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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Dec 28, 2014 at 3:34 PM
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Always nice when a player's concerns are met with a shitty attitude from the creator.
Dec 28, 2014 at 3:43 PM
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Doors said:
Always nice when a player's concerns are met with a shitty attitude from the creator.

I took down the MediaFire link in the event that it's really the culprit. But I don't have evidence to suggest anything is. If he contracted it on Tuesday, it's suspicious that he waited five days before pinning the blame on me for an issue that may be MediaFire's fault, but with no evidence as to what it may be.
Dec 28, 2014 at 6:22 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
a) Mediafire is beyond my control, but make sure you didn't click on a shiny button that says "DOWNLOAD" with a little 'brought to you by xxxx software' thing in the bottom corner or something. Fake download buttons often show up on free-use download pages, and are riddled with viruses. Go yell at Mediafire, if this is the case, but they can also show up because of adware already on your computer.

b) Most search results seem to agree that this is a Windows file, and results that say otherwise are pregenerated pages designed to produce ad revenue while giving the most generic "durr this is a virus" answer possible. Also, ~one of these things is not like the other~.

c) What did it do specifically to you at the time of clicking the link? How would you notice any of those enough to make the previous post bitching about these effects happening immediately?

d) In the event that that's true, go report this thing to them so they can look into it rather than using them not finding it as some sort of proof that they're a lousy virus software. Or maybe that isn't the virus? Did the virus even "run"? What tipped you off that it was a virus?
b and d): I don't know. A virus infects the original process or attaches to it. See this link:http://malwaretips.com/threads/multiple-dllhost-exe-32-processes-which-run-a-number-of-other-processes.39683/ very similar to that. Maybe I'm wrong about it being your fault. I'll admit my computer is kind of junk.
Jan 7, 2015 at 6:15 PM
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Your version of Jenka's Nightmare RULES :D
Jan 8, 2015 at 3:39 PM
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Doors said:
Always nice when a player's concerns are met with a shitty attitude from the creator.

Tbh, I'd be bitter too if something I uploaded to provide people with enjoyment had its safety compromised.

Doors, I heard that your version of Jenka's Nightmare had 2 versions, one called Revived and one called Brotherhood or something. Whichever the earlier one was, could I trouble you for a link to it? I've never played it since I got into mods after you already replaced the old one. I know your mod is absolutely nothing compared to this, but I'd appreciate a look at it firsthand, if that's ok with you.

Zarrot, I haven't played the mod since your run of CS and NG+ of JN. Could you link me to the pages with the changelists, if it doesn't trouble you?

I don't develop mods so I don't know how hard any of my larger requests may be for you guys, feel free to decline if neccessary. Cheers.
Jan 8, 2015 at 4:56 PM
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Mistress Nemesis said:
Tbh, I'd be bitter too if something I uploaded to provide people with enjoyment had its safety compromised.
I'm much more bitter that the user researched the issues with his computer poorly and decided to blame a random mod for it (including rating it 1 star, which I've been trying to avoid saying outright), and not really supplying information to back up his claim. It seems to me that, from what little he has given us, his computer started acting very slowly (either from a virus or with age), and the file he stated was the worst offender from CPU or memory usage. The file he stated does not seem to be a malicious object, as it is a packaged windows file, but it's possible a virus compromised its functions and it's doing things irregularly. However, Malwarebytes is a very good antivirus service, and if it didn't detect anything wrong with his computer, I don't know what to say. Maybe the hardware itself is damaged. Maybe he should open MSCONFIG and disable that particular process from running, if it doesn't seem to do anything to warrant high CPU/memory usage. But with that said, I still don't know what's actually wrong with his computer or what the issue was that made him uncontrollably angry enough to blame a particular mod. I can only conclude Mediafire might have become a problem website, but I've never had issues with it before.

