
I'll get back on SW and try to find more questions.
VoidMage_Lowell said:
{And they don't play well with each other, so you can't use both...}
Ralren said:Ok, NOW this is making my progress towards what I need for my mod, 2 EXE's!?
Gotta write this down immediately, but you can't just have two standing there,
you have to do something...But what..!?
GIRakaCHEEZER said:Lol, well the thing is that this does not overcome my "change bg" problem, the one seen in CE that is. I'll look over the assembly later with dooey maybe (he's awesome at haxing assembly in general) to see if there's anything simple I can do about that. See, what I do is I have two cavestorys in my cavestory folder: One is doukutsu.exe(The one I edit with CE) and the other is SW.exe(which i obviously edit with SW). The doukutsu.exe is the one that contains all SFX hax, all music swaps, all weap hax, and other important information. The SW is pretty much unchanged. BOTH these executables run off the same scripts and gfx though, because they are both located in the same cavestory folder. This allows me to switch between the two editors when I, say, needed to code the tsc for the tetris scene (since the script for that part was so large, CE crashed on me. kinda sucked). This is how I make use of both editors. Still looking for a way to change the bg effects of areas though, this is a MAJOR issue that needs to be resolved with CE.
Also if you plan to use this method, make a backup of the executable in another folder, so that if you accidentally open the doukutsu.exe with SW, you don't lose too much. Only the executable can be corrupted when SW edits a cavestory that was edited with CE.
GIRakaCHEEZER said:Lol, well the thing is that this does not overcome my "change bg" problem
Zephryl said:I was wondering, what exactly can CE do that SW can't? Just wondering if I'm missing out on anything by not using it...
Placing entities is pretty basic, just put the entity in the spot where you want it and give it the right sprite/entity number. Each map can only have one tileset, so you'll have to copy-paste the part you want to use into the appropriate file. Seriously, the best place to start with modding is with files like the TSC and <ANP guides, and knowing how to edit .pbm's or make .bmp's work. Also note that a lot of NPCs (mostly enemies) need to have the right spite sheet associated with the map, otherwise they look like a jumbled mess. If you get stuck on something, the best way to figure out how to do it is to look at a matching script in CS (or even another mod) to see how it's meant to be set out.SabeTheFabled said:Im completely new at Modding and i think here would be a good place to start learning. I want to make a fan made sequel of Cave Story and i plan to use SW to do it, but thats were the problem arises.
I need to know:
>How to place items, monsters and people( NPCs) at specific places.
>How to use tiles from one place and use it in another.
>I tried placing a bed in front of wall tile, only for the bed to replace the tile entirely with the bed and a black background. How do i place the bed in front of the tile?
I'll get back on SW and try to find more questions.
Whaddaya mean, laggy? The only lag I've ever had with CE is when I make it fix all of my Data files with the (C)Pixel thing, or when I load a particularly hefty script....And even then, it's not that bad....Ralren said:However, the map editing is laggy, and it might be a pain in the ass to edit with.
Missing? Really?DoubleThink said:I don't know what happened to the sprite/entity numbers list, I can't seem to find it, which is pretty strange. Did any of you newer guys find it or did you just figure it out for yourselves?
Ralren said:Oh, yes. That makes sense, and that is a grand idea for map editing and
placing entity's without having that number hassle, but...
CE hates background settings. Unless if you want your mod to have a background, use SW.
Tee Esh said:So I've edited a tileset, thinking I could make it larger if need be. I worked on the Maze tileset, just about doubling the image size to 256x256. I actually made it even larger, but trying to edit the tileset in Sue's made the very bottom tiles loop back to the beginning. I compromised my tile selection, getting everything (I think) that's vital to the design. As seen in this...Red CrystalRed Tileset. (forgive the lack of organization)
The rub is this: I put it into where it needs to be, checked the (C) Pixel, and saw that the game runs just fine. But now I can't actually edit ANY map using this tileset through Sue's. The only tile that works is the first one, commonly reserved for clearing tiles. I select the tile(s), draw on the map, but no dice. The tiles aren't appearing on the map at all. I tried copying it onto another tileset and saved the changes (including editing its properties to what I wanted), but that one also doesn't work. I know I messed up somewhere along the line, since I had previously edited PrtMaze to suit my needs, but now it just won't work.
Any diagnosis?
VoidMage_Lowell said:Oh boy, my turn to ask a question...!
I've been using Resource Hacker {And CE}, and so far have replaced a few songs and some other things...
...but now, song number 0016 {The "Get Heart Tank" song, or "Upgrade Item" song, or whatever you want to call it...} has become some sort of "mimicking black hole"...
Whenever I try to play it, it becomes whatever the previous song is. That means if I use <RMU {Restore Music}, it'll go back to the previous song, which, although it's the same, technically isn't, and so just restarts the song...
I tried replacing the song {FANFALE2} with Resource Hacker using one of the originals, but it acts exactly the same.
I really want to know what the hell's going on, as I'd hate to lose a music space...
..that, and this could mean the slow unraveling of the mod itself... >.<"
{As in, random problems start cropping up that are unsolvable and eventually ruin the mod...}
It's not a script issue, I even tried a heart tank from the original scripts, no luck....GIRakaCHEEZER said:Oh man, I'd love to try to help you with this, but the way you describe it sounds sooo confusing, so i don't know what's going on. Please use 3x more detail to describe this, with a possible script example and so forth.