Negativity Thread.

How much wood could a 43501 chuck if a 43501 could chuck wood?

  • Negativity thread!

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • About 100 kilograms.

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • She would chuck my wood if u kno what I mean HAW HAW

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • You can't chuck wood? Are you armless? How are you typing?

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • Go away.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Let's go eat, hongh.

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters
Nov 7, 2012 at 12:17 AM
Melon Lord
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Not really an angry guy here.

Only thing that really made me peeved right now is my first mod of Cave Story I've worked on since Sunday. I cannot stand with the same character design. Ever. The first design looked like something that came out of homestuck, now I have Pokemon Trainer Red, and already I'm thinking of making him a Cat instead. Other than that though, it's nothing really. Scripts are a bit confusing, but I figured out how to make a door properly work after 12 pointless tries because it turned out the modding was going to a completely different copy of the game and I coded it right from the start.

I think all this constantly flowing map designs and plot ideas for my first mod in my mind is blocking all my hidden anger.
Nov 7, 2012 at 12:30 AM
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I hate my generation. its full of 4l4y3rs (wonder what is alay on english?)
I hate Campers on online games
I hate myself
I hate Creepers
I hate my country
I hate Steam
I hate my life
I hate my computer
I hate Justin Bieber
I hate my brother
I hate Hackers
I hate cheaters at online game
I hate this world
I hate war
I hate nether
I hate Boybands
I hate troll links
I hate virus

Nov 7, 2012 at 12:39 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Don't worry Dunc, American Thanksgiving is coming up soon. Then we will remember what we are thankful for.

...Wait nobody does that.
Nov 7, 2012 at 1:02 AM
Been here way too long...
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I hate my generation. its full of 4l4y3rs (wonder what is alay on english?)
“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.” —Socrates
Basically, every new generation is perceived as worse than the last. Your generation is going to have some pretty cool adults in it, don't worry.
I hate Campers on online games
Those sure do suck. Online games, I mean.
I hate myself
You're an okay person. You could be a lot worse. You've done some cool stuff in your life.
I hate Creepers
They just want friends :[
I hate my country
Good luck finding a better one. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that your country is in the top 20 for standards of living. And don't say the politicians are terrible, because it could be a lot worse. They could be Chinese.
I hate Steam
No you don't. You would be lost without Steam.
I hate my life
Not much there to hate, kiddo. Wait a while longer before you pass judgement.
I hate my computer
I think if you really hated your computer, you wouldn't be using it.
I hate Justin Bieber
For being rich or popular? Or do you personally know him, and have come to the conclusion that he's a jerk? I don't know why you'd hate someone for being more popular than their talent warrants, it's not like it affects you.
I hate my brother
Kill him.
I hate Hackers
You know this forum is run by hackers, right?
I hate cheaters at online game
See, that's a very specific type of hacking. Hating people for cheating at video games is a bit harsh, though. Hate is a very harsh word.
I hate this world
You haven't experienced a thousandth of it. You couldn't possibly hate the entire world no matter how hard you try, there is just too much there. And a lot of it is better than your shitty group of friends in your shitty middle school.
I hate war
Finally, something everyone can agree on.
I hate nether
But you like netherwort and glowstone, don't you?
I hate Boybands
I don't even understand this one. You hate... groups of singing men? Bands that make music that you don't like? If you don't like their music, don't listen to it. It's much easier than devoting your energy to hating them.
I hate troll links
what is this i don't even
I hate virus
virus = very yes
Nov 7, 2012 at 1:40 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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I can't finish a song. Even though it's my senior project, I just can't manage to buckle down and finish a single one. It's frustrating, I feel like I'm lacking inspiration.
So many people in this thread just listing a ton of stuff they hate is making me sad. Closing off a part of life they could experience and enjoy with little consideration is something I don't understand.
It's frustrating that I can't let people do their thing and be wrong.
FL Studio is unintuitive and convoluted, but I need so many of its features to make music I'm happy with.

The forums have slowed to a crawl, but I waste the same amount of time on them.

College applications are stressful and confusing.
I don't have any money to pay for college, so I'm most likely anchored to the west coast for four more years.
Being passive and sad is easier than being happy.
Getting a job here is basically impossible if you're under 25, so I can't save money for any purpose.
All my music is getting really old.
I'm never going to see most of my friends again once I leave to school.
I can't feel my thumb.
The fog receded early today.

I'm pretty lonely basically all the time.

Edit: damn that was more somber than I intended.
Nov 7, 2012 at 3:39 AM
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First off...
I strongly dislike the word hate.
And people who hurt others without realizing the ripples throughout the world they are causing.
I dislike how the news influences us to only think about the bad things in life.
I dislike how many people have none of the opportunities we Americans have, and yet we forsake our chances to make the world better.
I dislike money. It causes so much destruction and despair...
yet somehow it causes so much growth.
I dislike the useless things in life- the ones which have no reward in knowledge, progress or benefit.
I dislike the destruction of the world's ecology. It's like a loan we have taken but know we can't repay when needed.
Most of all, I dislike those who are against the progression of the world and for the progression of the human race.

Thus ends my anti-rage.
As I type this, I think I feel the most peaceful I ever have.
Nov 7, 2012 at 6:03 AM
Been here way too long...
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People who are making lists of things you hate: :(
There are so many things to appreciate about the world, so many better reasons to hate things, and so many better things to hate.

