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Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

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Feb 2, 2011 at 2:51 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Okay, so I've fixed a crapload (by that I mean about two) of bugs, and I even added a cutscene and a half.
And guess what? Remember the spirit lodging? It has purpose, now!
So, when you come out of the water, it jams up? I'll test around, see if I can get it going.
Are you still not able to talk to the hermit? If you're not, then:
-do you have the pulse core, autocharger, turbocharge, and focusing lens?
-what does he say, if anything? He should say something about losing his polar star. When you talk to him again, he should offer to fix the spur. If you talk to him yet again, while having the materials, he shal make you the spur.

There is a maze on the third floor. I know it's ridiculously hard, especially with the moving background.
In the version I currently have (not open to the public), there is a solution. Also, your map doesn't work well.
Feb 2, 2011 at 7:14 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
So, when you come out of the water, it jams up? I'll test around, see if I can get it going.

Doesn't always, but it can.

Are you still not able to talk to the hermit? If you're not, then:
-do you have the pulse core, autocharger, turbocharge, and focusing lens?
-what does he say, if anything? He should say something about losing his polar star. When you talk to him again, he should offer to fix the spur. If you talk to him yet again, while having the materials, he shal make you the spur.

All he says is "Hmm...". Nothing about the Polar Star.

He doesn't show up in the Labyrinth where he used to, only in his house.

Haven't tested the new version yet, so this may be out of date if you changed it.

There is a maze on the third floor. I know it's ridiculously hard, especially with the moving background.
In the version I currently have (not open to the public), there is a solution. Also, your map doesn't work well.

If you know it's ridiculously hard and frustrating (seriously, you have to test EVERY SINGLE TILE for solidity, and there's no points of reference to where you are), why don't you change it?
Feb 2, 2011 at 12:41 PM
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Yeah, I'll change the maze. I have another idea, anyway.

About the hermit, that's an easy fix. I don't think I fixed him yet, but it's probably an error with his flags.

EDIT: I lied, he's fixed.
And as much as I'd like to make the tower bigger, I guess I'll have to give it up. I'll make another path for machine gun users >.<

And guess what? The hack is ALMOST DONE. I have finally (kinda) mastered the art of cutscenes. And with my new NPC hacking powers, I can make some pretty epic boss battles.
Now would be a good time to do some insane checking for bugs.
Feb 5, 2011 at 11:07 AM
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LunarSoul said:
Yeah, I'll change the maze. I have another idea, anyway.

About the hermit, that's an easy fix. I don't think I fixed him yet, but it's probably an error with his flags.

EDIT: I lied, he's fixed.
And as much as I'd like to make the tower bigger, I guess I'll have to give it up. I'll make another path for machine gun users >.<

And guess what? The hack is ALMOST DONE. I have finally (kinda) mastered the art of cutscenes. And with my new NPC hacking powers, I can make some pretty epic boss battles.
Now would be a good time to do some insane checking for bugs.

I didn't notice this edit. Guess I better get down to it.

And the machine gun allows you to get through Red Tower 1 without incident, so it's worth it anyway.
Feb 5, 2011 at 1:55 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

I can't believe I'm so close to finishing this!
I even got a half-minute video on youtube about it.
So, did I upload the version with the changed oblivion bosses? I don't recall if I did.
Feb 5, 2011 at 4:55 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

*patiently waits for full version download button to appear*
Feb 5, 2011 at 9:10 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:
I even got a half-minute video on youtube about it.

Do you have a link. I can't find it on youtube.
Feb 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Just search for jenka's nightmare. Its name will be something like "it's baaaaaack!"
It's not that good, not really worth watching.
Feb 6, 2011 at 7:42 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived


I wanted to point out a game crippling bug toward the end of your mod.
Just to be sure, I saved the profile.dat and downladed the most resent version and it is still there.
After you get to the top of the red tower, AFTER beating the possesed Curly I left and came back. I climbed the tower again, but when I reached Map 82 Genesis: Cloud (Cloud2) (I checked some stuff in cave editor) at Coordinates (6,17) on that map the Horizontal/Vertical trigger is not working, the final boss fight with the doctor will not trigger. The event that should be triggered that you have set is event 150 but I just walk around up there with nothing occuring. I looked in your scipt for a flag that needed to be set, but there was not. I already beat Gensis: Water, Spirit, and all the other stuff..I think. There might me something I missed that is causing this Horz/Vert trigger not to work, if there is can you EXPLICITLY point out what I have to do. But...I feel this is a big issue that must be fixed otherwise the player cannot ever win the game.

Sorry for the bad news,
Hope you can fix it, great mod overall.
Thanks for finishing it!

My own mod is coming soon...
Feb 6, 2011 at 7:49 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

While I admire your diligence for finding the problem, for future reference, opening other people's mods in a modding program is rather frowned upon.

But still, nice work.
Feb 6, 2011 at 8:10 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

cultr1 said:
While I admire your diligence for finding the problem, for future reference, opening other people's mods in a modding program is rather frowned upon.