Zarrot, I haven't played the mod since your run of CS and NG+ of JN. Could you link me to the pages with the changelists, if it doesn't trouble you? | | | | |

With that said, I should have the next version ready by this weekend. The version number will be, the walkthrough has been finished, and I hope I can finally stop patching the damn thing.
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Jan 8, 2015 at 7:04 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
I'm much more bitter that the user researched the issues with his computer poorly and decided to blame a random mod for it (including rating it 1 star, which I've been trying to avoid saying outright), and not really supplying information to back up his claim. It seems to me that, from what little he has given us, his computer started acting very slowly (either from a virus or with age), and the file he stated was the worst offender from CPU or memory usage. The file he stated does not seem to be a malicious object, as it is a packaged windows file, but it's possible a virus compromised its functions and it's doing things irregularly. However, Malwarebytes is a very good antivirus service, and if it didn't detect anything wrong with his computer, I don't know what to say. Maybe the hardware itself is damaged. Maybe he should open MSCONFIG and disable that particular process from running, if it doesn't seem to do anything to warrant high CPU/memory usage. But with that said, I still don't know what's actually wrong with his computer or what the issue was that made him uncontrollably angry enough to blame a particular mod. I can only conclude Mediafire might have become a problem website, but I've never had issues with it before. | | | | |

With that said, I should have the next version ready by this weekend. The version number will be, the walkthrough has been finished, and I hope I can finally stop patching the damn thing.
Chances are that whatever's left won't be worth it. A punctuation in dialogue or something, like you're instead of your... Not really anything I'd give a shit about. As long as this
doesn't happen or anything silly like that... That said, has anything major changed in this next version? And btw, I read the changelogs. Nerfed Spur makes me sad. Does the Turbocharge at least help?

Yeah, you don't just go around 1-starring something because you don't like the cut of its chin.
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Jan 8, 2015 at 7:31 PM
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The change log for is bigger than's. I moved some items around and added some new ones, and made the Munitions Clip a NG+ item instead. There's also some neat ASM hacks in place, two of which do things I don't think many people are aware is possible.

The Spur is the same as it was in It got flip-flopped around a bit between then and, but it's still one of the most powerful weapons in the game, even without the turbocharge. Turbocharge simply makes it THE most powerful.
Jan 8, 2015 at 9:37 PM
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(including rating it 1 star, which I've been trying to avoid saying outright)
Oh so he was actually upset with you, not just letting you know about the issue
That makes a lot more sense then.

You...want JNR before its overhaul, nemesis? The game's not good, but it was even worse before I grabbed a big team of people to help me clean shit up. In any case, I don't think I have it any more. Sorry about that.
Jan 9, 2015 at 7:42 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
The change log for is bigger than's. I moved some items around and added some new ones, and made the Munitions Clip a NG+ item instead. There's also some neat ASM hacks in place, two of which do things I don't think many people are aware is possible.

The Spur is the same as it was in It got flip-flopped around a bit between then and, but it's still one of the most powerful weapons in the game, even without the turbocharge. Turbocharge simply makes it THE most powerful.
What's ASM, and what does hacking it do?

Is the Spur (with Turbocharge, I always use Turbocharge) faster or slower than it was in older versions? Like, was the fastest or the slowest charge speed?

Doors said:
Oh so he was actually upset with you, not just letting you know about the issue
That makes a lot more sense then.

You...want JNR before its overhaul, nemesis? The game's not good, but it was even worse before I grabbed a big team of people to help me clean shit up. In any case, I don't think I have it any more. Sorry about that.
It's fine. I just wanted it for shiggles. I know it's bad, sometimes I play bad games to see how bad they are. It could be so bad it's awesome, like Sonic '06.
Jan 9, 2015 at 8:16 PM
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Mistress Nemesis said:
What's ASM, and what does hacking it do?
ASM is machine code, and hacking it lets you do things some editors handle, but some don't. It's basically just a hex editor, only it tells you what the hex means, and gives the the tools to edit it. This is needed for giving the Snake regenerating ammo, for example, or making the player character able to use a third graphic set.