I'm terrified that nothing will turn out the way I want because I never have the courage to make a decision.
I won't be able to spend time with many of my best friends after this year, but I'm not capitalizing I have on the time I have with them now.
Some day, you and I will be dead, and that sucks.

But, you know, so it goes.
We can't change the cards we are dealt; We can change what we make of them.
Why choose to hate things?


I just reread this and it sounds like I'm anti-negativity. Blah. Negativity is great! I'm just saying don't make a big deal about things that don't really matter (e.g. Steam), and don't overly dwell on what you can't affect.
Nov 7, 2012 at 6:06 AM
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I will just post my old sig from other forums:

Nov 7, 2012 at 7:03 AM
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I will just post my old sig from other forums:

Woah there buddy I thought this was the negativity thread, not the sexuality thread.
Nov 7, 2012 at 7:27 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Woah there buddy I thought this was the negativity thread, not the sexuality thread.

Ding! GIR wins again.

I'm feeling pretty relaxed, but I need to roll out this assignment. I need to find a way to get it done. To pull it off I'll have to write 1000 words a day. Not looking forward to it. That is the only thing I feel negative about right now.
Nov 8, 2012 at 8:35 AM
Indie game enthusiast
"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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The general thread of negativity states, this thread is powered by BALLOS™

Mehhh Okay. I was hoping Romney would have won by some miracle... It was pretty close with popular votes, but pretty close doesn't cut it ><

It drives me nuts to read internet comments on politics, making random pokes about Romney while he gives his concession speech... People should show a little respect :p guhhhh at least I refrained from being obnoxious...
I can't really weigh into politics, as I've been an ignoramus about what's happening outside my little box... But, at least I watched the debates, and have been watching several news channels to get a sense of what's going on.
Obama is a great speaker, and knows how to work the crowd... I can't make a judgement call on his achievements, or him personally... But, long before the election came around I saw again and again a spin in Obama's favor.

Can you believe that each of their campaigns ended up costing more than a billion? Two billion dollars... ... Seriously?
They couldn't run on record? They needed a billion dollars to win an election...? Somethings really wrong there... Seems like that money could have gone elsewhere... [I assume the figure is right, I only looked it up on a few sites last night, as I was curious]

Long before the election came around, I found e-mails flooding in asking me to beware of Romney lol Sources that were probably paid for by Obama's campaign... Then the internet ads started appearing EVERYWHERE... Wherever I went, I found Obama. Obama. Obama... Really? It feels like they are trying to brainwash me... I eventually began to see some republican ads, but it wasn't till the election started got closer...
Unknown months in advance Obama was appearing on talkshows, radio shows; gaining support online, etc etc... I used to LOVE Jimmy Fallon, but man... he had a special with Obama during primetime hours on TV, and after that again and again commercials would come up for Jimmy Fallon making cracks against Romney. All I heard everywhere was Obama. So, yeah I had a feeling he was going to win.
By the time the political ads started flooding, you have no idea what to believe. On one hand Romney says he didn't say this or something was taken out of context, but then you get a couple Obama Approved ads saying Romney is lying, he will take away this or that, scare tactics...

Everyone loves Obama... But, I really wonder why he's back in office again... What did he have left to accomplish that he couldn't in the first four years? I didn't hear any different policies; except Forward! I think he'll probably do fine... But, if he increases the national debt anymore... seriously... 4 trillion in his first four years. If he borrows any more... ><
I dunno, it seemed like people voted for Obama not because of his record, but because they like him, or they didn't like Romney.

If voting required some kind of simple political awareness test... I bet we'd be a lot better off.. I'd certainly fail it right now xD
But, I can at least make simple observations. It seemed like Obama pushed REALLY hard for his re-election, wayyyyy too hard. Seeing him work so hard for so many months in advance, made me question... Doesn't the President have... President things to do? It's one thing to go around working for the people, and another thing to spend so much time preparing to be re-elected?
Surely, instead of spending 1 billion dollars and a mostly negative campaign, couldn't he have found a way to bring together the nation...?

Until I study/research though, and not rely soley on biased news channels; I can't really say if Obama is a good or bad choice.
At least people love him~ Hopefully the rest will follow...

Why did I vote Romney? Mainly for what I saw at the debates. That last debate was really telling though... He had a great opportunity to attack Obama on that one issue... instead he showed that he could be bi-partisan. And that show of good faith really impressed me, he stressed working together with both parties, planning with both... While on the other hand Obama had spent the last two years in deadlock after losing the house to republicans [or so I've read].
I really think Romney would have been good for the economy... but, hopefully Obama will somehow come to an agreement with the house and fix the economy.
A sidenote on Obama Care... [what a name...], the private practice doctors I know say it will be bad for their practice. I don't know the details why, but... At the very least she was concerned D:

Ah well... until I wise up and become an informed member of society, I have to keep my opinion in the SPOT :p
Or I can post comments like : ROMNEY ABOUT 2 CRY uhhh / I was worried, women's rights are safe! / Obama going to break dance / Looks like the rich lost! / Obama in theh ouse!!! / O.B.A.M.A. = etcetc etcetc
Very few people brought up what they hoped Obama would achieve now that he's got four more years...
Just, that we gotta keep believing in him, he will save us all. @_@;;; FORWARD!! March in a line, that's right...

