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Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

Mar 29, 2010 at 11:20 PM
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Noxid said:
And anyway, if you get the 0.8 you'll still have to give it to her and not get it back.

I know, it's just I didn't know if you would have to go through the hidden version with the mask or not if you'd had 2.0 up to that time.

Well, that seems really cool. I gotta try it soon.
Mar 30, 2010 at 8:08 AM
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yea, it's not like pixel forgot to make it back to the basics if you (forget/purposely lose) the booster, I enjoy fighting the undead core with no boost power, makes it a lot harder.

(Grrr...On unrelated news, it appears I suck too much to kill Monster X...with 3 hp and minimal items.)
Apr 6, 2010 at 1:23 AM
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I liked the wiiware version, but I must say, I was hoping for more improvement for $12. The story is basically the same, with just a slightly different translation. They even have a "Play as Curly" option. Now where have I heard that before? ;)
This is actually one of my posts from another thread, but I think it actually belongs here more.
I found this review for it. I thought it was nearly as stunning as the game. It's exactly how I would have put it. I'll quote the last part here:
As a free piece of software, the original Cave Story gets a perfect ten. This not-free, enhanced port gets a...

Score: 9.5 - Superb (9s are a hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title.)
The graphics still look a bit funny, but that's partly because it's such a big screen compared to my laptop, and partly because even though there's a higher resolution, there's the same number of frames to all of the animations. You'd think Nicalis could have added a few more to make it more fluid. The more detailed the graphics are, the more choppy it seems.
Also, I was personally disappointed with the new music. However, it lets you switch between the new graphics and old ones, as well as the new music and the old music. I think that the old music is as much of a work of art as the game itself. You have to load one of the .org files into Orgmaker to fully appreciate it. Just try following a few of the tracks. Then imagine trying to put it all together.
Apr 6, 2010 at 9:56 AM
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What about the release in Europe, I want to play CSW too ;-;

By the way, is the controlling easy with Wiimote? Are buttons to moving, shooting, jumping and switching weapons chose well?
I listened few music tracks from the game yesterday and I think most of them are worse than originals. For example Gestation and Running Hell. Gestation's first 1 and half minutes are just weird ^^'
I'd really like to hear Opression, theme song and Final battle, but I can't find them anywhere...
Apr 7, 2010 at 6:45 AM
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The controls are like several of the other wiiware titles I've played. You hold the WiiRemote sideways, with the D-Pad under your left thumb and the 1 and 2 buttons under your right. You move with the D-Pad, 2 is jump, 1 is shoot, + opens your inventory, - is map. (I may have gotten those last two switched, but it's not a huge difference)
The controls certainly are different, mainly being that you have the "arrow keys" under your left hand instead of your right, like a keyboard. Then again, pretty much all video games are like that. But they aren't too hard to use. The D-Pad is just a bit harder to slide your thumb over so it can be hard to make sure you're facing the right way at the exact moment you want to. It's kind of like the DS Lite's D-Pad, just a bit funny to control. They may be different, but it still works well.
Apr 7, 2010 at 6:48 AM
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brianbdm said:
The controls are like several of the other wiiware titles I've played. You hold the WiiRemote sideways, with the D-Pad under your left thumb and the 1 and 2 buttons under your right. You move with the D-Pad, 2 is jump, 1 is shoot, + opens your inventory, - is map. (I may have gotten those last two switched, but it's not a huge difference)
The controls certainly are different, mainly being that you have the "arrow keys" under your left hand instead of your right, like a keyboard. Then again, pretty much all video games are like that. But they aren't too hard to use. The D-Pad is just a bit harder to slide your thumb over so it can be hard to make sure you're facing the right way at the exact moment you want to. It's kind of like the DS Lite's D-Pad, just a bit funny to control. They may be different, but it still works well.

Actually when I play Cave story on the computer I cross my hands, so that my left is on the arrow keys and my right is on the jump/shoot.

It was so much easier to play it that way, what with growing up with controllers, my left hand had grown so used to controlling movement over buttons. So the wii's setup wasn't too bad for me. The B button got me once or twice (once made me waste a missle before i got to hell, had to do the 3 bosses again cuz of it, of course those 3 bosses are easy anyways so...).

It felt really good to play it with a controller, even if it was the wiimote.
Apr 7, 2010 at 9:14 PM
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Did they ever get around to releasing a patch, like, at least to fix the music that the composer himself admitted is very bugged and not at all what they intended to present? Or is the EU version gonna get that and possibly other fixes?

