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Dreams and/or Cave Story

Apr 26, 2008 at 9:52 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Roonil Wazlib said:
@ ris & Jacob
No I meant you recognise the signs only subconsiously. It's a bit hard to explain, so I'll begin by stating that in a dream you aren't really yourself, you may think of yourself to be, say, Quote or Curly; and even if you do remember that you are you and not Quote, you don't recall the memories of your RL that you normally would if you were completely awake.

The first step to complete lucid dreaming is to recover in this state wile still in the dream, and then prolly perform a check or two. But in semi-lucid dreaming, you never realise that the dream is absurd, you only know that you can make stuff appear or jump off a cliff unhurt. It's like having a lot of power, but no real control over it.

btw, has anyone ever felt that you're half awake with your eyes closed, but you can't move no matter how hard you try. Your brain impulses never seem to reach your body parts, and get deflected off instead because (it feels like) your instinctive and reflexive actions seem to stop you from moving at the last second. Am I the only one to have felt this?

And oh yeah, today I dreamt that my sis, who hates everything to do with CS, was listening to Ball of Ballos. O_o


come to think of it, i havnt remembered anything from RL while in a dream, its just a spare of the moment, live as much as you can before it ends

and if im ever lucid its full lucid, i do lots of reality checks, but i lost lucidity one time because i thought what i did was real because i some policemen were trying to stop me ^^;

i think your talking about sleep paralysis, you get it when your body falls asleep before your mind does, its to ensure you dont re enact your dream movements for real..

Lol at your sister, everyone has to love ball of ballos XDDDD
Apr 26, 2008 at 12:02 PM
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Lol my so-called Lucid dream has nothing to do with Cave Story but it does seem extremely real...

Last night when I weas dead tired but had to do homework, I was lying on my bed struggling to finish my homework and I felt so damn tired that I dosed off.

Then I started dreaming, but I could control my dream. I dreamt that I was still doing my homework like I'm supposed to and it just seemed to merge with reality. i could feel the paper, even think what to write on the paper. And I awoke when I dreamt that my mother can to wake me up to carry on doing REAL homework, which actually happened lol.
Apr 26, 2008 at 5:40 PM
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This is kinda unrelated but I clearly remember the last part of my dream...
Basically a little girl and myself had escaped these jail/camp bad places. [Two others that came along didn't survive the fall I guess...]
When we finally had made it, I just remember the scene where she is kneeling down hugging her knees and I held on to her to comfort her. It just seemed kind of a striking picture... [surrounded in a dark kinda lush little forest area]

To get that far we had a poorly planned escape lol, after we had several people help us out to open the things that needed to be opened etc, we crawled out a cutout hole we made through the large warehouse like door. When we were out in the open, we noticed people in the distance, who could easily notice us [not sure if they did or not; the place looked like a generic large school/college campus] but we were pretty high up [above tree height, stairs leading down, and to the left..] a little ways off there was a square spiral stairway leading down. I guess we had no time or something, since we went over the railings and jumped down through the trees; hoping it would break our fall. So just the girl and I survived.

At the very end I think we were rescued from that place we had escaped to. [Although it was a iffy rescue lol] Hope he wasn't a bad guy lol Then I woke uppp... [The reason we had to escape was they were going to do something bad to the prisoners..!] I almost would like to just write everything I can remember about my dreams, and see how far back I am able to remember... but I won't bore everyone ;p

To sum it up :
Earlier in the dream lots and lots happened, before that point. I think earlier in the dream was telling me to be nicer to people among other things... ;p Guess I'll tryyyyyyyyyyyyyy :o

btw, has anyone ever felt that you're half awake with your eyes closed, but you can't move no matter how hard you try. Your brain impulses never seem to reach your body parts, and get deflected off instead because (it feels like) your instinctive and reflexive actions seem to stop you from moving at the last second. Am I the only one to have felt this?
Oh yeah, lol Sometimes I've found the weight of the world to be on me, and no matter how much I struggle it's nearly impossible to move... Usually if I struggle hard enough for a little bit I wake up pretty soon ...
The strange part, is it feels like I'm awake... but I must not be lol.