Okay, that's plenty of venting about something I don't know much about xD

And on that note :
I have to confess, I gave up on the world many years ago; and it gave up on me D:
I should be a successful SOMETHING by now, but instead I've just stuck to exploring the depths of the internet :D Unlimited information... Mmmmmmmmmmm(ediocrity)

If I would have had just ONE friend that noticed my absence, perhaps I'd be in a very different situation. But alas, apparently I'm a master of staying under the radar...

I guess I can blame fear, and not understanding what friendship really is, or how it is maintained (also inability to communicate). I will confess that at the end of my class year, when all sorts of random awards were handed out by class grade. There weren't a ton of awards, but I got one of them. The quietest person in the entire grade. X_X
It wasn't really true... But, then again I imagine they were chosen by the girls. And I guess I never was able to really create any friendships with girls, since I never tried to interject myself into their lives. I had friends in every group of people, "nerds" - bullies - outcasts - football popular - etc... But, were they really friends? Or all just acquaintances... playing it safe, I guess I missed out on life. Hurrying home to do what I wanted to do, rather than trying to explore life and possibilities.
Never could bridge the gap between me and society...

MEH. If only someone had... Anyways, no use. I need to move on and face life, or continue my lonely exile in this garden of Eden :D

When I went to university I entered a world with thousands and thousands of students around me. And not one person to relate/talk to. So yeah, that wasn't so fun. yeahhhhhh

It's hard though, when you feel hesitation about even picking up a phone or chatting online with a friend with your mic... I must have experienced something traumatic or there's this side to me that ........................

Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy is everyone giving me that look D:
Okay, I'm stopping now :p

Meh, I dislike my inability to finish most things I start. I rely too much on mood, and too little on logic. I could have accomplished a lot in these last couple of years, but instead... I floated around~

Oh and lastly, my MEMORY is blocked. So yeah... Important stuff like what we learned in school is kinda abstract and missing~but, at least I can recall every map and event to games. @_@ ....
It is sad when you can relate to the protaganist in Chaos;Head. . . .. . . . . .. x_X
I'm not an idiot.... I've just chosen to be one.... Until something changes....

If I were to give advice to younger students... I would tell them to look for meaning in everything that they are spending their time on. Don't take classes for the Grade. So what if you can ace the tests... Why are you learning it?
You need to know why you are learning it, how it will help you in the future AND the present. Practice what you are learning immediately with the real world.
Find a way to not be afraid to ask questions, these days you should be able to send your questions in through text or e-mail or phone or some other way. Don't burden yourself by doing everything alone. Join with people to discuss what you've learned. Talk to the teacher and find meaningggggggggggg. Just accepting everything that is being shoveled into your brain won't achieve much, especially if you forget it in the future because you were just fitting in with what everyone else's sentiments were.

Teachers need to be more attentive, to connect to the various interests in the classes. I sucked in all my programming classes, because we never did anything fun. It was all important, but I would end up doing something to amaze the other kids, but become seperated from the class, and finally just do other things since it was too easy, or had no real interest.

Gahh I can't think right now, it's too late at night lol
the only way to reach people is by meeting them face to face; by looking into their eyes, finding how who they are, getting them to open up... Then maybe we could show people what their future could be like, and stay by their side as they proceed through school and life... meh meghhm hemhmehmheehmmhemhemhehmemehmh enough!

If you've read all these random ramblings I won't be surprised if you lose all faith in me :p
But... that's okay.

Despite stuff like that, I'm mostly positive and optimistic. I believe in people, and desire happiness for all. Life is too short, so don't miss what's right in front of you. Be nice, be kind...
Leave the world a better place than it was before you started. <3

Those simple sentiments carry far more weight than simply reading them will justify.
There is no time machine, but there is a tomorrow.
Nov 8, 2012 at 8:52 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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X-Calibar, I've read your post but I don't have time to respond at the moment. I just wanted you to know that you're not just shouting into the abyss and I actually read and thought about what you wrote and I would like to reply to it when my time frees up. :)
Nov 8, 2012 at 11:02 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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X-Calibar said:
Despite stuff like that, I'm mostly positive and optimistic. I believe in people, and desire happiness for all. Life is too short, so don't miss what's right in front of you. Be nice, be kind...
I'm the exact opposite :-\
I'm mostly negative and pessimistic, I don't believe in (most) people, although I desire happiness for those that I do believe in.
And life is too short, I learnt that on 23 September 2003. :(
I just can't get over the death of my first cat, can I?

X-Calibar said:
If you've read all these random ramblings I won't be surprised if you lose all faith in me :p
Random is a keyword: I'm random. Hence, the random things I do / say.
Everyone in Gansbaai lost all faith in me, just because I was bored enough to memorize 756. That, and everyone in Gansbaai hates me.
I know that for a fact. Because everyone in Gansbaai told me that they hate me.