In totally unrelated and off-topic news, my snes2usb cable I ordered since i CANNOT STAND playing CS PC with a 360 controller again after using the wiimote (among many other reasons) should be here in a couple days so I'll finally go through the PC version for the first time in a couple years, as well as all the hacks 8D
Apr 7, 2010 at 11:15 PM
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Uh, I think the patch is supposed to roll out around the same time as the European release, according to a previous poster. I'm not exactly sure, though...

And what's wrong with the keyboard? Oddly enough, since I grew up with the old DOS games, I'm used to the swap; it's right hand for direction and left for keyboard, and vice versa for D-Pad. And yet, I'm not ambidextrous.
Apr 8, 2010 at 12:30 AM
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Schokobecher said:
What's wrong with it? o.O
using a thumbstick seems like a pain, plus the 360 d-pad is lacking, unless you got the FIFA controller released only in europe IIRC (maybe just outside the USA)
Apr 8, 2010 at 2:20 AM
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P
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I'm pretty sure Tyrone never said anything about a patch at all.
Apr 8, 2010 at 2:32 AM
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the 360 pad just isn't meant for 2d games, and when i'm not playing an FPS almost anything i do on the pc involves 2d games i.e. CS and la-mulana
the nes/snes cross-shaped dpad is so perfect for these games, as I've learned very much firsthand playing pretty much every classic 8-16bit everything ever on my wii over the last few years, but it's so *especially* apparent when going straight from wii cave story to PC cave story. I wish so badly that the Wii's classic controller were as easy to plug and play as the 360's--I'm just lucky I knew a kid that had an extra SNES pad he never used that he gave to me and that there exists snes 2 usb converters

and that sucks about the patch.. now that I think about it, it was all speculation about it from the beginning, wasn't it? Well, when it does come out in EU (maybe it already is, I'm too lazy to check the dates) someone can tell us if anything at all were changed/fixed, at least the music?
Apr 8, 2010 at 2:46 AM
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What was wrong with the music? You mean the delay when you switch rooms? I haven't had any problems.
Apr 8, 2010 at 2:52 AM
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brianbdm said:
What was wrong with the music? You mean the delay when you switch rooms? I haven't had any problems.

the NEW music. like half the instruments are missing in the version put up on the shop channel and the composer admitted this
Apr 8, 2010 at 3:08 AM
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Here's an old article describing the music situation, for those not in the know:


Well, Tyrone hasn't addressed it personally, but talks are in the works. So here's to hoping, despite the speculation...!

And yeah, the 360's d-pad just stinks for directional use. Many others agree that the way the controller is built, it's far too imprecise for games like Cave Story. (the joystick just doesn't feel right)
Apr 8, 2010 at 4:00 AM
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I've ALWAYS had the sfx down to a third the normal level.
There's a problem with the NEW music? I guess I've never heard it work right at all, then. Maybe that's why I thought it just sounded bad instead of not working right, because I was judging by the messed up music.
He seems to be shifting the blame off of himself, but it doesn't seem like there is anywhere else to shift it to. It could be on Pixel, but he made the original, therefore the ideal version. It could be on Nicalis, who he said asked for the music to be checked many times over. And then there's himself, who couldn't POSSIBLE be to blame, because he needs to keep a good reputation.
...Or at least that's how it sounds. Is there anybody else who could have been slacking and didn't get the music to work?
~~~~I've got dibs on post #1,000!
Apr 8, 2010 at 4:19 AM
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If playing with the original music, then toning down the SFX is a necessity if you want to save your ear drums. With the new music, the SFX is pretty much on par.

According to that article, only Yann van der Cruyssen and Nicklas "Nifflas" Nygren (not to be confused with the company Nicalis) were responsible for the audio department. In earlier articles, Pixel was solely responsible for the art rework, though he had the final say on everything else.

I'm not sure who's to blame in this scenario. Nicalis IS working on at least two other projects, with Night Game/Night Sky being a personal one for the two audio staffers. (or I assume, at least) If so, splitting time between the two games would surely cause things to slip through.

Oh, and not if I double post...
Apr 8, 2010 at 4:38 AM
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dqle said:
Yann van der Cruyssen and Nicklas "Nifflas" Nygren
My, that's a mouthful!
Apr 8, 2010 at 4:39 AM
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Well, it isn't on par on either of my machines. I can hardly hear it at all, and on the title screen, I only hear 2 tracks and no drums.

Oops. I meant to click "edit." not "quick reply." Man, I'm tired. Sorry.
Apr 8, 2010 at 4:45 AM
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Ah, Swedes, with their crazy names.

And you can't hear the music or the sound effects? Both are fairly obnoxious... (and what machines are you talking about? What exactly do you hook up your Wii to?!)