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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

May 25, 2014 at 5:26 PM
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Oh. Looks like a <SMP bug. Those 'walls' are just the lower half of the doors.

I'll look at fixing it though.


Update 140525 (

- Machine Gun now levels up faster, 20/40/20 from 27/54/18
- Fixed a major bug where you could trigger Monster X by CONTACT with a non-H/V event (Sorry, GrampaGlasses)
- Added proper dialog to Monster X for Curly depending on if you beat him or not
- Redid the graphics for the boss rush so all 'layers' of the graphic file are the same brightness/contrast (instead of Genesis sticking out a mile and Suto being nigh-invisible). Removed a few unused layers from it, too.
- Fixed the annoying 16bit full screen bug in Jenka's fireplace
- Removed an obsolete spike graphic from the Boss Rush tileset against the final boss
- Changed the way Jenka's fireplace is determined accessible, both so you can enter it after saving instead of leaving/reentering Jenka's house, and so that it only lets you in if you've found one of the five, at least.
- Fixed one of the <SMP events in Jenka's fireplace not properly being deleted by the other one
- Fixed some typos.
- Reduced the file size of the ZIP itself (by almost 2mb!) by opening it and manually deleting the Thumbs.db files Windows generates in secret.
- Removed the version date from the file folder itself.
May 25, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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I have finished Cave Story with the Little Man and now playing another NG+ run of Jenka's Nightmare.

Bugs encountered so far:

Still Present: "Auxiliary" is the correct word. Please find misspelled words in ArmsItem and Grasstown Tower scripts (for 'Auxilery', missing one 'i' and it is 'e' instead) and Grasstown script (for 'Auxilary', missing one 'i') and replace with correct word if possible.
NG+ related: Little Man's speech at the Pipeworks boss (Sue). Shouldn't he have the ability to talk after the fight? Also, there is a line space in the dialogue. Line-return before 35th character or wrap-around after the 35th character.
● Reaching the Old Warehouse in Grasstown again after continuing from Save Point (after death), Suto's skipflag dialog has text overlapping text.
● Magic Journal text about setting teleporters in Sand Zone has two ampersands (&&). See pictures in bottom spoiler.
● In Once Sacred Ground, after taking the Machine Gun ammo augmentation from the Chest and then returning back to Once Sacred Ground, the Chest appears closed with "Empty" in the text once interacted. See picture in the bottom spoiler.
As Curly: In Grasstown, after Quote decided not to follow ghost King down to the Underside and then gets "possessed" by the Doctor at Jenka's House, I can see King is no longer available while as Curly. Unfortunately, the Underside is still accessible! Curly MUST be allowed to fall to her death. To fix: HV Trigger with event #0111, go to the script, add a flagjump after <KEY using "As Curly" flag to call event #0042. This will give the message "You were never seen again."

Attached below are pictures with text issues and Chest problem at the Once Sacred Ground:
May 26, 2014 at 8:21 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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The text issues are probably because of the font you're using.
May 26, 2014 at 9:38 PM
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Nah, I'm sure I missed a bunch of those. Little Man's dialog is fairly loosely written or tested.

Suto's dialog is likely a <NOD I missed in the <SAT branch.

The "&&" isn't technically an error, it's just programmer jargon. I can just change it to the word 'to' instead, without affecting text spacing.
May 27, 2014 at 3:57 AM
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Probably forgot since it was never written down. I'm clearly very bad at this whole 'modding' thing.
May 27, 2014 at 4:47 AM
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My earlier post has been updated with one new bug. Please review. The first bug in the list, was edited. I noticed it was a lowercase L instead of a lowercase I for "missing one 'i'"

EDIT: I am finished with the run and have no more bugs to find (Again, hopefully). I have one suggestion...
...that could be harsh to the player. (Not likely to be taken, but I feel it's better than the plain old "You have died" message on the ultimate final boss.)

What happens when Tristitia defeats Curly? He will forcefully plunge the island to the ground at ultra-high speed and not everyone will evacuate the island safely.

Hidden text highlight (or click) to view:


Read carefully. Add a bad ending. Upon engaging Tristitia, the final boss, add a new final flag in the script. When the player dies, event #0040 in Head is automatically called. In Head, event #0040, put a flagjump with the final flag just before <PRI to call a new event in the TFB map script. Then in the new event, fade out with direction down and wait 100 frames, then transport to the Island (end scene) with another new event (un-equip the nikumaru counter only if you like, in this situation, the record will NOT be saved). Now, in this new event in the Island map, it's <XX10000 (Island falls all the way down), wait 100 frames then lightning SFX 0101, wait 10 frames, and big explosion SFX 0035. Wait another 100 frames and now you will provide an epilogue text (using waitframes of 300 instead of <NOD) on how Curly's death caused the death of everything, how the Doctor was successful in his plans and the huge entity unlocked the power that caused annihilation to the planet, then give the message "- BAD END -" with Hero's End music and waitframe of 9999. :muscledoc: Purely Evil! :muscledoc:

That aside, while fighting the final boss, a limitation of NPCs have been reached. With so many clouds generated, as you get to the final phase where Butes are spawned, there could be trouble spawning from the boss and the sides. Some arrows could not be shot from the Archer Butes on the sides. And when you die, you can hardly see smoke puffing out of you.
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May 28, 2014 at 2:51 AM
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Only way around the despawn issue would be using a single cloud spawner in the middle instead of two on either side. The issue is, if I do this, there'll be wide open space on either side with no clouds there.

