Jun 27, 2018 at 7:47 PM
Join Date: Apr 24, 2018
Location: Brazil
Posts: 54
Age: 23
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The problem maybe is happening because the map code name that you're testing in the .exe game is different (more expecificaly, the stage.tbl). This commonly happens when you are testing the same maps with different code names in other executable file.Thank you for the advice. I have done as Zxin suggested and used the hack to translate error messages, which shows that the error is "Failure to read stage". I had earlier checked for an error log as Serri suggested, but it only appeared after I used the translation hack. The error message reads;
"I:\Test Story\Game Folder\data\stage\Prt.bmp,0
I:\Test Story\Game Folder\data\Npc\Npc.bmp,0
I:\Test Story\Game Folder\data\Npc\Npc.bmp,0"
I haven't found anything particularly useful on these specific issues. I examined the folders and found no such documents, but I do realize that the names are the prefix in the standard formatting use by Pixel when naming files of those natures. I thought that the zero might indicate that the files in question were Prt0 and Npc0, but neither had been modified.
On your question Walrus_guy, both the tiles and NPCs were duplicated.
By example: the start map of the original Cave Story is [013]Start Point (Start). If the mod has other code name, like [013]Start Point (whatever_map_code_name), or so, this probably may happen.
Other reason may be that the map properties is also modified, so the game isn't reading correctly the map.
Try to change the properties, or change the map code name to see if it solve the problem.