Is the Spur (with Turbocharge, I always use Turbocharge) faster or slower than it was in older versions? Like, was the fastest or the slowest charge speed?
I can't recall exact values, but I think in it was 64/128/176, and right now it's 64/128/192. I think I may have made it lower at some point between then and now, but I can't recall. In any case, the Turbocharge effectively halves these values.

The original Spur was 40/60/200.

I think while charging the Spur, you gain 1 exp per in-game tick (2 per tick with the Turbocharge), plus additional exp you collect while charging the weapon.

The game runs at 50fps, so for every 50 points, that's one second of realtime.

So, The original Spur charged in exactly 6 seconds, give or take collected exp. My Spur charges in 7.7 seconds. However, with the turbocharge, my Spur's values are effectively changed to 32/64/96, and as a result the charge time becomes 3.8 seconds, a little under two thirds of the original charge time.

With that said, you'll notice that comparing the turbocharged Spur with the original Spur, levels 2 and 3 are still about the same length of time. There's actually a reasonable explanation for this - you can only have one beam out at a time. You'd get no benefit from Lv2 or 3 coming out at lightning speed, and odds are good you'd misfire as a result.
Jan 9, 2015 at 8:20 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
ASM is machine code, and hacking it lets you do things some editors handle, but some don't. It's basically just a hex editor, only it tells you what the hex means, and gives the the tools to edit it. This is needed for giving the Snake regenerating ammo, for example, or making the player character able to use a third graphic set.

I can't recall exact values, but I think in it was 64/128/176, and right now it's 64/128/192. The Turbocharge effectively halves these values.

The original Spur was 40/60/200.

I think while charging the Spur, you gain 1 exp per in-game tick (2 per tick with the Turbocharge), plus additional exp you collect while charging the weapon.

The game runs at 50fps, so for every 50 points, that's one second of realtime.

So, The original Spur charged in exactly 6 seconds, give or take collected exp. My Spur charges in 7.7 seconds. However, with the turbocharge, my Spur's values are effectively changed to 32/64/96, and as a result the charge time becomes 3.8 seconds, a little under two thirds of the original charge time.

With that said, you'll notice that comparing the turbocharged Spur with the original Spur, levels 2 and 3 are still about the same length of time. There's actually a reasonable explanation for this - you can only have one beam out at a time. You'd get no benefit from Lv2 or 2 coming out at lightning speed, and odds are good you'd misfire as a result.
So in it's actually getting buffed from where it is now. Happy days.
Jan 9, 2015 at 8:23 PM
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When I say 64/128/192, I mean the length of time taken to charge, not the damage output. But its been like that for a while.
Jan 10, 2015 at 6:19 AM
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ZarroTsu said:
When I say 64/128/192, I mean the length of time taken to charge, not the damage output. But its been like that for a while.