I'm being constantly annoyed by insects. This is one of the thousand (?) reasons why I hate summer and spring and autumn. :mad:
Nov 8, 2012 at 12:52 PM
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It drives me nuts to read internet comments on politics, making random pokes about Romney while he gives his concession speech... People should show a little respect guhhhh at least I refrained from being obnoxious...
Yeahhh. The internet isn't really a bastion of good sense and nice people. Personally I thought Romney did a pretty amazing job conceding, considering how long he's been running for the job and his history with it (His Dad (his hero) lost the presidency on a gaffe). But obviously I am not everyone. I'm sure if Romney had won there would be equally obnoxious republicans blathering about it (and people had already actually been posting things like "the obamination", or "nobama", for a while)
Can you believe that each of their campaigns ended up costing more than a billion? Two billion dollars... ... Seriously?
That figure is actually quite a bit under. I think the eventual cost ended up being a bit upwards of 6 billion, but don't quote me on that. And yeah that's disgusting, but the sad truth is that to stay competitive, they both needed to have this ridiculous ad campaign (even though it turned out to do pretty much zilch in either direction.

Annnd most of the rest of the post was about why you voted Romney, so I'll go on and say why I went for Obama.
- Romney is unpredictable. His views seem to change monthly. He can't run on his record in Massachusetts (even though it was pretty good), because he won't implement the same policies he did as governor. The largest achievement of Romney's governorship was the passing of universal healthcare, and now he says that he would repeal Obamacare (which is based on Romneycare on the first day of office.
- I really really really disagree with Romney on social issues. He is anti-gay marriage, anti-choice, anti-contraception. That is simply not okay. By itself that is enough for me to not vote for him.
- Romney didn't really offer a plan on fiscal issues besides not being Obama. I guess Romney may have come across more knowledgeable, but he never outlined any specifics as to what he would do. As with the first thing, he's a huge unknown. Obama offers more of the same, and despite what people may be saying, it has worked. Unemployment has been steadily decreasing (from its peak just a few months after he took office). Last month, 500000 people re-entered the job market. The economy is improving, and what Obama offered was a few more years of the same policies. Romney opposed the auto-bailout, but it has brought unemployment in Ohio, historically one of the worsts states in a recession, close to 5%.
Doesn't the President have... President things to do?
. Yeahhhh. Annoying part of how our system works, mostly. Obama was not the first incumbent to campaign.
While on the other hand Obama had spent the last two years in deadlock after losing the house to republicans [or so I've read].
I'm not exactly sure that was the president's fault.

On Obamacare: its actual name is universal healthcare (which both parties have been trying to pass for almost a century), it was just branded Obamacare by the repubs, perhaps to make it sound worse for the people. I'm not sure why your individual practice friend is against it, but it's honestly a pretty good thing, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.

Annnnd I really really have to go now. I may not have been articulate because I'm in a rush, but if you have any questions or objections, throw them back at me. Also, on running a deficit.
Nov 8, 2012 at 5:23 PM
daughter of chivalry
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If I were to give advice to younger students... I would tell them to look for meaning in everything that they are spending their time on. Don't take classes for the Grade. So what if you can ace the tests... Why are you learning it?
You need to know why you are learning it, how it will help you in the future AND the present. Practice what you are learning immediately with the real world.
Wow. This. This so hard.
The sad truth is, school is considered a place for "learning", but instead it's more of a place for "achievement". In my experience, kids are so preoccupied with getting perfect grades to get into great schools to get a great job. Nothing wrong with being ambitious, but it seems like rarely do we actually absorb the information and put it to good use. It's mostly: Absorb material for that moment, use it to get a good grade, move on and forget said material completely. Then again, I might be just making assumptions here, since I have a somewhat negative view about education.
It's also hard since we all have such varied interests. If we are taking a class because we need to but are not necessarily interested in, we just do the absorbing for the sake of getting a good grade and nothing more since we don't want to fail. Nobody wants to fail.
Well now I'm just rambling I guess. But thank you for saying what you did, because it is so important and it's taken for granted so easily.

I'm not sure why your individual practice friend is against it, but it's honestly a pretty good thing, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.
Not so sure about the details since I don't pay much attention to it, but yesterday on the news they were talking about how with Omabocare the government now needs to intervene with private practices. Didn't have time to stick around and see the reasons why.
Nov 8, 2012 at 5:39 PM
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It's also hard since we all have such varied interests. If we are taking a class because we need to but are not necessarily interested in, we just do the absorbing for the sake of getting a good grade and nothing more since we don't want to fail. Nobody wants to fail.

I think the idea behind required courses is that even if the topic doesn't interest you, you're going to need the information/skills gained from that class for other courses or your degree or work in general. We can't always just do only what we're interested in, sometimes work will require you to do things that you would not have an interest in otherwise. Going to school may be about learning, but for many, it's a place to gain the required skills and experience for a future career.

And to say something about people only absorbing information for just the moment, I find that even if I found a class stale and completely irrelevant to my interests, it's hard to forget everything I learned it in so a good portion of the knowledge remains even if you don't like the class. But forgetting isn't bad, in fact it's only natural since you're only human, and you really can remember only so much. If we remembered everything we'd probably have a really hard time recalling that which is important.
Nov 9, 2012 at 1:09 AM
Indie game enthusiast
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One last long reply... O_o
Lace said:
That figure is actually quite a bit under. I think the eventual cost ended up being a bit upwards of 6 billion, but don't quote me on that. And yeah that's disgusting, but the sad truth is that to stay competitive, they both needed to have this ridiculous ad campaign (even though it turned out to do pretty much zilch in either direction.
Ouch... that's a big number...

Annnd most of the rest of the post was about why you voted Romney, so I'll go on and say why I went for Obama.

