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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Jan 15, 2013 at 10:41 PM
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So I'll elaborate on my problems with the story. These problems of which aren't entirely your fault, but a lot of it falls into the category of "Fanboy weeabo who thinks he knows best". So I'll elaborate on my problems with your critique. These problems of which are entirely your fault, but a lot of it falls into the category of "Retard 20-year-old who thinks he knows best." I'm reciting these problems from memory, mind you; but if the problem itself is more memorable than what might have been an already-existing solution, then it's still just as equally a problem.

1) Who the fuck is "Asura"?

I had to seriously open the game in Booster's Lab to double check the name, it was so generic and unmemorable. It's not a name, it's a title. Asura essentially means "a non-deity with deity-like powers". But I did remember that this character was not only completely unexplained prior to the mirror fragments, but he seemed to suddenly become the final boss for no reason whatsoever. This was not a character created by or inspired by the original mod's unfinished state - you made this thing up completely on your own merit, and it simply doesn't fit. It "simply doesn't fit"? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, everyone knows that MagicDoors' part isn't nearly as good as Shmitz's, but here's the thing: it's MagicDoors' part. This is MagicDoors' mod. Who are you to say that it "doesn't fit"? For all we know this sort of thing may have been exactly what Shmitz wanted. I'm pretty sure that he would do something more like what MagicDoors did than to just add a couple Oblivion stages to beat him and then POW! You win. Sure, MagicDoors' story might not be exactly what Shmitz had in mind, but doing this and actual adding to the mod rather than simply "finishing" it is far better. And I'm sure anything you come up with would suck at least twice as much.

"Ballos" in the original Cave Story may not have been properly introduced until the extra dungeon, but he has a hell of a lot more backstory than "Asura", and a much more original name to boot. God why do you even think Asura is a less original name than Ballos, I've never seen anyone use it. The first time we're informed of Ballos' existence is in an ominous bonus scene as you set up your game for the extra dungeon, followed by additional information to give you an understanding of who Ballos is, and what he had become.

But "Asura"? All we're told is he was some demon sealed away in a shitty mirror that you phoned into the game for seemingly no reason. This shitty mirror is way better than the shitty weapon you'd get in the original JNR. The four pieces thing was (and had been even in the original) a part of the mod and he wasn't going to remove it. I was under the impression that this mirror was going to be a usable item that would teleport you to a hellish bonus dungeon on the spot outside the plot -- a much, MUCH better idea than was executed PFFFFFTAHAHAHA you think that's a good idea? hahaha-- and instead you turned this phoned in apparition into the only final boss of the game.

Ballos EXCITED me, and STILL does with his imposing backstory greeting you every run through Sacred Ground. But "Asura"? I don't know who he is.

2) Who the fuck is this other "Genesis"?

I see what you did here. I have the game open in Booster's Lab, and I can see three things.

i) There is no "Defeated Genesis!" after the Genesis: Source boss. Woaah, look at this 1337 hacker, looking at the mod's script!

ii) Misery's easily missable and entirely not worth it in the slightest extra text taunting you sloppily with what you think is "foreboding" but is actually "bad writing" Why the hell you think this was supposed to be foreboding is beyond me.

iii) You're an idiot. You just keep making this more and more fun.

Besides this, it's my understanding that even if you beat the "real" Genesis (Who is incredibly phoned in and disruptively sloppy),If it's so sloppy tell him whatever the fuck you think it is that makes him sloppy so he can fix it, don't just say "ur mod sucks" with big words. you die and game over unless you have some stupid mirror you added just because you like shiny things. He didn't add the mirror, he removed the Polaris, a horrible OP weapon from the old version. The four piece search, as I've said, was going to be in the original JN as well. This not only ruins the game itself as an overarching story, but this tell me that you really, REALLY think that "Don't tell the player anything until the big reveal!" is a good way to write a story. You're bad at finding dialogue, apparently. Please see (iii) for my, and anyone who's older than 20's, response to that idea. Oh my God you're going to say something about me being 13 aren't you? This is like Christmas. Easter and my birthday all wrapped together in one idiot user!

3) What the fuck is going on with King?

We get it! King was your all time favorite Mimiga character! His death was tragic! You didn't like him dying! You wanted to write fanfiction! "But he's dead! HOW DO I DO THAT?"

Luckily, you completely misunderstand referential sequencing in art. What was originally a reference specifically, and ONLY to point out that the blade was still on the island and still housed King's soul, you turned into a destructively bad idea that King was "still alive" in some way or form, so you could plaster him all over the walls for your own lazy story telling. In fact, you went so far to do this that you decided King's sword should be even more magic and better than the original! So you made it BLOOD CRIMSON RED AND PUT THE WORD "TIME" IN ITS NAME! HOLY FUCK, WATCH OUT STEPHEN KING WE GOT A FUCKIN' SHAKESPHERE UP IN THIS CRIB! Haha you think the Time Reaver is King's Blade. It's just some magical sword.

