Jun 18, 2007 at 4:28 AM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
xristosx said:LOL!!! shutdown...
oh well when you get a chance can you reupload them or something?
I hope... Soon mate
xristosx said:LOL!!! shutdown...
oh well when you get a chance can you reupload them or something?
Xaser said:Haha, I feel guilty... I tried the mod and never did comment on it.
Hehe, I liked it though! It's pretty cool playing as a Mimiga, and the hectic beginning is pretty darn unique, I have to say, hehe.
The 'nightmare' sections are very well done as well. Kinda creepy in spots, really... and Core was a blast to fight with so much HP (don't have to worry 'bout dodging! XD )
Xaser said:Woo, now *that's* pretty sweet looking! Yeah, the Corridor sprites were a little odd for someplace floating in the sky (and you *did* use that tileset a lot ), but this one fits like a glove, or whatever the old folks say.
Xaser said:Funny how I *just* finished my own Egg-based tileset not too long ago. Convenience and a half!
Gyro said:Hey, the link in the original post is broken, and I couldn't find any other link to it while searching through the topic. Mind mirroring it somewhere?
I certainly wouldn't mind it if you put it on my site.
S. P. Gardebiter said:But you need to say that I made it not you
Xaser said:Ugh, I have *got* to quit jacking threads for anything regarding my mod and start my own doggone topic! Sorry about that... >_<
Orfvar Stöhtkonung said:I've got a "Version 0.3 (Christmas Edition 2006)" here. I guess that would be what you are looking for?
Jester Frog said:Yay! Finally a link that isn't broken!
Okay so I just played it for like a couple minutes. Was I supposed to level up or do something other than run from all the enemies? Cause I tried killing for experience but I kept on taking damage and losing the experience. Now I keep dying when I face the red demon guy. Am I doing something wrong?
Wow, I feel stupid. It turns out that I didn't grab the Gaudi blade. I thought it was a glitchy blade stuck on an animation on a block or something. Never thought to examine it. Oh, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but whenever I look at a map screen, behind the map is a screenshot of the last time I paused the game. If it makes a difference, I first noticed this on Egg Corridor (the first time I paused).S. P. Gardebiter said:Run? That makes me think of making it more hard, I think you just need to get better at the game lol