- Romney is unpredictable. His views seem to change monthly. He can't run on his record in Massachusetts (even though it was pretty good), because he won't implement the same policies he did as governor. The largest achievement of Romney's governorship was the passing of universal healthcare, and now he says that he would repeal Obamacare (which is based on Romneycare on the first day of office.
I suppose I dangerously reasoned that it makes sense that by travelling the nation, you hear what the people want from their president; and you take into account those needs, changing your plan as you go along.
I find it hard to believe that views don't/shouldn't change as you begin to understand whom you are representing. There's politics of convenience, and then there's being true to the people...? Seems impossible to decide between except by record and interviews?

- I really really really disagree with Romney on social issues. He is anti-gay marriage, anti-choice, anti-contraception. That is simply not okay. By itself that is enough for me to not vote for him.
I guess I'm pretty neutral on those matters, as long as Romney didn't intend to endanger freedoms. I heard he would cut funding for some related programs (according to Obama commercials), but without doing my job and looking into it, it sounded like it would only make it harder; rather than preventing it...

- Romney didn't really offer a plan on fiscal issues besides not being Obama. I guess Romney may have come across more knowledgeable, but he never outlined any specifics as to what he would do. As with the first thing, he's a huge unknown. Obama offers more of the same, and despite what people may be saying, it has worked. Unemployment has been steadily decreasing (from its peak just a few months after he took office). Last month, 500000 people re-entered the job market. The economy is improving, and what Obama offered was a few more years of the same policies. Romney opposed the auto-bailout, but it has brought unemployment in Ohio, historically one of the worsts states in a recession, close to 5%.
I dangerously thought that Romney didn't outline a plan because, without having access to all the information (not everything is public record for him right?); hearing from all the sides, etc... I imagined that putting forth a plan that you might have to scrap as soon as you have more information, would basically be lying to people during the campaign. He said he did have information online about his strategy during the debate, but I never researched it.

I'm not exactly sure that was the president's fault.
Not his fault, just was concerned about how the next four years would be any different from the last two years when it comes to making headway working between the House and Obama.

I'm not sure why your individual practice friend is against it, but it's honestly a pretty good thing, especially for those with pre-existing conditions.
Yeah, I didn't hear the story myself, I just heard the results. Will have to ask why~

Mmmmm, as long as confidence in investing in the USA stays, the debt won't stab us?

I've got a long ways to go xD We never talked about politics in our family so...
Wild Desu said:
Wow. This. This so hard.
The sad truth is, school is considered a place for "learning", but instead it's more of a place for "achievement". In my experience, kids are so preoccupied with getting perfect grades to get into great schools to get a great job. Nothing wrong with being ambitious, but it seems like rarely do we actually absorb the information and put it to good use. It's mostly: Absorb material for that moment, use it to get a good grade, move on and forget said material completely. Then again, I might be just making assumptions here, since I have a somewhat negative view about education.
It's also hard since we all have such varied interests. If we are taking a class because we need to but are not necessarily interested in, we just do the absorbing for the sake of getting a good grade and nothing more since we don't want to fail. Nobody wants to fail.
Well now I'm just rambling I guess. But thank you for saying what you did, because it is so important and it's taken for granted so easily.
<3 I have a somewhat negative view towards education, but I think teachers do a good job; it's just there's more than relaying the information...
That got me thinking and I reflected a bit more...

I think one of my main issues was... What did I want out of school? I wanted to fit in. And I did so. I got honors, did all the advanced placement classes, got recommendations from faculity, etc. But, my true goal was just fitting in. I said I'd go into this or that field. Possibilities were endlessly open. But, I became more and more detached from the world as people moved on.

And the bigggest issue of them all, I seperated school time and everything else time. During everything else, I wanted to do anything not related to school. And although I was good in class, like a cancer I slowly began to accept the mumor of "can't wait for this to be over", "this is boring", "what's the point", etc. So skimming and last minute homework became accepted.

I kind of want to be a teacher to do a better job now that I know what I needed. In the ideal world, I think each student needs individual teaching strategies... We're not mass-produced machines after all. Each person will react differently, and broad strategies might alienate students over time.
When I first got to the university, I couldn't believe how people treated the professor. Auditorium sized room, with talking back/cracking jokes, people playing games on computers, the professor with a thick accent; the evolution of school? To the professional level? Felt more like somebody's chatroom...

Oh, and lastly; expecting more from people is important as well. I remember when once I showed up for a presentation, just in time; and the professor was surprised I showed up. Before that point, I never questioned the fact that, you don't miss appointments, skip when other people are depending on you, etc... Accepting how people are, and not prodding them to excel; limits both you and them. I don't know how you decide you are asking too much, and you aren't asking enough; but I believe it's imperative to have everyone just faintly pushing the limit. You have to have a way to know when they need a break, and have a rest period but...

I don't know if this is really negativity stuff xD
But, I've been keeping it to myself~

I'm sure this is nothing new but... :

Mmm... each person's circumstances are different... All I can say without knowing anything about your cat and your situation is...
All of the memories you have of your cat prior to that point... You can think about those, and maybe feel something. Something that might make you smile, laugh or even cry. Ouch, a scratch!

