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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Oct 28, 2011 at 2:32 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Umm, are there multiple endings?

After I beat Genesis (which acts almost identical to Ballos' first form), Ballos just goes: "puny human with a peashooter" and zaps Misery and Quote. Then, something weird happens in Genesis:Spirit... The game then ends with Misery worrying about Quote...

I am quite certain I am missing something here.
Oct 28, 2011 at 2:39 AM
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windsofwinds said:
before i was a member here, < I went through every page of this theard to juust find the sky blade! so I decided to actually helpsome new gamers out instead of just teasing them( curse you lunersoul!:p) by listing the uber weopons. If get banned by this, shame on you (not YOU)

Sky blade: In outer wall, at the top, go down a little and when you reach the 1st or 2nd ledge below the teloporter go right with the 2.0 booster till you reach some platforms keep going right till your in Oblivion:Moon say yes to the statue to get the sky blade

Detonator: Simple. First deactivate the fans near the ledgee near poo black(note: battle glitches after new game +) then deactivate the west town fans, the first fan terminal you turned on( sorry! almost forgot to tell you that the termanal{speling} to turn off the ledge fans is hidden . Its on one of the Fan-cases leading up to poo black) ,then after that , battle poo black, fall down and land in the alcove with the chest containing the bomb.[If you did it right.]
After the laberath , you can go to the hermit blacksmith to give him the bomb and your missle lancher to recieve the Detonator. WARNING: I recomend you get the sky blade first because if you dont you get a 1 shot missle lancher to break the blocks blocking the exit to first cave, which takes up space.

Uber Bubbler: Simplest. Just trade the Detonater to the fishing rabbit( DUOH!) AFTER visting Erosion the first time. He's near the chinfish.

Polaris: oh my. To start off, you need four parts to make it.

First One: In the outer wall. At the top of were you enter Moon jump down till you see a big platform on the very bottom left side. The chest contains the piece. Also their is a heart capsle further right. just down a secound time to find it at the very bottom right. ( short paltform)

Secound One: In the chimmy, at the very top. need level three machine gun It is the hardest one by far( have fun dying:balrog: )

Thrid one: In the Egg Corridor , under the right exit is a chest containing the ID Card ( Hope you like Basils:koron:)Then take vack to the laberath, to the long room before Chabo's Shop use the ID card at the terminal, then go down where you will most likely be crush a few times:muscledoc: at the bottom is the chest that contains the Third piece.

Fourth One: EASY:orangebell:. Find the door that leads to the place you lost your snake then use the machine gun:) or use you booster:sue: one of the chest contain the Fourth piece.

After that spel, go to the hermit gunsmith to make the Polaris, Which is AWSOME!

Nemisis X : In the Developer Room, talk to magicmushroom to input a code to get the Nemisis X (Its in the room, can someone please tell me the code . I know Lunersoul is not:mad:

Thanks for reading, post if I miss something or you know the code.

windsofwinds said:
look my guide that was just there was for people like me who wanted to enjoy the game , not making it task

for reasons unknown my Uber guide got deleted, so here's uber weapon guide 2.0 !

Sky Blade: In the Outer Wall, near the top of it, on the 1st or 2nd ledge below the teleporter , head right with the booster till you reach some platforms
then head right to go to Oblivion:Moon . Talk to the statue and answer yes to get the Sky Blade

Detonator: Simple, sorta. First turn off the ledge fan that lead to poo black( The terminal is on one of the fan-case steps, look up around the fifth.)
Then turn off the Western sector fans( first terminal you turned on). Fight poo black, fall down and land in the little alcove to get the bomb.
After the Laberath, you can take it to the hermit gunsmith, along with you missle lancher, to get the Detonator. WARNING:GET SKY BLADE FIRST!
If you don't, you'll get a one shot missle lancher to blow up the blocks to get out of the cave, which takes up space, ammo , AND missle ammo increasements!!!

Uber Bubbler: Easiest. Trade it with The fisherman ( DOUH) AFTER visting Erosion once. He's near the chinfish.

