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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Jun 6, 2014 at 2:35 PM
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So this is awesome! I haven't found any bugs. I do have a question. Everyone seems to know this, and I've looked everywhere, but can't seem to figure it out at all.
How do you play as Curly? Do you need to beat the game and it gives you the option, or is there a certain secret you need to find...?
I can't seem to find anything about it, so I've given up figuring it out on my own.
By the way, this is my first time posting. Let me know if I do something wrong. Is this an unfitting post? Should I only be mentioning bugs and not asking how-to questions?

Thank you!
Jun 6, 2014 at 2:44 PM
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After you defeat the final boss and reach the Balcony, go visit Jenka to unlock some bonus content.
Jun 6, 2014 at 4:01 PM
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Oh Shit! Those mimigas in the hidden last cave were the colons!

EDIT: two things
1. Are you supposed to leave the island after you beat Nightmare to get an ending? I talked to Booster and Itoh, they gave me nothing, so I assumed you had to talk to Jenka, thus continuing the story. Furthermore, just like with booster falling in the pit in CS, Jenka is the thing that grabs your attention.
2. The fight with Suto as Curly is really unneeded, it adds nothing other than giving form to the role he played in the White Critter fight, and it gives you the exact same reward as the fourth fight.

Otherwise, great Mod.
Jun 8, 2014 at 8:31 PM
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Spoilers, man.

You talk to Curly to leave the island, normally.


Alright, so I doubt I'll finish the walkthrough by the end of today, so instead I kind of went and...

Did this.

Let me know how bad it is. You can play around with the map portion of the walkthrough over there, too.

(I'm a noob when it comes to web design)
Jun 8, 2014 at 11:03 PM
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I love that you complted this classic mod. Mac/Linux and PSP ports, please! :hoppy:
Jun 9, 2014 at 12:01 AM
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whatthepin said:
Mac/Linux and PSP ports, please! :hoppy:
I'm sorry but your inquiry isn't that worthwhile nor popularly wanted.
Jun 9, 2014 at 3:50 AM
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Actually I've had two other people ask, too.


Okay, so I've fixed all of Fluff's bugs just now ('spit and image' is actually the original term, and grammar buffs might jump on my ass if I change it to 'spitting image', but I suppose it's up to majority? Anyone care one way or the other?), but I'll need some time to buckle down and figure out the ASM...

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for the cloud generators so I can reduce the spawn limit against the final boss.

...So the update will wait until tomorrow afternoon.

In the mean time, does anyone have any balancing requests? Should I buff or nerf any particular weapons or their exp requirements? Or is everything else fine?
Jun 9, 2014 at 6:33 AM
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I trust you have fixed whatever I have said in posts 102, 107, 110 and 113? Good. I will play the game again whole to check and make sure stomped bugs stay stomped. If I find new bugs and bugs that had not fixed, I will create a simple to-do list in one post.

Hope you had copied the codes from two of my posts to their proper scripts! (I see you had viewed your topic regularly before that supposed weekend)

I will make a checklist from my four posts and go down the line as I play again on the next new version to see if they have been resolved. (That list won't be on the forums unless new bugs and unfixed bugs have been observed)

Once all falls silent on the bugs for quite some reasonable time, then you can consider a Japanese translation.

● ● ●​
As with "spit and image", now that I have researched it, stick with the original. And everything is absolutely fine by me for game balancing, but...

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add a falling block generator when you are fighting the Doctor on the second phase (ballos first form-like). Without hazards on this fan-sequel, the second phase is too easy.

Your area maps in the walkthrough has a problem, the door in Pipeworks N at left when clicked is going to the Reservoir, not Flow Control. Also, Underside Shack, that is not Polar Star, it is Fireball. Please fix it.
Jun 10, 2014 at 12:50 AM
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- Fixed most of the bugs listed by Fluff (One of the gunsmith 'fixes' is redundant since you'd never have the spur and polar star capsules at the same time)
- Added a missing graphic to the boss rush (Heavy Press Butes)
- Nikumaru Counter now activates for the boss rush. If you want to properly record your time for it, I suggest backing up or deleting your existing time from Arcadia.
- Reduced Monster X's HP from 800 back down to 700.
- Moved the second missile chest in Sand Zone closer to the ledge so players see it more easily.

