Hi yall. So I hear console cave story used my boss rush, and that is cool. On 3/20/09 I sent this email to team nicolis, this is it copy pasted from my email.
Firstly Cave Story is a magical game, It's got a place in my heart next to Mario 3 the first game I ever really loved. Thank you for getting it out on a "real" platform so more people can remember why they love video games. Truely, thank you.
Now, I'm sorry if you don't want to read this email... I imagine there have been a lot of CS modders who have emailed your company with the hopes that you'll include a level editor (or maybe even there own unfinished mods) as future dlc. Surley that would get annoying, especialy if you like me love CS so much that you actually take the time to play every mod you can find. So right off the bat thats not what this email is about.
I just read an article that mentions a boss rush mode as future DLC and I wanted to share what I've learned making the same thing as a mod. Cave Story is a really simple game, great but simple in design. And because of it's greatness people are compelled to keep playing it and trying new things. Since it's so great and shorter then alot of games more people are going to try and squeeze more out of the game, and this can means challenges. There have been some obscure challenges but the two most obvious challenges are low hp, or minimum weaponry (or both at the same time). I hope you'll consider this for a boss rush mode, espcialy if there is a leaderboard that tracks the best times. Letting the player choose what weapons to use between the bosses in accordance with when its possible to aquire them in the real game would be very important for CS's simple style.
Thank you for taking the time to consider what's on my mind. I assure you that I CAN'T WAIT to buy Cave Story for all my friends who own wii's

Attached is a Cave Story boss rush mod. Please enjoy it when you should be working lol.
And attached was boss rush.
As far as I know I never recieved any response from any one.