But, you were able to share that time with each other. That's an experience that will add color to the rest of your life. (When *I* see cats or dogs, I don't know how it feels to live with them, as I've never had such a pet. I don't see that color... I mostly avoid dogs, and even cats these days... but once there was a time I'd sit down and just pet a neighboors cat in my lap for a hour... xD) As long as you live, you'll carry on with what was entrusted to you.

Even if friends are far away, the times shared will stay and live on with you. The way I see it, I live not for just myself; but for all those who I've passed by on my way.

Hopefully, talking about this wasn't aggrivating or irritating to you D:

It's better to express emotion I think than to hold everything in like a man *_*
In my case, I won't cry in front of anyone, or enjoy a movie the same way unless I'm watching it by myself because of how I might be reflected in other eyes. It might seem reasonable until you become desensitized....

Random is a keyword: I'm random. Hence, the random things I do / say.
Everyone in Gansbaai lost all faith in me, just because I was bored enough to memorize 756. That, and everyone in Gansbaai hates me.
I know that for a fact. Because everyone in Gansbaai told me that they hate me.
What is 75^6? D:
Hmmm... well we don't hate you for starters :D We loveee.
And it's amazing how we can be in all parts of the world communicating to the same place...

As for changing people's minds.... Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm the last person to comment on this :p I don't know, just ... outshine them with the blinding rays of positvity !/1?! .....
Ahhhh... if you want them to like you, then see things there way. And then at some point, help them see things your way.
Surprise someone with an interest in something, and show real earnestness...
This is of course, assumes that these are people that you want to be associated with.

I think everyone has something to offer... you can gain points through mimicry...

Alternatively, if you're a strong individual you can forge your own way; despite what anyone has to say. You can impress people, and gain their support if you build up reputation through achievement.

Stay true to who you are, but be mindful of others. Perhaps the reason people could be so cruel, is that you are doing something that makes them feel belittled? In any case, the worst thing to do is to give up. You could always try to find a new crowd if things are hopeless... That could change minds.

All my advice is pretty lame, without being there. Just know, I'm wishing you good luck :D

I'm being constantly annoyed by insects. This is one of the thousand (?) reasons why I hate summer and spring and autumn. :mad:
I feel for you there. Whenever a little pest decides to bother me, I usually mutter unpleasant taunts and wait for my prey... ;P
I mean I wouldn't mind it maybe if they were Butterflies. Or Faries. But, instead they are Bugs :p They drive me crazy... X_X Can't enjoy the outside air without them coming in. guh!

43501 said:
X-Calibar, I've read your post but I don't have time to respond at the moment. I just wanted you to know that you're not just shouting into the abyss and I actually read and thought about what you wrote and I would like to reply to it when my time frees up. :)
I was really pretty hesitant to see what kind of replies I might get, but I must say thanks to everyone for their time, and words. (I've never really said these things before D:) Don't feel obligated, but <3

it's hard to forget everything I learned it in so a good portion of the knowledge remains even if you don't like the class
I don't know if it's because I played too many games too early in life, if something traumatic happened like when I hit my head or got electructed @_@, but I have mastered the art of forgetting stuff related to real life. I am pretty sure I unconsciously made an effort to forget.
My memory is mostly visual though, so words, audio/visual are much more difficult to keep.

(How extreme? I question my ability to name all 50 states lol Do I know the founding fathers? Formulas? I stopped about Calc 2, after I stopped remembering forumlas. Now I'm not entirely sure about simple equations lol I can actually feel my mind attempting to stop me from remembering when I try to think of something I ought to know, like names of roads around here lol )
On the other hand, I can map out Ultima VII in my mind, recall the legend from FF2 US, "One to be born from a dragon, hoisting the light and the dark, arises high to the still land with the light of eternity, it brings another promise, to mother earth, with bounty and mercy.", etc etc
I took a class about the stock market, but I don't even remember anything from it. Well I am avoiding remembering...
Perhaps the price of never having a headache is avoiding using your head! xD

Guess I'm going to have to create a memory palace,... and unlock what I've shut away...
Nov 9, 2012 at 9:46 AM
The Eternal Darkness
Join Date: Feb 12, 2012
Location: The Enemy of the Truth
Posts: 314
Age: 109
Pronouns: he/him
Monster post inside spoiler.
X-Calibar said:
I'm sure this is nothing new but... :

Mmm... each person's circumstances are different... All I can say without knowing anything about your cat and your situation is...
All of the memories you have of your cat prior to that point... You can think about those, and maybe feel something. Something that might make you smile, laugh or even cry. Ouch, a scratch!
What made Raichu's death worse was the fact that my parents lied to me on the day he died (23 September 2003, I was 7 years old then) and that, to this day, they still lie to me. They seem to think that I am an imbecile.
23 September 2003, somewhere in Franskraal (it's nearby Gansbaai), at 02:00 AM (GMT+2), Raichu got killed by a car. Later that day when I found out (rather stealthily) that he was dead, it was a rainy, foggy day. I wasn't in the mood to play NES games (not that I had any NES games that I wanted to play because my father damaged one of them by trying to use it to fix a computer >_<) and I remember there was music playing, which led to my dislike of music - music reminds me of my cat and then I become sad again.

