May 23, 2014 at 9:50 PM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Try setting localvar2 to 0 before the line "jl :not_max_Bfoe_pair".Bombchu Link said:I could also use some assistance.
Code::StateBluefoesxor eax, eaxinc npc.scripttimercmp npc.scripttimer, blue foe spawn waitjl :rendermov npc.scripttimer, eaxinc npc.objecttimercmp npc.objecttimer, blue foe pairsjl :not_max_Bfoe_pairmov npc.moveset, eaxmov npc.objecttimer, eaxmov npc.directive, eaxmov npc.scriptstate, 5:not_max_Bfoe_pairpush 100push eaxpush eax ;directionpush eaxpush eax;---------------cmp localvar2, 1jge :2nd_timemov eax, BfoespawnY1mov edx, BfoespawnX1jmp :spawn_bfoe_area:2nd_timemov eax, BfoespawnY2mov edx, BfoespawnX2:spawn_bfoe_area;---------------push eax ;ypospush edx ;xpospush blue_foe_spawn_num call 46efd0 add esp,20inc localvar2cmp localvar2, 2jle :not_max_Bfoe_pairxor eax, eaxmov npc.moveset, eaxjmp :render
the above code is suppose to spawn blue enemies in two different locations every X frames until the objecttimer is full and then the boss returns back to the main state.
The code was working earlier, but since I added the part with the script/object timer, it's not working properly, it's only spawning foes at the first location.
And then when I removed that section of the code it's still not working. It's as if localvar2 isn't responding, but when I changed it to frame timer it still wouldn't work.