4) What the fuck is even the hell? What the fuck is even this title?

As I said a few posts ago, the original Jenka's Nightmare wasn't a masterpiece of sequential storytelling, nor was it even very passable in the first place. I was personally entirely confused after Genesis: Water because I didn't know what was going on. I wasn't told to go here by the game, and nothing in the game coincides with even being there. Which generally means it's filler. You're obviously bad at playing games because from Genesis: Water onwards the game is fairly linear.

This could be fixed mind you, and a better explanation could be given for each individual area. This is the point of the 'Cthulhu' NPCs - mysterious bystanders who hand out third-person information onto the area and story without shoving it down your throat. In fact, from memory, I don't recall seeing one ever again after the Labyrinth circle maze, and it would do well to have them breath a bit of life into the areas that are otherwise boring and meaningless to the plot. I agree with you here, the Cthulhus were really well done by Shmitz.

5) Why the fuck do all the characters from your half of the game refer to Quote as 'soldier'?

No seriously, what the Woo random linebreaks are cool, right?
fuck? This isn't foreboding anything or referring to anything. It's just dumb. I don't really see the problem here...? He is a soldier, after all, why not call him that?

Oh hell no, nobody hates on this mod without my permission or written permission from three highly reputed members of the Cave Story Modding Community (henceforth referred to as the CSMC) in the form of signed documents mailed to your address with a carbon copy sent to me.
Well, it's time to show you everything that's wrong with your critique.
Read the quote.
Jan 15, 2013 at 10:49 PM
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Even though this "completion" of Jenka's Nightmare is not the best possible "finisher" to Jenka's Nightmare, let me tell you something.


Constructive criticism ONLY is allowed if you cannot mod as well as the person who made the mod. Make your own better mod first, THEN you can rag on Lunarsoul (MagicDoors) all you want. Unless you are Dunc. In that case, Accept Jesus as your savior and win a Free PSP! You must provide constructive criticism. Not insults. Insults don't do anything, unless the insults are from GIR or Noxid.

If the insults are from GIR or Noxid, then that's the highest compliment. It means that both GIR and Noxid think that your mod is so cool, that it's worth playing even when they already have tons of stuff to do.
Jan 16, 2013 at 2:32 AM
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Silly Dunc. You are the same person as GIR and Noxid. Duh.
Jan 16, 2013 at 5:12 AM
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Yeah uh let's settle it down in here okay chaps? Maybe cut back on the sweeping exaggerations?
Jan 16, 2013 at 2:01 PM
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Oh hell no, nobody hates on this mod without my permission
Why are you angered by the critique given to a mod you had no hand in? And if you did, why couldn't you aid in preventing the obvious flaws that plague the game? I shouldn't need your clarification to understand the story. The GAME is suppose to do that. If it can't keep my interest enough to read what may or may not already exist in the given script, then it is at fault.

In fact, having stood to read your OCD need to bastardize my writing, you did not once DEFEND the game, you merely went all out in insulting me. It would be one thing if I missed the answer to these flaws (And I left myself wide open for clarification by saying 'I'm reciting this by memory'), but it's another to blindly defend the game.

I think people call that "Flaming", which is usually frowned upon by forum moderators.

Carrotlord said:
I never once insulted the mod. In fact, I never once insulted the story itself, the entire focal point of my post. I simply am asking, seriously, why the game was written as it was, which was "poorly". I not once mentioned the mapping or script itself, which I could also exclaim how terrible the "Red Tower" map is in itself.

But 'insulting'? "Insulting" is what Dunc2403 did in flaming my post. Asking for clarification, regardless of my asking questions with the term "What the fuck [...]?", is not "insulting". If anything, it's insulting that you'd rather the game stay in its present state than be IMPROVED upon. Equally insulting how this forum has not improved since it was under the alias "mirai gamer", and that, as I said before, everything added to this mod to 'continue' the game did nothing but ruin what was already established.