(Fingers crossed I didn't miss anything)

Website Update

- Rearranged the home page a bit.
- Added a 'userbar' page.
Jun 10, 2014 at 6:03 PM
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Many unfixed bugs have been found, so I am creating a TO-DO list for you:

MISSED: Flow Control, Little Man's dialog says about Sue DURING the fight, I think you were trying to let the Little Man say "First rule on fighting evil Mimigas, STOP LOOKING IN YOUR POCKETS!", but you activated Flag 0016 after 0015 at the start of the fight. To fix: Move <FL+0016 from #0200 to #0301
NEW BUG: Little Man's dialog one line space in Sanctuary. Fix it. (Picture removed to increase space for forum)
NEW BUG: Frog stands on invisible block in Sanctuary, you were trying to keep the pignons from falling off? To fix: Remove the block after reading the card on the door by editing the script OR clear the block in the map. (Picture removed to increase space for forum)
NEW BUG: Little Man talks about giant robot about to kill BEFORE boss fight with Deconstructor in Sand Zone. Flag 89 is activated once the H/V trigger 569 with flag 89 gets deleted in event #0569 which controls the Sunstones shutting to trap the player in. Checking with the Little Man triggers the Flagjump 89. To fix: You need add a new flag into event #0600 in the Sand Zone script which starts the Deconstructor boss fight and change the Flagjump in ArmsItem script from 0089 to the new flag number. Clear the new flag after the boss fight.
NEW BUG: This is been there for a long time for the Rosehips description, I keep forgetting it. Checked Chimney and Conduit, the Rosehips are only found in the Conduit. But why did the description say "...found in the chimney near Mimiga Village." To fix: Change "chimney" to "conduit".
NEW BUG: Chest problem in Labyrinth C. You re-activated flag 97 somewhere in the game and look what happened. Look at this picture. To fix: Check other scripts and find <FL+0097 (and <FLJ0097:#### if any) and change to new numbers. (Picture removed to increase space for forum)
If Quote did not fight Toroko and get the Excalibur before getting "possessed" by the Doctor in Sand Zone, we got problems with Curly Brace and the Underside. Curly can't go to the Underside. Toroko & Curly don't know each other and it is not right for Curly to be called a "he" from King after fighting the Toroko boss. Curly MUST fall to her death at the shaft in Grasstown. To fix: There are two ways to fix this bug. Put the As Curly 0343 flag jump in front the next flag on this following event in the Grasstown script (this calls event 42):
<KEY <FLJ0343:0042 <FLJ0175:0112<FLJ0043:0042<FL+0043<FAO0001<TRA0029:0095:0013:0000
OR put a <FL-0175 in event #0350 in the Observatory (Red) script before "Do you know that I have a brother?..." message.
Look at this event in the second Hermit Gunsmith map:
Uhff...<NOD My back...<NOD<CLO<AMJ0002:0215<EVE0318
If Curly does not have Quote's items with the Polar Star, Event #0318 tries to be called but there is no #0318--it goes to #0350 albeit with a few text clicks before the message box. To fix: I think you're trying to call Event #0218, so change <EVE0318 to <EVE0218 to call #0218 where Tetsuzou says "That was quite the display..." for Curly.
Read carefully. Regarding the Ignition Key. This bug has two parts.

After beating Genesis and Oblivion, I could sequence-break by not talking to Booster. Then without using the rockets, I could do this thing. I could damage boost on the bats in Chimney only and lightly tap the jump button to boost up in a timely succession to get by the two side killer presses. OR a level 3 Machine Gun, then boost through the presses in either Chimney or Conduit. Then continuing to scale up to the door above. Now doing this before defeating Genesis and Oblivion, the above door is locked. But after beating both of them, it is unlocked BEFORE I could get the Ignition key from Booster so that is the first part of the bug and I can sequence-break it. As I get to the Observatory and meet up with Curly and Balrog, I no longer get the Ignition Key from Booster. I scale the Plantation, go through the Last Cave and beat Jenka's Nightmare (Title Drop!). Then I turn on the Surface Teleporter, have discussion, go to Sand Zone and into Jenka's House to get "possessed". Now as Curly: I go to Sand Zone and into Jenka's House to pickup Quote's items and ..... THERE IS THE OTHER PART OF THE BUG! How in the world the Ignition Key item turn up?!

