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Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

Aug 1, 2011 at 7:08 PM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

I got past the Mannans but I was unable to reach the house with the pink car in front of it.... I fell into the nest and I went east... but i fell down a shaft (after the vine fence), the only way to go, and I fell to a point between two fans...the status(?) things on the top left of the screen showing weapons and health, exp, etc. started flashing and i could no longer move... interesting glitch...
Aug 7, 2011 at 3:50 PM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

kiradeathnote said:
I got past the Mannans but I was unable to reach the house with the pink car in front of it.... I fell into the nest and I went east... but i fell down a shaft (after the vine fence), the only way to go, and I fell to a point between two fans...the status(?) things on the top left of the screen showing weapons and health, exp, etc. started flashing and i could no longer move... interesting glitch...

There are two ways to reach Kazuma. Either carefully navigate the mannan field, or traverse your way through the midorin nest. The exit through the next is in the top left region, however to reach it you'll need to head to the far right first. The exit will bring you right infront of kazuma's shelter, skipping most of the mannans. The mannan path is much faster, but does require careful jumping and shooting. I suggest using the missiles in short bursts.
Aug 11, 2011 at 4:26 PM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

So. Despite not posting in this thread, I did actually play through the first release. After I complete this, I think I'll be almost caught up and ready to update!!! Woundful.

Currently up to Mimiga Village, not much to report on yet, mostly was just remembering what I should dong and where to gong. Will give a proper run-down when I'm done ofc., but for now I'ma go to bed.

EDIT: Hope you catch this at some point. I'm up to Grasstown (just got the Fireball from Santa), but I think for now I'm going to stop here. The maps are simply too big for me ._. So much stuff haphazardly placed around that distracts from where you're trying to actually go and/or can't be accessed until later, and with all the high HP enemies the mod gets really sluggish in places. The other thing I really don't like is how Quote jumps around to communicate. He is not Mario :)

This should not detract from what I can only assume is the result of a ridiculous amount of effort. The maps aren't messy in spite of their enormous scope, the new tiles and sprites are all top quality, and at times the level of attention to detail is mind-boggling. Also mostly enjoyed the puzzles for the Life Capsules and the general interactability. It's a heck of a thing you're trying to do here, and the progress you've made so far is pretty convincing of the mods' long-term prospects. Just not quite my cup of Z, so I'll refrain from making further useless comments.

Belated Quickie Guide update incoming tomorrow :momo:
Aug 20, 2011 at 7:08 PM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

Downloaded it, tried it, it was great.

Really though, good job!
Aug 21, 2011 at 10:33 PM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

Really great!
I like the exploration based gameplay with a Cave Story twist.
Aug 24, 2011 at 2:11 AM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but in the Egg Corridor,
In the egg where you can get one of the missile upgrades, you can get infinite missile upgrades because it re-appears when you exit and re-enter the egg
Aug 24, 2011 at 2:14 AM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

King said:
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but in the Egg Corridor,
In the egg where you can get one of the missile upgrades, you can get infinite missile upgrades because it re-appears when you exit and re-enter the egg

Oh yeah, I just noticed that.
Sep 2, 2011 at 5:31 AM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

I like how this mod turned out. But the fireball mechanics are tricky. I don`t think the Fireball should disappear if you try to fire another.And the Fireball kinda makes the game easy by doing 16 damage at level 3.
Sep 5, 2011 at 2:28 AM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

What's the status of this mod? I really like the gameplay - it's actually somewhat challenging. I haven't gone to the end yet though, how close is this to completion?
Sep 6, 2011 at 9:14 PM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

Some Questions..

How are you supposed to get out of the catacombs

I figure you're supposed to light up the faces, but if so, how to light up the buttons, and where.... and how to get out of the same area
I don't know if i mentioned his, but if you fall into the wind tunnel when it isn't on, you are unable to move
in kings house as he leaves, his sword gets left behind... sorry i don't have a screenshot....
Sep 7, 2011 at 5:19 AM
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Re: Cave Story - Redesign

In king's house (if you go there first thing) Jack will come up and tell you about the reservoir, even though there is no jack present.

Uhg, by the time I'm done, I think I will have missed every secret there is to miss. I am terrible at finding secrets.
Jan 15, 2012 at 1:20 AM
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Sorry about the long hiatus, folks. Real life caught up with me, and kept me pinned for quite a while. I'm finally able to put time back into CS:R again, so expect updates in the near future.
Jan 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM
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Jan 19, 2012 at 1:03 AM
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Uh, yeah. Apparently I broke the TSC parser in some places, working on it right now.

Edit: Found the problem and fixed it. Turned out a mis-placed JMP in the agility code was resetting the player's X position whenever <HMC and then <SMC were called in tandem.
Jan 19, 2012 at 6:40 PM
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Jan 22, 2012 at 8:47 PM
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Updated for v0.38.0 release

View attachment 162 View attachment 163

January 22nd, 2012 - v0.38.0 release.
- Added Curly encounter to Sand Zone.
- Split Sand Zone into two respective regions: Western Sands & Low Barrens.
- Added two additional Sand Zone areas.
- Fixed bug in Grasstown Teleporter room /w Kazuma.
- Slight change to The Weed map, makes getting to the shelter easier.
- Locked Eastcliff Ravine entrance with fire blocks, so it is now impossible to enter the Sand Zone without the Fireball.
*(It is however still possible to enter without the Autohacker. Doing so is highly unadvised, however I have placed an alternative exit in Curly's house if you lack the Autohacker.)
- Added furnishings to King's House, and a wall-mounting for his sword.
- Added skipflags to several Tut-cat scenes.
- Added skipflags to the series of cutscenes after saving Kazuma.
- Added 'Darkling' mob to Old Village & Catacombs.
- Various tweaks to some of the Catacombs & Sand Zone mobs.
*(Rocky Cave is still mob-less, though.)
- The catacombs [tomb1] has been given a facelift.
- Added 'Widowmaker' mob to Catacombs.
*(Most do not appear until after the Sand Zone Teleporter is fixed.)
- Reduced number of sparkles fired by Sparkler.
- Reduced total damage of Fireball by 1 per weapon level. (ie: 3 -> 6 -> 9 now)
Jan 23, 2012 at 7:56 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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I moved my save from 0.30.2 to 0.36.1 and 0.38.0. However, my fireball (malco-upgraded) doesn't work in either version. Any idea what's wrong? This prevents me from exploring new areas with fireball blocks.

Otherwise very nice that you updated this.
Jan 24, 2012 at 3:50 PM
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The fireball got rewritten to use ammo instead of a projectile check. So, since the earlier versions of the fireball have no ammo, it won't fire.

Also, updated the file again:

January 24th, 2012 - v0.38.6 release.
- Rewrote engine code for Autogun; supports following:
*(Turbocharge upgrade - increases ammo recovery rate & firing rate.)
*(Doubleshot upgrade - fires two projectiles at a time, evenly spread apart.)
*(Tripleshot upgrade [replaces doubleshot] - fires three projectiles at a time, evenly spread apart.)
*(In addition, the degree of bullet spread decreases with each upgrade.)
- These upgrades do not have item support yet, however I have made them accessable via defeating the "Widowmaker's Lair". You will need the power boots, sparkler, and both sparkler upgrades to get inside the room.
- Made Catacomb Darklings a little bit brighter.
- Removed the odd flower-cub from Old Village. Woops.