Best Plot Ever (but still has some holes that need filling):
Modder: A device that alters reality, little does anyone know that this device has been used before.
Forum: Something that is soooo not going to be in this story other than a place where assassins are raised and trained.
Catgirl: A humaniod race that can halt the effects of the Modder, but also knows how to start it.
Roonil Wazlib: A man devoted to hunting down the catgirls.
Forum Assassins: The highly trained assassins of Forum, hired by Seven and use sniper rifles as their weapon of choice.
Kageryushin: Part of the group but seeming to have his own purpose he is later revealed as the leader of the Forum Assassins.
Marlene: A person who can change into anyone she wants in all areas apart from gender and is the sister to sp.
Liesandar the great: Is a master of healing (healing function)
Seven: The main antagonist of the game who seeks to use the power of the Modder, later revealed as Marlene.
Andwhy: A traveler who has this knack of appearing everywhere and anywhere, friend to XristosX and seeks to stop the threat of the Modder.
S.P. Gardebiter: Leader of the "good guys".
DB: A scientist who worked on a creature known as the sliver, learned the error of his ways after his creations became uncontrollable.
Sliver: Ask DB.
S Series (Spam Bot): Robot soldiers controlled by Seven and made by DB, they seem to have talking habits that annoy both Seven and DB to no end.
Runelancer: The warrior that fought the last great battle for control over the Modder (Think Arthur).
Slife: Record Keeper (saving function).
Ryfel: The name of the current world as created by the Modder device.
The rest are most likely good guys.
This has the makings of a great story, what do you think of it?
To SP: Sorry about your sister's role, I am just trying to make a good story here so do not take offense.
To DB: And sorry about your role as well.