Jun 16, 2011 at 12:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 21, 2011
Posts: 249
chobale said:This is a great mod, and looks good so far. However, I have encountered a problem.
I'm stuck at the part where Kazuma is fixing the teleporter in Grass Town, where he tells me to take a rest.
I take a rest, yet it does not seem to activate any cutscene if there is supposed to be one.
Yet I can still teleport to Egg Corridor or Arthur's House.
If I teleport outside, the NPCs still assume that Kazuma is trapped in Grass Town.
This might have something to do with it: I downloaded the latest version today and transfered my save.
At that time, I had just reached Grass Town and I had saved at that little hut thing outside of where you emerge from the water.
Please look into it.
Also, the Bat Swarm is evil.
(I'm starting over FYI. So don't sweat it too much.)
Thank you for pointing that out. The problem was a missing <FL-0525 in the script, since the trigger needed it's vanish flag changed. I'd forgotten that <DNP tends to set the flag. Derp. Updated the fix to 0.30.2
If you're having trouble with a boss, try changing your tactics.
The best way to kill the Bat Swarm is to use -only- the missile launcher, and jump up on the ledges to fire the missiles at the Bat Swarm point-blank.