Must be aliens.

OK... today I will accomplish something on my mod..!!! ... right after breakfast ;p

EDIT: oh and I wonder if Lucid dreaming is as restful as normal REM dreaming..? Seems like lucid dreaming would be less restful?? I guess that's nothing more than just theorizing... But doing your homework in a Lucid dream wouldn't be very restful to me ;p
Apr 27, 2008 at 8:43 AM
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Homework in itself can be a nightmare. It usually was for me...

Anyways, I might've had a lucid dream when I was only 2 years old (Because I remember waking up in the stereotypical wooden barred crib), where I saw myself travelling with this family walking through a forest on a narrow path of dirt with water on both sides. Suddenly, I noticed one of the children falls in the water, as well as myself. One of the adults dives in after us and saves us both. Shortly after that, I wake up in my crib, feeling hungry and wet (But not scared... Ususally something like this would really frighten a toddler).

Then there was another unusual dream I had when I was 9 or 10, where I was fighting in a boss battle with a Grimfowl from Breath of Fire 1, only it was more of a Blaster Master style of battle. Oddly enough, I had to go through a large wooden labyrinth on the "attic" of a supermarket to get there. Even more strange was after I defeated it and it exploded like any of the BM bosses did, I was shown in a 3rd person view walking away from the supermarket in the middle of an empty street as the sun set behind me... Then a credits roll was shown as though it was some kind of a movie... It still puzzles me to this day...

More recently I went world hopping from Threads of Fate to Grandia to Azure Dreams, seeing each 8 Superior that originally resides in their specific realms.

*Sigh* When am I going to have a Cave Story related dream?
Apr 27, 2008 at 1:31 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Bad Beholder said:
I was shown in a 3rd person view walking away from the supermarket in the middle of an empty street as the sun set behind me... Then a credits roll was shown as though it was some kind of a movie... It still puzzles me to this day...

*Sigh* When am I going to have a Cave Story related dream?

lol, nice movie ending XDDDD

you will get a cs dream when you forget and/or hate cs :o

btw i got that wierd cs dream during the time i was playing through cs in a 3hp run (which took me a few weeks to finish, when i was playing it each night)
Apr 27, 2008 at 3:06 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
I don't think what Metalogz said was a lucid dream. Unless he's such a nerd that he actually likes homework :o


Apr 28, 2008 at 7:11 AM
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Metalogz said:

Well, if you'd realised it was just a dream, you must also have realised that books suck and deserve to be burned. :p

Speaking of weird dream phenomena, I've been experiencing one for a month or so. Sometimes after I have a lucid dream, I dream that I wake up, but I'm actually asleep and think it's real, so it's no longer lucid (the main difference between lucid and non-lucid is that you think it's all happeneing in the latter case). St00pid dreams trixed me -.-*
Apr 28, 2008 at 8:42 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Well, if you'd realised it was just a dream, you must also have realised that books suck and deserve to be burned. :p

Speaking of weird dream phenomena, I've been experiencing one for a month or so. Sometimes after I have a lucid dream, I dream that I wake up, but I'm actually asleep and think it's real, so it's no longer lucid (the main difference between lucid and non-lucid is that you think it's all happeneing in the latter case). St00pid dreams trixed me -.-*

thats refered to as false awakening ^^; you should check that site i mentioned earlier, you need to get into a habit of reality checking when you wake up..... and so do i
May 8, 2008 at 12:42 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Roonil Wazlib said:

I got four lucid dreams in succession XD
And before I got lucid I was playin CS!

Talk about true come dream!

>_>, i need to know how to do that, i havnt had a lucid in 2 months :S
Jun 15, 2008 at 6:26 PM
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... Iiii'm going to visit another site now where people have more normal fantasies.
Jun 15, 2008 at 8:16 PM
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I haven't had a Cave Story related dream in a while...
Last night I had a lot of labyrinth like situation dreams. Sort of like an underground Venice... Going down waterways except I believe there was a brick/stone cieling in most cases. Was on a larger motorboat/yaught? thing, trying to find my way back to where the others were...

