In my dream.. looking into a dark place that I had already been to,
I tried to look in there.. in this dark room, I tried to force it to be bright
to force it to show me what's in there
Then suddenly the darkness rushed at me, making my body a bit colder, and I saw something...
like a collection of images but nothing clear at all, more like flashing impulses of lights
but they kind of formed images, a face of someone I knew maybe? I think I shook off the crazy light for a sec
oh I forgot when I started to look into teh darkness I heard the sound of dripping, drop drip drop....
When hte darkness rushed forth I could hear it INTENSELY and LOUDLY DRIP DROP...
And the images I talked about were blinding because it was all dark, but kind of like burning images like if you open your
eyes into a bright light and looked at something then closed them that kind of burnt in image...
So anyways, after I shook the darkness off for a sec, I still hadn't really figured out what was in there, or what collection
of images I saw or the face of who I saw... seems familiar maybe...
Tried to go back in, or force it to truly brighten ...
That's when my body went real cold everything got totally dark, I think I stopped breathing and I got too worried to keep trying to force it to show me and I woke up lol
The events leading up to that dark dark room, was more dream stuff, think I was driving around in a van kind of vehicle or something,
although I was facing the wrong direction or something at first lol so watching the road backwards going blindly forward lol
Before that when I WAS near/at the dark place, but oh right... I think the person I had been with just got shot or something lol SO yeah that'd explain why I was jumping into this other vehicle to get away...
And that alley/the dark room I passed right by it on my getaway
got out of there, drove some place else, did some stuff which helped awaken my awareness so I could control what I was doing

That's when I started to feel compelled to see what was there, in that cold place. I was drawn to it.
And so then I went back, drove back to that place, although there were some other people nearby I had to wait to get past...
And finally that's when I stood before that dark room.
It was like... Looking through a doorway to a room, not actually inside the room, a few steps back. But maybe a window on the other side, but it was so
dark... and the more you looked the worse it got. yikes... lol
I felt a lot of fear or adrenaline or something when I tried to look into that place, it was awesome; but a little too scary for me
that DRIP DROP was so frigin loud, and the darkness was so completely absorbing...