This is a very impressive mod, I love the huge levels and the extra parts of dialogue. Wow, King is nasty
The bat swarm fight was really cool.
The second Balrog fight I found frustrating - it's hard to control yourself with those randomly moving green things that push you, and Balrog throws balls that push you and block missiles. I found him much harder than any other boss I've seen in this game.
The mega missile is a nice touch, especially the way it looks. I had no idea you could mod the W key like that.
The sand worm fight is an awesome idea, but I think the execution could be tweaked a bit. Right now, I can defeat by just standing at the bottom and firing upwards, ignoring everything else in the room. Sure, I'll get hit, but all those blobs drop powerups anyway, so I end the battle with a L3 gun and almost full health.
Sparkler is very useful.
Frenzied Toroko was a pushover, she dropped within seconds by just focus firing with the dual autogun. Curly was also very easy.
It's funny when you drop into big spikes while carrying the reserve tank, and end up taking 999 damage followed by 1998 damage.
Small bugs in the version you just put up today:
I'm seeing some odd-looking bucket sprites in Yamashita Farm.
In the Curly fight you can jump to the top floor and just drop down fireballs, I doubt that was the intent.
The missile upgrade at the end of catacombs respawned when I entered the area again from the top.
I found Kazuma by accident, I had no idea he was in that weeds level. Perhaps this needs a hint?
In the catacombs, I reached the right side of the level; there I could walk off-screen, and proceeded to fall to the bottom, get pushed all the way to the left of the level, and drown. That was odd.
Occasionally, mega missiles will fly through a missile block without affecting it.
Considering I just dropped down a canyon, I'm wondering why I can't just jump off the Sand Zone lookout? It's not all that high.
I wonder why enemies drop autogun ammo considering it refills itself really fast? I've had a few times where I was farming for experience triangles and all enemies I killed dropped an autogun refill instead, that was kind of annoying.
And right now I'm stuck in the first room of the Labyrinth. I suppose I need to jump high and use the two Sparkler shots to boost myself to the next platform, but I can't get high enough. I had the same problem with the save point in the west-most Sand Zone, I just can't reach the platform even with the Sparkler. Am I doing something wrong here?
So anyway, awesome work and keep it up! These are just small bugs, I don't mind them but I figured you might like getting bug reports.