I can't remember the events before that or after it. I just know near the end of my dreams I recall a scene where there were tons of people. People I was trying to lead across a pretty large channel of water. The setting was open, maybe tropical, and the water was definitely clear blue. The island or other side of land that I was trying to lead everyone safely to seemed pretty far away. Maybe a mile or something.
Anyways, IN the water were TERRIBLY LARGE GODZILLA lizards like from the 1998 version [swimming in the water alligator/lizard like] And boy there was a lot of them. They were headed this way and I believe the people I was trying to lead were just ridiculously panicing or just running around.
BUT, with great effort I remember once again using magic/imagination to shoot great energy bolts or something into the water unleashing huge explosions underwater.... I believe it was working to stop them, but I don't ever remember killing them or anything like that. I woke up about then though ;(

But geez it was fun to wield great power! [although at the time it wasn't fun, and things weren't looking very good. Did I mention there were a lot of them?]

EDIT: I watched this alot before I went to sleep :

Jun 15, 2008 at 11:26 PM
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'Bout time I found this thread. Anyways, every-so-often, on the odd night I get sleep, I usually have the strangest dream. It's like I'm playing CS from a FPS perspective in a 2D platformer world. And if my dream is any indication of the reality of CS, then I can now say I know two things - All the blocks in CS (except passable ones) are exactly 1/2 their H/V dimensions in depth, and Curly's Undies are actually found in a dresser (still behind the wall, though). These dreams seem to come in loosly chronological order (though you could say I've "played" Sandzone before Grasstown, and I swear it was the SZ from Jenka's). Usually the dreams are acompanied by a pre-sleep CS marathon and a post-sleep work on TDP. The most recent installment was Waterway. Though, for some reason, I /watched/ Ikachan beat IronHead.
Aug 17, 2008 at 7:58 PM
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First off, you actually proved that big text don't always fail.

Second off, roflmao hilarious. (sorry but had to say)

I'll wait for an upload, gut.
Aug 17, 2008 at 8:16 PM
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That is darn hilarious ;)
Aug 18, 2008 at 6:30 AM
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I barely ever have any CS dreams anymore. Even if I do it's about the forums and not CS itself. =/

I remember once Justin (who spoke from Kane's persona) shooting Edward from FMA.

Didn't make sense though, so I went back to sleeping my ass off.
Aug 18, 2008 at 6:53 AM
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JacobX891 said:
First off, [MEGA BUMP]
Secondly, I had another CS dream last night.

So basically I was just floating in blackness for a while, when Quote started to walk towards me (which doesn't really make sense since there was no floor, but I digress); And Quote started to talk to me in a voice that was not there, for I had never heard him speak, and he said to me, in that invisible tone, 'At last we meet. I am Quote. I know you have been struggling for a long time now to find my voice in yours, and so I have come to grant you your wish.'

And then I woke up.
And guess what?
I can do Quote's voice now.
And you know what?
My microphone is broken.

Wahahaha they always did say that if you get your wish something bad will happen xD. I'm surprised this wasn't something about Chaco. =>.>=

My dreams never make sense. And I don't have any dreams about Cs so...




Aug 18, 2008 at 7:42 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
I barely ever have any CS dreams anymore. Even if I do it's about the forums and not CS itself. =/

I remember once Justin (who spoke from Kane's persona) shooting Edward from FMA.

Didn't make sense though, so I went back to sleeping my ass off.
Aug 18, 2008 at 10:39 PM
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Aww, I envy you guys. I hardly ever dream about Cave Story. :mad: The most I ever get are just small snippets of dreams. But it might be because I spend so much of my time awake daydreaming about Cave Story. :D

I hope this changes at some point in my life. Maybe I should give lucid dreaming a try...