To fix this sequence-break that leads to the bug: There are two ways to fix this. Because it is possible to use the Level 3 Machine Gun to boost up before using the Booster 2.0 to get through the killer presses, you can keep the doors at the top of the Chimney and Conduit locked up UNTIL I talk to Booster in Town Hall for the Ignition Key. OR you can allow the sequence break but associate the Ignition Key with a flag, If Quote has that item before the Doctor takes control of him, the flag for the Ignition Key activated will allow Curly to have the Ignition key when she picks up Quote's items. If Quote doesn't have the Ignition Key, its flag associating with it will not activate and Curly will NOT have the key.
The cutscene Balrog drop-ins are still shootable and could be disabled and can lead to breaking the game. See the video: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/bkdhbuq1bymw391/BossFightBugs.wmv To fix: You have missed what I told you in the PM...
● For the NPC issue, see my checklist below on number 12 for the note.

I have finished playing through the game. ZarroTsu, you can now review everything in the list above and fix those new & missed bugs for the upcoming weekend. This is for Build 1 or Minor 5.

Here is my checklist as I play through the game, making sure bugs get fixed (some are checked true or false in CaveEditor before I see it in-game):
1. Little Man must say about Sue after the first boss fight. - NOT FIXED :(
2. Check it Suto's skipflag dialog in Old Storehouse no longer overlaps (checked true in script using CaveEditor) - FIXED! :)
3. Magic Journal should display more information AFTER talking to Cthulhu in Guardian's Maze and NOT REVERT back when talked to Cthulhu twice. - FIXED! :)
4. Little Cottage Wife must be correct (checked true in map and script using CaveEditor) - FIXED! :)
5. Made sure I don't get stuck at the point next to the chest with Pignon's note in Labyrinth C. - FIXED! :)
6. Check if the flag 383 issue with the weapon trade in Observatory is resolved. - PARTLY FIXED :confused: (changed due to this reported post regarding no machine gun.)
7. Check Chest in Once Sacred Ground that appears open if taken. (checked true in map using CaveEditor) - FIXED! :)
8. Check Balrog like enemies (cutscene drop-ins) not shootable before going into Boss Mode in the Boss Rush. (checked false in script using CaveEditor) - NOT FIXED :(
9. Polar Star (and NG+ capsule) in Hermit Gunsmith as Curly possibly fixed. - PARTLY FIXED :confused:
10. Magic Journal should display information of Booster and Itoh prepared a rocket for Curly AFTER talking to Booster. - FIXED! ☺
11. Curly must fall to her death in Grasstown if the Excalibur was not acquired by Quote. (checked false in script using CaveEditor) - NOT FIXED :(
12. See if NPC issue is fixed in the final boss. - You did your change, it did a little good... Heck, even the Original Cave Story, fighting Ballos with a flurry of Butes can reach the NPC limit. Any way to make red energy and smaller clouds disappear on edge?
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Jun 13, 2014 at 2:35 PM
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Um, I'm sorry if this was brought up already, but (quick question), if you don't
trade your Fireball for the Machine Gun when you talk to Balrog at the Core, could you get something else later on in the game by exchanging the Fireball?
Because I didn't choose to get it, because I thought there would be something better later on in the game. But is there?

I'm at the Once-Sacred Grounds. I have the Fireball, Super Missile Launcher, and the Bubbler. I understand that I could have got the Blade, but I didn't want to start going through the Devil's Garden again. If I must, then I will have to do it. I was just wondering if I didn't waste my entire save data for not being able to finish the game completely, on not getting the Machine Gun.
Jun 13, 2014 at 3:32 PM
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Machine Gun isn't required to finish anything, and you can get it later on. There isn't a 'better weapon' for the fireball unless you play NG+, however. You're probably going to have to rely on your Bubbler to beat Heavy Press.

