*Sigh* Internets...
Very bold man indeed.
Pixel was not ripped at all. In fact, NICALiS worked very closely with him for the new translation, 2x resolution sprites, as well as music.
I never understood why he is pointing fingers at them.
Also, the link that he gave out after Cave Story posted has some inaccuracies. One thing that was wrong was that Night Game "aka NightSky." Was never released on WiiWare because of some issues with the memory (read: Super Meat Boy), I think.
Speaking of NightSky, I thought that Nifflas was the art director for the game.
Another thing that was wrong was that DeseasedCrab's LP of Cave Story was never taken down. Not to mention, the LP was made in 2007, a full year before they were requested to be taken down. First part still has the original post date (which was a full year before May 2008), and the video still has over 150,000 views. If the video was taken down, the only way for that video was to be reuploaded, right? How would that be possible when the first part still has the post date of May 30, 2007?
So yeah... Invalid arguments for the loss.