Polaris: oh my. To get it, you need to find the four diffrent part scattered throughout the game and give the to the Hermit Gunsmith to recieve Polaris

First One: At Outer wall. Go to the entrance to Moon, take a leap of faith, and land on the large platform to find the chest to get the first piece. You can also get a Life Capscle if you go a little more to the right.

Secound One:At the top of the chimney, by the door that leads to a closeed-off death trap. Requires the level 3 machine gun .Hardest to get by far, so good luck dying :Barlog:. You can also find the controller here to increase your Detonator ammo by Thrity, but dont use till you get the rest of the expansions(locks them.).

Third One: First get the ID Card (below the exit to Outer Wall. Hope you like Basils:koron:).Then go to the room before Chabo's Shop, use the ID Card on the terminal to go through the door where you will most likely be cruch a few times:MuscleDocter:, so use the save point. Get to the bottom to find the chest that contains the Third piece.

Fourth One: EASY:orangebell: In Erosion, go through the door that takes you to the place you first lost your weapons. Save, the use the Machine Gun:) or your booster
:heart: to get over to the prevously unreachable ledge(kinda. You can use that block to pull it off, but its very hard.) to find a chest that contains the Fourth piece.
Now take them to the gunsmith to recieve the AWSOME Polaris

Nemisis: There are two ways, one is to go to the developers room and enter the correct code(don't know it.) to get one version of it
To get The Nemisis X , well I don't know, due to the hush hush about it.

Thank You for reading my guide. I suggest you use this to help you have a better game, but as an advisory for lunersoul:mad:, I suggest you at leat TRY to look for them and the secrets. please post how to get the Nemisis X so that I may help other who tried( or wants to ENJOY the game.).If thats too much, just send the answer to my profile( I'll delete it after I write down how to do it! ). I'll try to guess the code.

Thank You
It was right on the page before this one.
Oct 28, 2011 at 2:49 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

windsofwinds said:
look my guide that was just there was for people like me who wanted to enjoy the game, not making it task
Revealing the hidden weapons doesn't make the game fun, it makes the game stupid. They're uberweapons, they're supposed to be hidden for each player to uncover themselves.

aquamarin said:
Umm, are there multiple endings?
You're a page late. I'm too lazy to put in a spoiler, so just look at the previous page.

Noxid said:
It was right on the page before this one.
That equals true.
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:01 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

So I got to the good ending with the secret item and got
the new game+ does that help on any way on getting the Nemesis or the mimiga charm because that play through is weird
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:03 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Nope, it's just a fun playthrough for fun.
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:14 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

and theres also a game ++?
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:15 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

That's right.
In JN hard mode. You still need the beast fang.
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:26 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
You're a page late. I'm too lazy to put in a spoiler, so just look at the previous page.

Oops, yeah. I figured it out myself not long after I posted that.. :heart:
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:36 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Look, I play maaany rpg's and you know what frustrats me? All the dang sercrets and nobody telling because "they want the game to be exciting!"
well I,m a completionist and I would like to know this stuff, as of others, because we,ve beaten the game( or a least I have) 9 times and we still haven't found all the secrets!
So don't call it stupid, because some people want to enjoy the game AFTER they beaten it and there nothing let but finding items that are hard to find and it makes it even less fun the next time we play it.

oh and I didn't know about that, sorry!I deleted the prevous so noxiod statement is now untrue ( i'm a prick)

Lunersoul, if you want it gone , i'll get rid of so I can have some peace!!!!!!!!!!!1
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:41 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

windsofwinds said:
Look, I play maaany rpg's and you know what frustrats me? All the dang sercrets and nobody herp derp rant rant

Woah, woah. I thought you wanted to make peace? I'm a completionist too, and that's why finding secrets on my own is so fun for me. The way I figure it is that a player may have fun for about ten minutes screwing around with a hidden item after they beat the game, but they would have hours of fun(?) trying to actually search for those items. You know how EVERYONE on this forum knows all of the secrets of CS? I don't want my mod to be like that. I want there to be a few choice people who take pride in the fact that they found this stuff on their own.