...I may consider reducing Heavy Press' HP a bit in the next update, since that loudout sounds like it would give you a lot of trouble.
Jun 14, 2014 at 9:48 AM
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How are you supposed to get the map system without geting crushed by the moving block above you. This is retarded
Jun 14, 2014 at 2:50 PM
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Bump your head against it and then fly past its left side while it heads to the right?
Jun 14, 2014 at 3:59 PM
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Okay, so I beat the Once-Sacred Grounds with my current weapons (thanks ZarroTsu for the small tip), and made it to the observatory.

After the cutscene with Curly and Balrog, I found a (in my case) a minor bug. I don't know if this was already addressed by Fluff (I get a bit confused when reading up on the bugs), but when I
talk to Balrog a few times, he asks if we want to trade the guns back. I was confused, but I said yes, thinking I would get the Machine Gun. Instead, I gave back a Machine Gun I never had, and I got my Fireball back, even though I already had it.

The whole situation of the bug was a bit ironic, but since I never traded weapons with Balrog in the first place, I guess the game thought I had the machine gun after all. Weird.

I guess you get the Machine Gun again later on...
Jun 15, 2014 at 9:34 PM
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Sounds like a bug, yeah. Thanks. I'll look at fixing that.


- Fixed Fluff's new buglist.
- Reduced Heavy Press and the Dragon Sisters HP's from 700/750 to 600/600
- Added a new 'medal' item. Good luck!
Jun 16, 2014 at 6:30 AM
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How do you get critter juice
Jun 17, 2014 at 1:57 AM
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How do you get critter juice
You should have picked up the key from Chaba recently, then walked out and went right to talk to Cthulhu for the clock song (it is a clue for the maze and it gets recorded into the Magic Journal, found in the Mimiga Tower at the village). You could use the map system (found somewhere Labyrinth W) to see if you are in one of the two lower rooms of Labyrinth M. The spoiler below has been corrected.

Beware, the details below may spoil you if you are playing it for the first time (blind):
After going through the moving blocks in Labyrinth S, open the door ahead using Chaba's key to enter Labyrinth M.

To go to Dead End:
From the start, go to the top left door, emerge to Labyrinth W and take the door at the right left to go to Labyrinth M again. Now take the bottom door and you hit a dead end...

To go to Labyrinth C which will be the Cold Storage Warehouse:
(If you are at Dead End, go back to Labyrinth M and take the top right door, backtrack and you will be back where you started.)
From the start, go to the top right door, emerge to Labyrinth W and take the door at the left right to go to Labyrinth M again. Now take the bottom door and you wind up in the other side of Labyrinth S. Fight monsters and monsters from Sand Zone and you may save at the door below (and get Bubbler). Head to the door above and you are back in Labyrinth M again. The correct door is...
the door you came out of! Now brave through the Critters and moving walls and fight the boss ahead. Good Luck!
Jun 17, 2014 at 7:19 AM
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Fluff8836 said:
You should have picked up the key from Chaba recently, then walked out and went right to talk to Cthulhu for the clock song (it is a clue for the maze and it gets recorded into the Magic Journal, found in the Mimiga Tower at the village). You could use the map system (found somewhere Labyrinth W) to see if you are in one of the two lower rooms of Labyrinth M.

Beware, the details below may spoil you if you are playing it for the first time (blind):
After going through the moving blocks in Labyrinth S, open the door ahead using Chaba's key to enter Labyrinth M.

To go to Dead End:
From the start, go to the top left door, emerge to Labyrinth W and take the door at the right to go to Labyrinth M again. Now take the bottom door and you hit a dead end...

To go to Labyrinth C which will be the Cold Storage Warehouse:
(If you are at Dead End, go back to Labyrinth M and take the top right door, backtrack and you will be back where you started.)
From the start, go to the top right door, emerge to Labyrinth W and take the door at the left to go to Labyrinth M again. Now take the bottom door and you wind up in the other side of Labyrinth S. Fight monsters and monsters from Sand Zone and you may save at the door below (and get Bubbler). Head to the door above and you are back in Labyrinth M again. The correct door is...
the door you came out of! Now brave through the Critters and moving walls and fight the boss ahead. Good Luck!
Ive already gotten the map system and gave it to the robot in the dead end, but from here I don't know how to proceed. Ive just been walking in and out of the labrynth room with the three doors and black background trying to hit a new room through brute force.
Jun 17, 2014 at 1:17 PM
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Bottom door goes forward. Loop around the top to change it.
