The story was... here and there.
Sometimes it seemed really good; sometimes nobody had anything to say. Not many cutscenes though... but there were some awesome effects!
The gameplay was mostly standard, but excellent. There was a huge amount to explore; and it was like continuing Cave Story.
Some areas like Genesis : Light was just 5 star amazing looking [though on the flipside, it was just a random area, which felt out of place?]
Anyway here is a little list I came up with earlier :
Pros :
The large, well made maps. Plenty to explore, plenty to do. So gameplay is rated highly!
The story is pretty fun, when it's there. Genesis and Oblivion are curious concepts, and that's the charm I found with the original CS... Being curious about a curious world. JN continued that.
The bosses early on were interesting twists on the original bosses. The four Gaudiskteers, even the White Critter sprite... Monster X driving you around...
The lack of weapons later was interesting as well... made me adapt a little.
Balrog. Curly. King. Sue.
Genesis : Light, was wonderful looking. They light up as you go... that was really awesome.
Genesis : under the island area was cool. The appearing blocks... quite fun.
Oblivion : Chimney is pretty fun, though frustrating. Just wish I could see what's above me while machinegun flying...
Genesis : Water areas, pretty cool.
Labyrinth was pretty nice, though I sure hate instant deaths xD I kept getting squished; I'm too impatient.
Neutral :
Music, is CS with a few unused songs.
Cons :
The story kinda got shaky the further you got into it... It had great dialogue here and there, but by the end I had no idea what I was doing. (I just knew kill Genesis and Oblivion and find Jenka!)
Speaking of which... Umm...
I never saw Jenka the entire game. When the game is titled Jenka's Nightmare... I would have expected to see Jenka at least once lol >.< Ah wait, make that I saw her in the first second of the game.
Although at LAST there is ... an ending? I don't know what to make of it. Basically :
I killed Genesis : Core. Then went to Oblivion and killed Curly possessed ;_;, and then killed Oblivion... Then, I'm told I didn't kill Genesis? So I read on the forums that I had to go see Misery...
I follow fake Misery until I find Ultima, and I finally beat whatever that he was... and then Misery makes it to Jenka? and Sue is um... lost her pendant... but she's human! And uh... Curly is allowed to leave, but apparently she can't cause I killed Ultima? [I thought Ultima wasn't Genesis?? If it was Genesis... then uh?!$5./.3? What was Genesis : Core? Illusion thing.... whatttttttttttttttttttttt?!#$%%%55555555555555
Then it went to developers hideout immediately

My take on the ending, Curly will someday find a way ... back. Quote will probably be okay. Jenka will probably be okay. Balrog will finally crash out of the water area he got stuck in. Horray! Though hopefully the island isn't too hollow and won't crumble... OR maybe Jenka will wake up with a puppy on top of her licking her face to wake up, and she'll say; "Oh dear... what dreams!"
Cons cont :
It's possible for the user to break the flow of the game, like when I skipped the Monster X battle by jumping over the death spikes... (The flying critter that shoots a bullet, if you have it double shoot into the opening in the Monster Barrier back titles [there's a break in the middle], you can use that invinciblity time to jump safely over the instant death spikes, and head to the Revolutionarium.
(I kinda like secrets like that... if they don't break the game. Like you used to be able to get to that place where king gives you the blade in Genesis under the island [the place before sandzone]. And riding a critter in the beginning of the original JN let you go reverse to the Labyrinth and/or get the health upgrade ahead of time.)
The last few boss battles were endurance battles, somewhat easy bosses with highhh health. It's not bad... but it was pretty repetitive. Though fighting Ultima was pretty epic