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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Nov 30, 2014 at 6:10 AM
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apanauc said:
Am I missing something in the process of getting to the 3rd secret room?
I went to the 1st and 2nd secret rooms, I went to sand zone and got the dog whistle, set mimiga and gaudi to eachother and went in flower to get to the Booster teleport, but when I blow the whistle the teleporter just turns off and I can't use it.
I changed/fixed the way to get there.

Instead of teleporting to booster at all, set the teleporters to go to Misery. You'll need to use beetles as stepping stones to get out of the 'Flower' teleporter pit.
Nov 30, 2014 at 5:07 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
I changed/fixed the way to get there.

Instead of teleporting to booster at all, set the teleporters to go to Misery. You'll need to use beetles as stepping stones to get out of the 'Flower' teleporter pit.
Thanks, worked like a charm!
Nov 30, 2014 at 10:25 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
I changed/fixed the way to get there.

Instead of teleporting to booster at all, set the teleporters to go to Misery. You'll need to use beetles as stepping stones to get out of the 'Flower' teleporter pit.

Could I trouble you for a better explanation or a video link? It's been a while since I've played since you seem to be blasting towards a final version. I've let you work for a bit but I'm considering playing again fairly soon.
Dec 1, 2014 at 5:49 AM
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Mistress Nemesis said:
Could I trouble you for a better explanation or a video link? It's been a while since I've played since you seem to be blasting towards a final version. I've let you work for a bit but I'm considering playing again fairly soon.
So right when you get to the wine cellar, set mimiga teleport to flower and take it, then make sure flower is set to mimiga. Now you have to make your way up to the gaudi teleporter. It's tricky but you can ride the enemies up similar to getting to Secret Room 1, though personally this was quite a bit more challenging. There's a regen station in a box on the other side of the flower teleporter you can use, though you'll either need excalibur or the missile launcher to break the box to get it.
You have to do all this BEFORE getting Booster 0.8.
It took me several tries, but regening when I got low on life ensured that it didn't take too long since I didn't have to come back from a save point.
Dec 2, 2014 at 12:14 AM
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apanauc said:
So right when you get to the wine cellar, set mimiga teleport to flower and take it, then make sure flower is set to mimiga. Now you have to make your way up to the gaudi teleporter. It's tricky but you can ride the enemies up similar to getting to Secret Room 1, though personally this was quite a bit more challenging. There's a regen station in a box on the other side of the flower teleporter you can use, though you'll either need excalibur or the missile launcher to break the box to get it.
You have to do all this BEFORE getting Booster 0.8.
It took me several tries, but regening when I got low on life ensured that it didn't take too long since I didn't have to come back from a save point.

Alright. If it's just damagejumping, I can deal with that.

Pixel took a lot of cues from Metroid when making Cave Story, and from what I remember, in Metroid 2 there was a damagejumping glitch. It's quite different from Cave Story's damagejumping but I can't help but feel that that particular physic was taken from Metroid.
Dec 2, 2014 at 1:09 AM
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Put up the new version of the website for now. Still some things under construction, but I updated the collectables and finally wrote the 'secrets' section.

Let me know how it works and if anything's broken (Google+ Button seems to be, but what else is new).


EDIT: Also neat, and it makes me rather happy, the website finally beat the forum result for JNR!

...The walkthrough more than the main website. Hmmm.

EDIT2: I should probably reword a lot of the walkthrough, since a lot of it comes off as very stilted or inhumanly worded. I should probably just write a spoiler tag into my site so I can put proper puzzle solutions in there too...
Dec 2, 2014 at 10:59 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Put up the new version of the website for now. Still some things under construction, but I updated the collectables and finally wrote the 'secrets' section.

Let me know how it works and if anything's broken (Google+ Button seems to be, but what else is new).


EDIT: Also neat, and it makes me rather happy, the website finally beat the forum result for JNR!

...The walkthrough more than the main website. Hmmm.

EDIT2: I should probably reword a lot of the walkthrough, since a lot of it comes off as very stilted or inhumanly worded. I should probably just write a spoiler tag into my site so I can put proper puzzle solutions in there too...
I like it but... I give up, what's that cryptogram saying?
Dec 2, 2014 at 11:49 PM
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Advance each letter by 1.

