Feb 23, 2014 at 5:29 AM
Join Date: Apr 5, 2013
Location: In my mind and of my body.
Posts: 1642
Age: 27
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd it works now... -_-
I feel stupid.
I had a jge instead of a jle.
Anyways here's another issue I have.
cmp npc.scriptstate, 2
je :keep_going
push 0
push 3
call Random
add esp, 8
cmp eax, 2
jne :keep_going
mov npc.direction, 2
mov npc.scriptstate, 2
I'm trying to get the game to randomly set the direction to "2" but it will never do it on it's own?
I feel stupid.
I had a jge instead of a jle.
Anyways here's another issue I have.
cmp npc.scriptstate, 2
je :keep_going
push 0
push 3
call Random
add esp, 8
cmp eax, 2
jne :keep_going
mov npc.direction, 2
mov npc.scriptstate, 2
I'm trying to get the game to randomly set the direction to "2" but it will never do it on it's own?