X-Calibar said:
But, you were able to share that time with each other. That's an experience that will add color to the rest of your life. (When *I* see cats or dogs, I don't know how it feels to live with them, as I've never had such a pet. I don't see that color... I mostly avoid dogs, and even cats these days... but once there was a time I'd sit down and just pet a neighbors cat in my lap for a hour... xD) As long as you live, you'll carry on with what was entrusted to you.
I guess I force myself to remember my cat by watching Pokémon or playing Pokémon games. I always have a Pikachu nicknamed Raichu, and I usually find some way to give it Ice-type attacks XD
I guess that makes me an icy person? | _ |"
At least I was 7 when Raichu died and not 14 or older, otherwise the person responsible would probably have to run for his life. :/
I hate having a temper that is easily triggered by threatening someone who I trust, like the moderators of my own forums...

X-Calibar said:
Even if friends are far away, the times shared will stay and live on with you. The way I see it, I live not for just myself; but for all those who I've passed by on my way.
I only have two or three friends, they're the only three students who didn't bully/mock/annoy me every single school day. Since 23 January 2003 that constantly happened with me. :/
I don't know where two of my friends are, but I know that one of them is in Cape Town.
He visited me during the time that I had no electricity (25 June - 23 July).
I guess there'll be another such time in the future... -_-"
With the rate that the prices for food and bills go up...

X-Calibar said:
Hopefully, talking about this wasn't aggravating or irritating to you D:
It would be if I was woken up by my parents while I was dreaming or "nightmaring" - but at least I woke up naturally this morning so I'm in a good mood.

I always get angry if I'm woken up by my parents (or anyone) while I'm having a dream or a nightmare. Except my current cat, Simba.

X-Calibar said:
It's better to express emotion I think than to hold everything in like a man *_*
In my case, I won't cry in front of anyone, or enjoy a movie the same way unless I'm watching it by myself because of how I might be reflected in other eyes. It might seem reasonable until you become desensitized....
I stopped crying since sometime 2005. If I had to guess since when, it would be 21 October 2005, when I got Simba. Since then, I never cried yet, unless it's because of hay fever. Which is why I like winter: no hay fever, as far as I'm aware.

X-Calibar said:
What is 75^6? D:
177 978 515 625. (:<

X-Calibar said:
Hmmm... well we don't hate you for starters :D We loveee.
And it's amazing how we can be in all parts of the world communicating to the same place...
I blame technology for that.

X-Calibar said:
As for changing people's minds.... Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm the last person to comment on this :p I don't know, just ... outshine them with the blinding rays of positvity !/1?! .....
Ahhhh... if you want them to like you, then see things there way. And then at some point, help them see things your way.
Surprise someone with an interest in something, and show real earnestness...
This is of course, assumes that these are people that you want to be associated with.
It's something that I have not had for a long time. Most of my past is... painful... although I at least discovered a definition for myself:
"WAYNE JAKOBUS MICHAEL "SHANE" NEUMANN: An entirely random, unpredictable, weird and crazy person who gets angry very easily. He does weird things when he is bored, like memorizing 756 or trying to sprite pastry to become an enemy in Cave Story mods characters for Little Fighter 2. His only detention was on 13 February 2009, and for some reason he actually liked it."
Yes, Wayne Jakobus Michael is my full name. At least it's not Wayne Peter Arno Harry Johnathan Clark Kurt Lex Timothy Rhue Septimus Hilbert Jakobus Lucas Vince George Eric Dennis Francois James Gerald Seth Illidan Joey Michael Ted Quote Stefano Nicolas Brian Bruce Thomas Ronald Roan Sloane Shane Jason Vernon William Jack Gary Sora Ivor Bane Keith Terra Cyril Rain Daniel Jaden Felix Zera Quinton Oliver Neumann. :/

X-Calibar said:
I think everyone has something to offer... you can gain points through mimicry...

Alternatively, if you're a strong individual you can forge your own way; despite what anyone has to say. You can impress people, and gain their support if you build up reputation through achievement.
Although I'm both an introvert and an extrovert, which is why it's rather hard. :/

X-Calibar said:
Stay true to who you are, but be mindful of others. Perhaps the reason people could be so cruel, is that you are doing something that makes them feel belittled? In any case, the worst thing to do is to give up. You could always try to find a new crowd if things are hopeless... That could change minds.
Mostly, the reason is because I don't do things they do. They use drugs, I don't, that sort of thing.
"Staying true to who I am" is something I don't know what it means, though, so I guess I have something to do now (other than work on an RPG and two fan fictions and a Cave Story mod o_O").

X-Calibar said:
All my advice is pretty lame, without being there. Just know, I'm wishing you good luck :D
I've got more bad luck than breaking seven mirrors would give... :/

X-Calibar said:
I feel for you there. Whenever a little pest decides to bother me, I usually mutter unpleasant taunts and wait for my prey... ;P
I mean I wouldn't mind it maybe if they were Butterflies. Or Faries. But, instead they are Bugs :p They drive me crazy... X_X Can't enjoy the outside air without them coming in. guh!
I'd probably not mind it if the insects were Pokémon, but because they're not real, they'd have to be robots, and I hate robots just because of a single giant robot picking up an entire building and throwing it around the world. In some video game I've played.

X-Calibar said:
I don't know if it's because I played too many games too early in life, if something traumatic happened like when I hit my head or got electructed @_@, but I have mastered the art of forgetting stuff related to real life. I am pretty sure I unconsciously made an effort to forget.
My memory is mostly visual though, so words, audio/visual are much more difficult to keep.
I forget a lot of important things quickly, but unimportant things, I remember easily. >_<
I mean, 13 February 2009 isn't really an important date for me, but I remember that it was the day of my first - and only - detention.