I understand. But you're making it faster so that's great.
Jan 11, 2015 at 9:51 PM
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- Machine Gun now does 3/5/8 damage again.
- Machine Gun now regens ammo slightly slower (by 2 frames) to compensate.
- Improved the range of the Blade (Lv1 and Lv2), slightly.
- The Cthulhu in Pipeworks now appears immediately instead of after the boss.
- Made some changes to the far left of Grasstown.
- Reduced brown beetle exp from 3 to 2.
- The Hydra now changes the chest events instead of emptying remaining chests.
- The Super Missile now changes the chest events instead of emptying remaining chests.
- Increased wait times on Abandoned Facility consoles so the camera properly adjusts before you can move.
- Reduced the saturation on the background tiles of Abandoned Facility.
- Removed the -5 spikes from the ceiling of Deconstructor MK2's arena.
- Corrected the skipflag pre-Oblivion fight.
- Added a downward fan to the Graveyard. The Booster v2.0 is required to get past it.
- Added a skipflag before the Bro Pignon fight.
- Devil's Garden now checks for Map System before giving you back EQ+0002.
- Fixed a misaligned Deleet in Once-Sacred Ground.
- Fixed sparkles on Rosehips, so they only display when collectable.
- Added sparkles to the Mimiga Tower to help players find the herb guide.
- Added sparkles to the Prefab House so players are more inclined to read the notes.
- Removed the top-left section in the Aqueducts with the Missile Launcher chest.
- Changed the Chimney's Life Capsule to a Missile Launcher chest.
- Moved the previous Life Capsule to Plantation.
- Relocated the existing NG+ Life Capsule to a different location, in Plantation.
- Rearranged items. Existing profiles with the Blade or Nemesis 'medals' should be deleted, as these items were replaced with something new.
- Updated some of the credit pictures, to be more visually pleasing.
- Fixed a graphical bug with the rocket platforms.
- Fixed some typos and text bugs.
- Added one new music track.
- Fixed a rather dire oversight where turning in the Missile Launcher with less than full ammo would later give Curly a fully loaded Super Missiles when picking up Quote's things
- Balrog now gives correct ammo values when you open either Missile Capsule.
- Fixed a text and music issue when opening the Machine Gun capsule.
- Corrected Revolutionarium dialog while using Curly.
- Changed the Suto fight in Hermit Gunsmith's house while playing as Curly.
- Added a spike near the Sand Zone Life Capsule, in "Sand Zone?" (Just like old times!) if you missed it the first time.
- Added more EXP Capsules in "Sand Zone?"
- Fixed a bug where you can't leave the Hermit Gunsmith's house as Curly without talking to him, if Suto has the Spur.
- Updated Red Quote's floating graphics to no longer be "just Misery"
- Rearranged the EXP in Arcadia a bit.
- Fixed an old bug on Terrace where the wait time was too short before the map transition.
- Changed the way the in-between works before the final boss, so it no longer actually hits you, so you don't lose weapon EXP.
- Updated Tristitia's graphics a bit.
- Fixed an issue where a message wouldn't display in Secret Room #5.
- Fixed some of the spikes in the boss rush not being deleted correctly between fights, or being 'deleted' multiple times.
- The boss rush now gives only +2 hp between stages instead of +4.
- The boss rush now gives you 3 missiles between stages with the regular missile launcher, but only 1 with the super missiles.
- The Pointed Glasses now do something.
- Changed Quote and Curly's credit captions during the true ending.
- Separated the function of the Turbocharge from the Spur (or vice-versa, really).
- New item, "Ursa Minor", is given by the gunsmith in NG+ to make the Spur charge at double speed. (Existing Turbocharges are now this item)
- The 'Machine Gun Capsule' now gives the Turbocharge, which only affects the Machine Gun now.
- Added a new item, the "Afterburner". This will reduce the recharge time for the Snake.
- Booster now gives the player the Afterburner in exchange for the Energy Cell.
- The 'Spur Capsule' now contains the Munitions clip.
- The 'Bubbler Capsule' now contains a Life Capsule.


Existing profiles won't work post-Balcony, due to the addition of the Infinite Mimiga Mask hack.

Yes, the Glasses do something now.
Jan 12, 2015 at 2:20 AM
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ZarroTsu said:

