Jan 2, 2011 at 5:13 PM
Join Date: Aug 19, 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 85
Age: 30
Hello everyone.
I would like to share my thoughts with you, on the Wii version of CaveStory.
I was expecting an exact duplicate of the PC version we all know and love, but with smoother, optional music and graphics, more difficulty levels and save slots. Instead I got the following:
- Quote, the loveable little robot, is brown. WHY?! It's just about excusable for Curly to have hair, but skin tone?! Srsly. There's just no reason for it. Evidently it was a last minute decision, as all the preview footage I've seen has a white Quote. And don't go thinking it's only on them fancy modernish graphics, he is brown on the supposed 'originals' as well.
- The translation is terrible. Not just different to the Aeon Genesis version, it contains quite a few very literal translations which just don't fit. Let's take Balrog's first entrance for example.
"Huzzah!" - A little ye olde, but is pretty expressive and slightly humorous, perfect.
Replaced with: "Oh yeeaah!" - WTF?! That's just comical in it's stupidity.
"I've got the nose of a bloodhound!" - Everyone knows that a bloodhound has a very good smell.
"I've got the nose of a very clever Harrier" - A Harrier, in this sense, is an obscure cross breed of a bloodhound and beagle. Even my Dad didn't recognise it. Misery has to say that Balrog has "the brain of a dog" to make sure people get the now very odd joke.
"King gets his ears in a tangle" - Aww, rabbit creature turn of phrase!
"King gets bent out of shape" - No one says that. Ever.
And probably many more. I didn't get too far in the...
- Demo. That's right, they had the cheek to release a demo of a port of a freeware game.
- The music is different. Not just smoother, but different. It's hard to describe, and some might like it, but I certainly don't.
- The new graphics are also different, not just smoother, like with King, but different, like Toroko. What's more, the old graphics look somehow worse on the Wii than the PC.
- Mr Pixel is mentioned twice. Once in the intro and once in the credits. Everything else is Nicalis. One spend five years of his life perfecting a game he knew would provide no immediate return, the other ported it. You do the math.
I know I'm nit picking, and no disrespect to Pixel at all, but I wouldn't want to waste £10 on this, especially when nearly all, if not all of it would go to Nintendo and Nicalis. I just wonder that if he needed cash, why not put up a Paypal donate button on his website? I'd certainly donate, and doubtless thousands of others would also.
I would like to share my thoughts with you, on the Wii version of CaveStory.
I was expecting an exact duplicate of the PC version we all know and love, but with smoother, optional music and graphics, more difficulty levels and save slots. Instead I got the following:
- Quote, the loveable little robot, is brown. WHY?! It's just about excusable for Curly to have hair, but skin tone?! Srsly. There's just no reason for it. Evidently it was a last minute decision, as all the preview footage I've seen has a white Quote. And don't go thinking it's only on them fancy modernish graphics, he is brown on the supposed 'originals' as well.
- The translation is terrible. Not just different to the Aeon Genesis version, it contains quite a few very literal translations which just don't fit. Let's take Balrog's first entrance for example.
"Huzzah!" - A little ye olde, but is pretty expressive and slightly humorous, perfect.
Replaced with: "Oh yeeaah!" - WTF?! That's just comical in it's stupidity.
"I've got the nose of a bloodhound!" - Everyone knows that a bloodhound has a very good smell.
"I've got the nose of a very clever Harrier" - A Harrier, in this sense, is an obscure cross breed of a bloodhound and beagle. Even my Dad didn't recognise it. Misery has to say that Balrog has "the brain of a dog" to make sure people get the now very odd joke.
"King gets his ears in a tangle" - Aww, rabbit creature turn of phrase!
"King gets bent out of shape" - No one says that. Ever.
And probably many more. I didn't get too far in the...
- Demo. That's right, they had the cheek to release a demo of a port of a freeware game.
- The music is different. Not just smoother, but different. It's hard to describe, and some might like it, but I certainly don't.
- The new graphics are also different, not just smoother, like with King, but different, like Toroko. What's more, the old graphics look somehow worse on the Wii than the PC.
- Mr Pixel is mentioned twice. Once in the intro and once in the credits. Everything else is Nicalis. One spend five years of his life perfecting a game he knew would provide no immediate return, the other ported it. You do the math.
I know I'm nit picking, and no disrespect to Pixel at all, but I wouldn't want to waste £10 on this, especially when nearly all, if not all of it would go to Nintendo and Nicalis. I just wonder that if he needed cash, why not put up a Paypal donate button on his website? I'd certainly donate, and doubtless thousands of others would also.