Haven't really seen anyone complain about this. Using their mods to start your own however....
Feb 6, 2011 at 8:56 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

looking in a mod for the sake of helping the creator by pinning down a bug for them to shoot = GOOD.
Looking in a mod to get an intricate walkthrough = meh, it's cheating.
using another person's mod as inspiration for your own = good
using another person's mod as resources for your own = bad
Feb 6, 2011 at 11:11 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Haven't had much time to test, but the following are apparent...

-The healthbar! It is blue!

-Critters and Bats make no death noise.
Feb 6, 2011 at 12:57 PM
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magic9mushroom said:
-The healthbar! It is blue!
It is, indeed.

I don't really care if someone uses cave editor to view my mod for glitches. It only gets annoying when they fix the glitch themselves and then post a copy. Then they wildly credit themselves.

And the problem is but a flag error. It sets a flag after you beat the boss in cloud2, which sets it to event 151 (<END). Apparently the flag was accidentally used already. I'll just change the flag.

And the end of the demo was just after the boss battle, so don't worry, you're not missing out.

EDIT: if you guys just can't wait to play the boss, go into cave editor, and open Genesis: Cloud(cloud2). Go into the script, at event 150. Delete this line: <FLJ698#:0151
Then you'll have your boss battle.
Maybe. I think I fixed a few things for the boss battles since then.
Feb 8, 2011 at 10:00 PM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

Sorry for the large lack of updates. I assure you, I'm almost done!
I'm also planning on including an easier version, since a lot of players can't get past the first map.
Although in the easy version, certain things will be unavailable, like the spur, uberbubbler, etcetera.
Feb 9, 2011 at 2:07 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

The following are

Pipeworks trap fixed, though now the Rabils can go into that section.

Likewise energy capsules in Genesis: Earth (first time).

Can still get stuck in Sand Zone near Booster's lab.

In fact, almost no enemies make injury or death noises. WTF?

One of the blocks in Labyrinth W is stuck in the floor until activated.

Hermit still just says "Hmm...", though I haven't gotten past the EVIL CRITTERS and got all the pieces.

Doors in Genesis: Spirit (the one in Oblivion: Erosion) don't make the opening sound or do the opening animation.

Door to Ikachan Lab is still invisible. Also, you can't look at the signs until the Ikachan have finished going through for some reason.

The door next to the "careful" sign cannot be entered.

I thought there was now a point to Spirit Lodging?

Door from Genesis: Spirit to Genesis: Earth has the sound but no animation.

Crystals and hearts disappear if washed towards the door to the Waterway in Genesis: Water.

Early teleporting out of Darkened Pool not fixed.

DEAR GOD EVIL CRITTERS. I mean, don't they have more health than THE Great White Critter?!

Additionally, I think the boss healthbars should stay red/yellow, as light blue/white doesn't contrast well.
Feb 9, 2011 at 2:15 AM
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magic9mushroom said:
Likewise energy capsules in Genesis: Earth (first time).
What? You make zero sense.
magic9mushroom said:
Can still get stuck in Sand Zone near Booster's lab.
How? I thought I fixed it.
magic9mushroom said:
In fact, almost no enemies make injury or death noises. WTF?
magic9mushroom said:
Hermit still just says "Hmm..."
Check in the code. Does it have <FL+ events with values under 6900?
magic9mushroom said:
Door to Ikachan Lab is still invisible. Also, you can't look at the signs until the Ikachan have finished going through for some reason.
Supposed to be.
magic9mushroom said:
The door next to the "careful" sign cannot be entered.
The one in Chimney?
magic9mushroom said:
I thought there was now a point to Spirit Lodging?
There is.
Feb 9, 2011 at 2:29 AM
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LunarSoul said:
What? You make zero sense.

There are energy capsules in Genesis: Earth, the first time you go through it.

You cannot possibly have a weapon while in Genesis: Earth the first time, so they're pointless.

How? I thought I fixed it.

The pillar has a sloped top. If you get on the left side of it and walk to the right (up the slope) you get stuck above the pillar.



Check in the code. Does it have <FL+ events with values under 6900?

I have no clue how to code. :heart:

Supposed to be.

Supposed to be invisible, or supposed to stop you from looking at things until the Ikachan have gone through?

The one in Chimney?

No, the one in Genesis: Sky. I haven't got up the Chimney due to the EVIL CRITTERS.

There is.

O...kay. I shall look there again once I've gotten past the EVIL CRITTERS.
Feb 9, 2011 at 2:34 AM
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Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived

LunarSoul said:

There's a glitch in the current CE that takes away the sounds for enemies. You'll probably have to get version .98 of CE I think, along with a new npc.tbl. This happened to me in my mod also.
Feb 9, 2011 at 2:52 AM
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I have a feeling I'm going to be explaining this one for a while, just like that No Background glitch.
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