- Machine Gun now does 3/5/8 damage again.
- Machine Gun now regens ammo slightly slower (by 2 frames) to compensate.
- Improved the range of the Blade (Lv1 and Lv2), slightly.
- The Cthulhu in Pipeworks now appears immediately instead of after the boss.
- Made some changes to the far left of Grasstown.
- Reduced brown beetle exp from 3 to 2.
- The Hydra now changes the chest events instead of emptying remaining chests.
- The Super Missile now changes the chest events instead of emptying remaining chests.
- Increased wait times on Abandoned Facility consoles so the camera properly adjusts before you can move.
- Reduced the saturation on the background tiles of Abandoned Facility.
- Removed the -5 spikes from the ceiling of Deconstructor MK2's arena.
- Corrected the skipflag pre-Oblivion fight.
- Added a downward fan to the Graveyard. The Booster v2.0 is required to get past it.
- Added a skipflag before the Bro Pignon fight.
- Devil's Garden now checks for Map System before giving you back EQ+0002.
- Fixed a misaligned Deleet in Once-Sacred Ground.
- Fixed sparkles on Rosehips, so they only display when collectable.
- Added sparkles to the Mimiga Tower to help players find the herb guide.
- Added sparkles to the Prefab House so players are more inclined to read the notes.
- Removed the top-left section in the Aqueducts with the Missile Launcher chest.
- Changed the Chimney's Life Capsule to a Missile Launcher chest.
- Moved the previous Life Capsule to Plantation.
- Relocated the existing NG+ Life Capsule to a different location, in Plantation.
- Rearranged items. Existing profiles with the Blade or Nemesis 'medals' should be deleted, as these items were replaced with something new.
- Updated some of the credit pictures, to be more visually pleasing.
- Fixed a graphical bug with the rocket platforms.
- Fixed some typos and text bugs.
- Added one new music track.
- Fixed a rather dire oversight where turning in the Missile Launcher with less than full ammo would later give Curly a fully loaded Super Missiles when picking up Quote's things
- Balrog now gives correct ammo values when you open either Missile Capsule.
- Fixed a text and music issue when opening the Machine Gun capsule.
- Corrected Revolutionarium dialog while using Curly.
- Changed the Suto fight in Hermit Gunsmith's house while playing as Curly.
- Added a spike near the Sand Zone Life Capsule, in "Sand Zone?" (Just like old times!) if you missed it the first time.
- Added more EXP Capsules in "Sand Zone?"
- Fixed a bug where you can't leave the Hermit Gunsmith's house as Curly without talking to him, if Suto has the Spur.
- Updated Red Quote's floating graphics to no longer be "just Misery"
- Rearranged the EXP in Arcadia a bit.
- Fixed an old bug on Terrace where the wait time was too short before the map transition.
- Changed the way the in-between works before the final boss, so it no longer actually hits you, so you don't lose weapon EXP.
- Updated Tristitia's graphics a bit.
- Fixed an issue where a message wouldn't display in Secret Room #5.
- Fixed some of the spikes in the boss rush not being deleted correctly between fights, or being 'deleted' multiple times.
- The boss rush now gives only +2 hp between stages instead of +4.
- The boss rush now gives you 3 missiles between stages with the regular missile launcher, but only 1 with the super missiles.
- The Pointed Glasses now do something.
- Changed Quote and Curly's credit captions during the true ending.
- Separated the function of the Turbocharge from the Spur (or vice-versa, really).
- New item, "Ursa Minor", is given by the gunsmith in NG+ to make the Spur charge at double speed. (Existing Turbocharges are now this item)
- The 'Machine Gun Capsule' now gives the Turbocharge, which only affects the Machine Gun now.
- Added a new item, the "Afterburner". This will reduce the recharge time for the Snake.
- Booster now gives the player the Afterburner in exchange for the Energy Cell.
- The 'Spur Capsule' now contains the Munitions clip.
- The 'Bubbler Capsule' now contains a Life Capsule.


Existing profiles won't work post-Balcony, due to the addition of the Infinite Mimiga Mask hack.

Yes, the Glasses do something now.

So, two questions, 1, what do the glasses do, and was the new music track Vector to the Heavens for that one particular part that I don't even need to put in a spoiler?
Jan 12, 2015 at 2:31 AM
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1) You wear them.

2) No.
Jan 12, 2015 at 2:14 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
1) You wear them.

2) No.
Then what is it, since I couldn't find it in the Organya application.
Jan 12, 2015 at 4:31 PM
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Beat the game while wearing the glasses to find out.
Jan 14, 2015 at 3:53 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
Beat the game while wearing the glasses to find out.
Oh dear god.

EDIT (SUPER IMPORTANT IMO): Zarrot, I just made some edits on the TVTropes page to refer to the new version, namely referencing the current version, making a small addition on "Death or Glory Attack" regarding Excaliber's range, changing the number of Pignons in "Flunky Boss," changing the Turbocharge to the Ursa Minor in "Infinity +1 Sword," and removing all references I could find to the Nemesis being NG+ exclusive. If you need me to make any more changes or add your own, I'd be happy to do it for you.