Sky Blade: In the Outer Wall, near the top of it, on the 1st or 2nd ledge below the teleporter , head right with the booster till you reach some platforms
then head right to go to Oblivion:Moon . Talk to the statue and answer yes to get the Sky Blade
Detonator: Simple, sorta. First turn off the ledge fan that lead to poo black( The terminal is on one of the fan-case steps, look up around the fifth.)
Then turn off the Western sector fans( first terminal you turned on). Fight poo black, fall down and land in the little alcove to get the bomb.
After the Laberath, you can take it to the hermit gunsmith, along with you missle lancher, to get the Detonator. WARNING:GET SKY BLADE FIRST!
If you don't, you'll get a one shot missle lancher to blow up the blocks to get out of the cave, which takes up space, ammo , AND missle ammo increasements!!!
Uber Bubbler: Easiest. Trade it with The fisherman ( DOUH) AFTER visting Erosion once. He's near the chinfish.
Polaris: oh my. To get it, you need to find the four diffrent part scattered throughout the game and give the to the Hermit Gunsmith to recieve Polaris
First One: At Outer wall. Go to the entrance to Moon, take a leap of faith, and land on the large platform to find the chest to get the first piece. You can also get a Life Capscle if you go a little more to the right.
Secound One:At the top of the chimney, by the door that leads to a closeed-off death trap. Requires the level 3 machine gun .Hardest to get by far, so good luck dying :Barlog:. You can also find the controller here to increase your Detonator ammo by Thrity, but dont use till you get the rest of the expansions(locks them.).
Third One: First get the ID Card (below the exit to Outer Wall. Hope you like Basils

).Then go to the room before Chabo's Shop, use the ID Card on the terminal to go through the door where you will most likely be cruch a few times:MuscleDocter:, so use the save point. Get to the bottom to find the chest that contains the Third piece.
Fourth One: EASY

In Erosion, go through the door that takes you to the place you first lost your weapons. Save, the use the Machine Gun

or your booster

to get over to the prevously unreachable ledge(kinda. You can use that block to pull it off, but its very hard.) to find a chest that contains the Fourth piece.
Now take them to the gunsmith to recieve the AWSOME Polaris
Nemisis: There are two ways, one is to go to the developers room and enter the correct code(don't know it.) to get one version of it
To get The Nemisis X , well I don't know, due to the hush hush about it.