And if you really, really think for even a second that someone needs to do better than something to critique it, then I only need your clarification to redo this mod myself. I trust you won't mind, with your permission, that I completely erase this topic from memory? I'll begin as soon as you clarify.
Jan 16, 2013 at 2:15 PM
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Okay look.
I've tried to be the better person here, but oh my god you are such a hypocrite.
First of all, your critique did have some constructive criticism, but a lot of it was telling me that I'm a fanboy, retard and idiot. And now you're yelling at Dunc for doing the exact same thing.
And what the hell? Dunc is flaming you? How about you stop screaming profanity at me before saying that? What are you, twelve?
Not everything has to be fucking perfect and fit to what you feel is right in a mod. It's a MOD, not a professional creation of glory. Modding isn't to please every single member who comes on here. It's to do what you enjoy and express yourself. Critiquing a mod is a way to improve the modder. What you're doing is completely immature. If you can't figure out how to make friends on a forum then go home and stay in your own lonely world. We don't need you here.
Jan 16, 2013 at 2:25 PM
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Because you synonize "critique" with "compliment" or "Smiley face", I'll give you a sentence you'll probably enjoy, then quickly bastardize me for:

This is the best mod on the forum. :)
Jan 16, 2013 at 2:30 PM
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Here's a critique of your critique:
It was a low-quality response, and could have been expanded upon. Why exactly was it a good mod? Your critique would work better if you had more detail and explained the issue better.

!= fucking twelve year old what the fuck kind of critique was that you should die and never come back

Side note: line breaks don't appear to work right, at least that's how it looks on my phone
Jan 16, 2013 at 2:34 PM
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Apparently this guy can't read because I sure as hell defended the mod. I can see why you didn't find any dialogue relating to Asura, after all, if you can't see how I contradicted essentially every part of your critique by telling you things that you didn't know. I don't blame you for not knowing the four pieces things was going to be in the original JN, nor do I blame you for thinking Asura is a name. But god, when you go full-on hypocrite, you just make everything stupid. And "erase this topic from memory"? Oh, look at the little butthurt reviewer who's mad because I pointed out what was wrong with their critique in what was essentially the same tone as the critique itself. You also failed to notice the time I agreed with you, which oddly enough, was when you provided actual constructive criticism. Everything else was either an insult or just stupid. Now if you have problems with the mod, I want you to MagicDoors exactly what he should do to improve it, rather than just telling him that his part sucks in an extremely long-winded way. Everyone knows that. If you want him to make it better, the first step is to tell him how.
Jan 16, 2013 at 4:05 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
Now if you have problems with the mod, I want you to MagicDoors exactly what he should do to improve it, rather than just telling him that his part sucks in an extremely long-winded way. Everyone knows that. If you want him to make it better, the first step is to tell him how.

["Asura"] was not only completely unexplained prior to the mirror fragments [...] you made this thing up completely on your own merit [.] [...] additional information to give you an understanding of who [______] is, and [what he is]. [...] All we're told is he was some demon sealed away in a shitty mirror [.] [...] I don't know who he is.

[...] it's my understanding that even if you beat the "real" Genesis, you die and game over unless you have some stupid mirror [.] [...] "Don't tell the player anything until the big reveal!" is [not] a good way to write a story.

[...] you completely misunderstand referential sequencing in art. What was originally a reference specifically, and ONLY to point out that the blade was still on the island and still housed King's soul, you turned into a destructively bad idea that King was "still alive" in some way or form [.]

[...] the original Jenka's Nightmare wasn't a masterpiece of sequential storytelling, nor was it even very passable in the first place. [it is] entirely confus[ing] after Genesis: Water because [we don't] know what [is] going on. [nothing told me] to go here [,] and nothing in the game coincides with even being there. [...] it's filler. [...] a better explanation could be given for each individual area. This is the point of the 'Cthulhu' NPCs [,] who hand out third-person information onto the area and story [.] [...] from memory, I don't recall seeing one ever again after the Labyrinth circle maze, and it would do well to have them breath a bit of life into the areas that are otherwise boring and meaningless to the plot.

[If Quote being referred to as a 'soldier', for example] isn't foreboding anything or referring to anything [without good reason,] It's just [bad writing].
Jan 16, 2013 at 5:37 PM
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well that's easy, change the parts that suck.
Jan 16, 2013 at 5:38 PM
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Yeah Dunc it really isn't all that complicated, I don't see why you're getting on this guy's case so much.
Jan 16, 2013 at 8:01 PM
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( •_•)

I guess you could say

( •_•)>⌐■-■

He wants to be

( ■_■)

That guy.

Jan 16, 2013 at 8:15 PM
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Okay look I know that this mod is such a big thing to get worked up about and argue about but can we all just shut up and let the mod die
I'm happy that people are still able to find ways for me to improve my mods, but jesus the thing is FINISHED and as I said earlier I'm not reworking the mod again
At this point I'd be happier if the topic was just locked so I can move on and work on my new project
Jan 16, 2013 at 9:08 PM
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