Unless there's a way to make the cloud spawner have a wider area of effect... I'll look at the ASM this weekend and see what I can do.
May 30, 2014 at 7:22 PM
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Still problem bugfix tryout? I through other people will know about found bug check, good luck with that.
May 31, 2014 at 9:23 AM
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The "&&" isn't technically an error, it's just programmer jargon. I can just change it to the word 'to' instead, without affecting text spacing.
Better check again. One of the magic journal entry has only one ampersand and it displays fine in the TSC.
Even in Courier New, I just like to play it in MS Mincho font for JN.

EDIT: Something that has been out there in the Little Cottage for a very long time. Why are there two children instead of a Little Man's wife and child? The one with the event #0300 "where's my husband?" should be the one with the red shirt and looks bigger than the child. Because of the way Pixel set up in the original Cave Story, the Little Man appears with a Flag and Event (EntityID) #0200, the wife is the one with Event (EntityID) #0210, and I believe the child appears with any other event (EntityID). See picture below in the spoiler.

I just did editing with CaveEditor and when I ran JN and checked the cottage, the Little NPC with event #0210 turns out to be the wife (red shirt)! To fix: You are going to need to change the middle one's EntityID 300 to 210 and edit in the script. Swap events #0210 and #0300 it's contents. Then, after searching every instances that jump to #0210, in event #0209 change <YNJ0210 to <YNJ0300. To save you the trouble on the script part, here are the events with my modifications. Paste over the old events from this in the spoiler. <YNJ command is spaced out so you see the change (clear the spaces after you paste in the script).
<PRI<MSGReally?<NOD So you want your weapon
back instead? <YNJ0300 <EVE0206

<PRI<MSGYou haven't seen my husband,
have you?<NOD He went out a few days
ago and hasn't come back yet...<NOD<END


Please review posts 102, 107 (the NPC limit issue) and this post before you post your update. Make sure these bugs I have encountered be fixed.
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Jun 2, 2014 at 2:46 AM
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Spent all weekend working on the walkthrough (for once) instead of the mod. So the mod'll update when the walkthrough is complete, which should be far sooner than any previous projection.

Because I finally finished the fully interactive map of the entire game.

Now I just have to write the silly little 'walkthrough' part of the walkthrough.
Jun 2, 2014 at 9:34 AM
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Got stuck! This inverted slope pushed me into the wall. (Picture removed to increase space for the forum.)

EDIT: DANG IT! I found another bug that is affecting the weapon trades with Balrog in the Observatory. I traded back the machine gun for fireball (snake, hydra, bubbler), then when I talked to Balrog twice, he asks for the trade and it's the same procedure. Machine gun that I don't have into another fireball (can only have one fireball). It's that flag 383 issue.

Magic Journal bug concerning the Guardian's Maze. Journal says "Some kind of Maze?". Talking to Cthulhu once changes the Magic Journal entry to provide more information BUT talking to Chtulhu twice and beyond REVERTS back to "Some kind of Maze?" alone.

the Doctor
say "spitting image" instead of "spit and image" in
Jenka's House?

As Curly: After talking to Misery or Leaving Sand Zone?, the Magic Journal says "Booster and Itoh prepared a rocket for me in the Plantation. This is it, the last cave..." too early. This kind of message should be in the Journal after talking to Booster in the Plantation.
As Curly, NG+ Related: Beat Suto, and talk to Tetsuzou at Hermit Gunsmith (JN062) without the Polar Star, pay no mind to him. Then after getting Quote's items from Sand Zone and return back to Hermit Gunsmith, talking to Tetsuzou again and he would not take your Polar Star (and on NG+, your capsule). It may be hard for you to fix this bug but to save you the trouble, I changed the script a little. Replace 218 and 220 in the script JN062, the spaced commands are the ones I have added in (clear the spaces after you paste in):
<KEY<MSGThat was quite the display...<NOD
You're certainly one of the most
well-built models I've ever seen.<NOD<CLROh, but don't pay a hermit like
me any mind.<NOD I'm just an old man
lamenting his broken dreams...<NOD <AMJ0002:0220<ITJ0012:0352 <CMU0008<END

<MSG<GIT0002Oh?<NOD I was expecting somebody
else to bring it, but...<NOD<GIT0000<CLR<CMU0000This is excellent news!<NOD Let me
prepare my tools, and I'll
reward you properly...<NOD<CLO<FAO0001 <ITJ0005:0216 <WAI0150<FAI0001
=Polar Star= became the =Spur=!<SMC<DNP0210<WAI0160<NOD<CMU0008<END

BIG SIGH... Please review posts 102, 107 (NPC limit), 110 and now this new post before you post your update. THIS POST IS CONSTANTLY EDITED!

I look forward to this amazing walkthrough!

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I was able to get the Crescent Medal in the Underside.

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Jun 3, 2014 at 4:15 AM
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Here, have...

...A picture of some pictures.

Jun 4, 2014 at 5:29 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Aww D:
Whimsical star is a lost forever.
Don't go down the shaft to sandzone without hugging the wall on the right and never turning on a certain fan...
Jun 4, 2014 at 2:10 PM
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grampaglasses said:
.....no it's not.
Can you get it back with the booster 2.0? It's a pretty steep shaft....
Jun 4, 2014 at 3:21 PM
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Jun 5, 2014 at 12:35 AM
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Are you finish as complete version and any check bugfix?
Ask me and Let me know.
Jun 5, 2014 at 8:30 PM
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Oh-hoh-hoh, I like what you did if we manage to sequence break.