I'll replace it with a spoiler tag after I get that working for it.
Dec 3, 2014 at 3:46 AM
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Hm, actually, it's pretty disappointing considering I knew that. I will say that the cryptogram solver I used came up with many solutions. The first one was the right one, and the rest were hilariously wrong, so at least I got a laugh.
Dec 9, 2014 at 10:26 PM
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Web update:

- The G+ and Tumblr buttons work correctly now, on all pages.
- Fixed the CSS so they don't load disjointed or cause a visual gap in the side bar while loading.
- Fixed page titles in the root. ("Screenshot Gallery" -> "Screenshot Gallery - Jenka's Nightmare")
Dec 13, 2014 at 11:49 AM
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The best part is that I greatly improved my skills on this game and I beated both this and the original game with 1 day interval!
I really liked fighting my favourite boss (monster X) again ^^. The only problem with the game is that if you don't do the Spur quests the gave is A NIGHTMARE (XD)! I missed a line in Ma Pignon dialog and I couldn't return inside the house on my first playthrough :/
And beating the 2nd destroyer with a fireball and a snake is sooooo hard!
Dec 13, 2014 at 9:38 PM
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So, my previous post about weapon ammo not lining up was incorrect. Not sure what I was looking at before, but it seems like everything is right between the two Outer Wall chests.

I've finished everything for the update, but I'm holding off on releasing it until I finish everything in the walkthrough. I'll have plenty of time over the Christmas week to do it, so hopefully it'll be done by the end of the month.
Dec 13, 2014 at 10:22 PM
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:toroko2: Can you do for PSP? :sue:
Dec 14, 2014 at 4:36 AM
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crasharthur said:
:toroko2: Can you do for PSP? :sue:
He can't, because it uses custom modifications.
Dec 26, 2014 at 8:23 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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How do I get through the Devil's Garden?
Dec 26, 2014 at 10:15 PM
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Area 1) Red eyes

Area 2) False door

Area 3) Spot the difference

Update is done, walkthrough is almost done. Will push for New Years, or the weekend after.
Dec 28, 2014 at 6:53 AM
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:mad: Zarro, your mod is infected. or the site you uploaded it to is. because I got a virus RIGHT after clicking that link!
Dec 28, 2014 at 7:03 AM
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a) Which download link?

b) What is the virus called?

c) What did the virus do?

d) http://i.imgur.com/DESEqPb.png

e) There are no malicious files in my website's directory or false links in the webcode.

f) You may already have adware, and it's liable to function whenever the hell it wants to.
Dec 28, 2014 at 8:24 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
a) Which download link?

b) What is the virus called?

c) What did the virus do?

d) http://i.imgur.com/DESEqPb.png

e) There are no malicious files in my website's directory or false links in the webcode.

f) You may already have adware, and it's liable to function whenever the hell it wants to.
a):the one that says "mediafire".


c):runs other processes, changes internet security settings, slows down your computer.

d): malwarebytes didn't detect this on my computer either. and it was updated.

e):Odd. I was on deviant art at the same.... I guess it was from there, then?

f):No answer/I agree I guess.
Dec 28, 2014 at 3:13 PM
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knuckles5577 said:
a):the one that says "mediafire".


c):runs other processes, changes internet security settings, slows down your computer.

d): malwarebytes didn't detect this on my computer either. and it was updated.

f):No answer/I agree I guess.
a) Mediafire is beyond my control, but make sure you didn't click on a shiny button that says "DOWNLOAD" with a little 'brought to you by xxxx software' thing in the bottom corner or something. Fake download buttons often show up on free-use download pages, and are riddled with viruses. Go yell at Mediafire, if this is the case, but they can also show up because of adware already on your computer.

b) Most search results seem to agree that this is a Windows file, and results that say otherwise are pregenerated pages designed to produce ad revenue while giving the most generic "durr this is a virus" answer possible. Also, ~one of these things is not like the other~.

c) What did it do specifically to you at the time of clicking the link? How would you notice any of those enough to make the previous post bitching about these effects happening immediately?

d) In the event that that's true, go report this thing to them so they can look into it rather than using them not finding it as some sort of proof that they're a lousy virus software. Or maybe that isn't the virus? Did the virus even "run"? What tipped you off that it was a virus?