ok sorry to bring this up again but i have one last point to make.
the level and enemy layout in CS never changes; you're never forced to make fast decisions. in fact, you can examine what you did wrong the previous time, and make changes based on that. it took me a lot of trial and error to get through hell, most of it based on learning patterns in the game, and sharpening my skills/ ability to deal with certain situations.
i can understand if you were like "yeah platforming isn't my strong point" but fuck you make it sound like you're just bad at videogames in general and that everyone should lower the difficulty of their games to compensate, which would be fucking stupid.
e: you can probably get better at this, despite the fact that you're maybe not as great as everyone else. like every other thing in life, the skills you need to play videogames are a blend of your inherent skills, as well as practice. you just need to practice a bit more than, say, every other person on this forum.