Alright, new question. How can I find out what number an NPC has?
I'm trying to make a script where the NPC explodes, and disappears forever.
Only problem: I don't know the NPC Number, and I don't know the value for an explosion animation.
EDIT: Found out the NPC number is the event number an NPC has. A list of all possible animations would be nice and useful.
EDIT: Found the "Large Explosion" animation at 0214. Again, a list would be extremely helpful for a CNP script.
EDIT: Okay, Exploded the character, but upon map refresh, the characters that were removed with DNP or CNP return. Is there a flag I can set to keep them from appearing anymore?
EDIT: Derp. I forgot about the "NPC is invisible if X flag is set" command XD
Don't worry guys, I'm slowly figuring this out.
EDIT: One more question. Editing text. My hex editor cannot pick up item names for some reason. My intended use is to modify item names and descriptions. I want to change "Arthur's Key" into "Dad".