EDIT: By the way, for the nemesis X code, it's not that hard to find. It's not something you have to leave the room to find, and it is not invisible in any way, or hidden in the meaning of character text.
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:56 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

funnyy, alright I did it ; i don't know how to type so i,m always delayed
see also: i'm a prick
Oct 28, 2011 at 4:02 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
You know how EVERYONE on this forum knows all of the secrets of CS?
man I still feel bad about this, I would have never found out the great ending if I hadn't looked around, and I feel like I kinda ripped myself off, I don't get the satisfaction of discovering it myself.
Oct 28, 2011 at 4:16 AM
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bobbyis said:
man I still feel bad about this, I would have never found out the great ending if I hadn't looked around, and I feel like I kinda ripped myself off, I don't get the satisfaction of discovering it myself.

No problems, I only ever knew about cave story because of DeceasedCrab. (Not a very friendly guy off-camera. ><)
Oct 28, 2011 at 9:26 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

If your wondering, I put a uber weapons guide and people complained , so I removed it

Now you know.
Oct 29, 2011 at 1:33 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Finished the game just now... Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves here, especially in the gameplay department. I loved every detail and puzzles in this game. (Although in some areas, you went a bit too far with the spikes :muscledoc:)

I didn't mind the amount of secrets everywhere. I got a bit paranoid and shot at every almost every wall and ceiling to check for secret passages, but the prize was the worth the effort :D

One thing this mod could really improve on is storyline... especially the ending. There are whole bunch of good story elements to build a good plot upon, but a lot of things get mentioned and never gets mentioned again. For example,

Expanding island?
Walls getting thinner?
What exactly happened to Jenka? What happens after Ultima is defeated?
Is Balrog gonna stand there counting water drops forever...
etc. etc.

Oh and btw, I found another bug. If you go to Red Tower again after defeating Oblivion. You can enter the place where to fight Doctor/Oblivion... Then, you get locked in. There's a doctor with his hand out and grinning like a maniac at your sad fate of getting locked in a blood red room with him. You can't talk or attack him at all... wut?

Also... Are there invisible chests in the treasure maze?
Oct 29, 2011 at 5:12 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Hey LunarSoul,
I found the Ikachan Room what does it do?
I'm Dissapointed, this game ended with
Me in a Developers hideout and this guy won't let me leave unless i have Beast Fang.
Oct 29, 2011 at 6:08 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

aquamarin said:
Also... Are there invisible chests in the treasure maze?

lol, I figured it out myself. Great puzzle as always LunarSoul and co.!

Btw, I finished the whole game without using map system at all (it would have helped a lot). Where do you get that? I read in some earlier page about giving it to Malco. I can't find Sue's amulet either, I thought the treasure maze would have the amulet... I flew around both left and right of red tower to no avail.
Oct 29, 2011 at 8:20 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

I agree with aquamen in this post , but remember, this game was originaly made by smitz till he pulled an amelia airheart on us, and lunersoul just help finished the game and added its touch (gender?) to improved the game
no offence, of corce

if you need help in the game , just give me a vm and i'll help
... but try first, alright guys( and gals :awesomeface:)

tad disapointed, but always leds room to a sequal, if it atempted the notion.
Oct 29, 2011 at 2:46 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

I agree with aquamarin about the story, it is kind of lazy writing. I'll have to fix that sometime.
Ikachan room:
It's a secret. But it's not pointless.
I'm a guy.
Winds is correct about Shmitz. I made the rest starting from about Outer Wall, with small fixes to earlier maps.
This is already a sequel, so I'm not making a new game, but I might change the ending of this one when I have time.
About the amulet, it's not in an obvious place, but it's not hard to find. It's in the actual tower, it's not in O: Cloud, and it sparkles when you get near it.
Oct 29, 2011 at 5:22 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
About the amulet, it's not in an obvious place, but it's not hard to find. It's in the actual tower, it's not in O: Cloud, and it sparkles when you get near it.

Oh haha, that was really easy. Thanks for the tip. For some reason, I thought the amulet would be located on some random platform off to the left or right of the actual tower. I think this has been mentioned earlier, but when you talk to Sue again after machine gun upgrade, she still talks about giving Quote a machine gun upgrade. She doesn't actually upgrade it again though.

Still haven't found map system...
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