X-Calibar said:
(How extreme? I question my ability to name all 50 states lol Do I know the founding fathers? Formulas? I stopped about Calc 2, after I stopped remembering forumlas. Now I'm not entirely sure about simple equations lol I can actually feel my mind attempting to stop me from remembering when I try to think of something I ought to know, like names of roads around here lol )
On the other hand, I can map out Ultima VII in my mind, recall the legend from FF2 US, "One to be born from a dragon, hoisting the light and the dark, arises high to the still land with the light of eternity, it brings another promise, to mother earth, with bounty and mercy.", etc etc
I took a class about the stock market, but I don't even remember anything from it. Well I am avoiding remembering...
Perhaps the price of never having a headache is avoiding using your head! xD
Perhaps the price of having a headache is to eat some ice cream, in my case. :mrgreen:
I'm allergic to aspirin, so I don't take it.

X-Calibar said:
Guess I'm going to have to create a memory palace,... and unlock what I've shut away...
That gives me an idea...


Nov 9, 2012 at 12:03 PM
Senior Member
"Master using it, and you can have this!"
Join Date: Oct 18, 2012
Location: United States
Posts: 82
Age: 26
Pronouns: he/him
Shane said:
Monster post inside spoiler.
What made Raichu's death worse was the fact that my parents lied to me on the day he died (23 September 2003, I was 7 years old then) and that, to this day, they still lie to me. They seem to think that I am an imbecile.
23 September 2003, somewhere in Franskraal (it's nearby Gansbaai), at 02:00 AM (GMT+2), Raichu got killed by a car. Later that day when I found out (rather stealthily) that he was dead, it was a rainy, foggy day. I wasn't in the mood to play NES games (not that I had any NES games that I wanted to play because my father damaged one of them by trying to use it to fix a computer >_<) and I remember there was music playing, which led to my dislike of music - music reminds me of my cat and then I become sad again.

I guess I force myself to remember my cat by watching Pokémon or playing Pokémon games. I always have a Pikachu nicknamed Raichu, and I usually find some way to give it Ice-type attacks XD
I guess that makes me an icy person? | _ |"
At least I was 7 when Raichu died and not 14 or older, otherwise the person responsible would probably have to run for his life. :/
I hate having a temper that is easily triggered by threatening someone who I trust, like the moderators of my own forums...

I only have two or three friends, they're the only three students who didn't bully/mock/annoy me every single school day. Since 23 January 2003 that constantly happened with me. :/
I don't know where two of my friends are, but I know that one of them is in Cape Town.
He visited me during the time that I had no electricity (25 June - 23 July).
I guess there'll be another such time in the future... -_-"
With the rate that the prices for food and bills go up...

It would be if I was woken up by my parents while I was dreaming or "nightmaring" - but at least I woke up naturally this morning so I'm in a good mood.

I always get angry if I'm woken up by my parents (or anyone) while I'm having a dream or a nightmare. Except my current cat, Simba.

I stopped crying since sometime 2005. If I had to guess since when, it would be 21 October 2005, when I got Simba. Since then, I never cried yet, unless it's because of hay fever. Which is why I like winter: no hay fever, as far as I'm aware.

177 978 515 625. (:<

I blame technology for that.

It's something that I have not had for a long time. Most of my past is... painful... although I at least discovered a definition for myself:
"WAYNE JAKOBUS MICHAEL "SHANE" NEUMANN: An entirely random, unpredictable, weird and crazy person who gets angry very easily. He does weird things when he is bored, like memorizing 756 or trying to sprite pastry to become an enemy in Cave Story mods characters for Little Fighter 2. His only detention was on 13 February 2009, and for some reason he actually liked it."
Yes, Wayne Jakobus Michael is my full name. At least it's not Wayne Peter Arno Harry Johnathan Clark Kurt Lex Timothy Rhue Septimus Hilbert Jakobus Lucas Vince George Eric Dennis Francois James Gerald Seth Illidan Joey Michael Ted Quote Stefano Nicolas Brian Bruce Thomas Ronald Roan Sloane Shane Jason Vernon William Jack Gary Sora Ivor Bane Keith Terra Cyril Rain Daniel Jaden Felix Zera Quinton Oliver Neumann. :/

Although I'm both an introvert and an extrovert, which is why it's rather hard. :/

Mostly, the reason is because I don't do things they do. They use drugs, I don't, that sort of thing.
"Staying true to who I am" is something I don't know what it means, though, so I guess I have something to do now (other than work on an RPG and two fan fictions and a Cave Story mod o_O").

I've got more bad luck than breaking seven mirrors would give... :/

I'd probably not mind it if the insects were Pokémon, but because they're not real, they'd have to be robots, and I hate robots just because of a single giant robot picking up an entire building and throwing it around the world. In some video game I've played.

I forget a lot of important things quickly, but unimportant things, I remember easily. >_<
I mean, 13 February 2009 isn't really an important date for me, but I remember that it was the day of my first - and only - detention.

Perhaps the price of having a headache is to eat some ice cream, in my case. :mrgreen:

That gives me an idea...



;_; *sniff*
I cried on the first part